NT Confessions 2009

Originally Posted by finnns2003

since i'm stoned lemme put it on the table:
-i recently got over some problems of mine, thank goodness i was enlightened
-i don't see the ultimate purpose in our lives
-i generally haven't had a happy life up to his point, overall at least
-i haven't gotten laid since... drumroll... nov. '07. i'm struggling mentally.
-don't know hardly any 'real' people.
-i'm a huge fan of the matrix. it's real. people are 'plugged in'.
smh.. that is o'd...
there is no such thing as real people.. humans are contradicting by nature.
nobody knows the ultimate purpose in our lives.. some say eudaimonia...
-I damn near lost faith in females.
-I was disappointed in the main chick I' was kickin it with because I wanted to get tested with her and she basically laughed it off. I then took it as herbeing suspect and deleted her #.
-I dont trust females too much,.
-I'm about to get tested tomorrow for peace of mind. I'm 23 on Thursday so I need to handle my business
-I'm about to go back to being grimy and self centered. Just for the f--- of it.
-I hate people who name drop people that they know.
-Cornerstone Promotions has to be the coolest job in the world.
-I really miss my ex sometimes. I'm still a sucker for her charm. I have a feeling we wont ever be together again though.
-Chicks think I'm a nice guy who plays tough. I'm more grimy than even they know.
i started my last relationship on the cheating tip, ended on the cheating tip, and i didn't stop in the middle.
Theres a girl i like but have never talked to at all lol it makes no sense. i just see her in my 3rd period in the library. so i sit at a table and do myhomework but i never say anything to her. i just think she is super cute lol but for some reason i cant gather my self to talk to her cuz i dont know what tosay
It's been a while but I'm down.

- My cousin is about to get his leg amputated due to cancer... and it's got me shook.
- I too haven't been laid since November 2007... freshman year of college... SMH
- I want perfect grammar more than almost anything
- I LOVE weed but I haven't smoked in 1.5 months because I'm scared of how much I'll do it again (smoked multi-daily my first two years of college)
-I'm extremely prone to mood swings.
-I have extreme confidence in myself.
-I rarely tell my problems to people so they come to me with theirs. I never care though.
-I just want to be left alone sometimes.
-I'm tired of females trying to tie me down.
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Originally Posted by firered18

I'm about to smash this 14 or 15 yr old chick because she got a fatty, ill be 17 in a month im in 11th grade-she's in 8th


Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

-I'm extremely prone to mood swings.
-I have extreme confidence in myself.
-I rarely tell my problems to people so they come to me with theirs. I never care though.
-I just want to be left alone sometimes.
-I'm tired of females trying to tie me down.
2 weekends ago, I drank over 22 shots and took a bunch of Tylenol to try to kill myself. I don't remember texting my friend but it ended up saving my life.I don't know how I feel..
-gonna wing my final that i have at 1030am
-I actually think i finally got over an ex gf from years back, feels good
- i started p90x today and i cudnt even go thru with the whole first workout, only did 40 out of an hour
more later, i think i might actually study a bit
-I watched an episode of Bold and the Beautiful because nothing was on, now i find myself glue to the screen predicting episode outcomes.
Originally Posted by WeFlyHigh23

2 weekends ago, I drank over 22 shots and took a bunch of Tylenol to try to kill myself. I don't remember texting my friend but it ended up saving my life. I don't know how I feel..
ay if this is true, you better get some professional help real talk
-I havent gotten laid or even smashed a chick since May 2008.
-Dont think I will ever be in a realtionship with a female again (no im not crossing over to dudes for you Karamos)
-I love my ex and it pains me when I think of her in a relationship wit another dude
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

-I havent gotten laid or even smashed a chick since May 2008.
-Dont think I will ever be in a realtionship with a female again (no im not crossing over to dudes for you Karamos)
-I love my ex and it pains me when I think of her in a relationship wit another dude
Dont tell me you in a slump man get out there and mingle with some ladies man it ain hard...just be yourself Go to LOVE one night and bringsumthin back home..

-I need a job but the jobs that are available I dont want to do..(Do you want to be a manager at Hardees??)

More to come later..
Originally Posted by WeFlyHigh23

2 weekends ago, I drank over 22 shots and took a bunch of Tylenol to try to kill myself. I don't remember texting my friend but it ended up saving my life. I don't know how I feel..

1) I haven't been in a serious relationship for about a year or so.
2) I have notice that I take things for granted
3) I don't have my L's yet! Being 18 n going on to 19 this week! FML!
My girl's lease is coming up in a few months and she doesn't have a place to live or a roommate to move into a new place with, and I won't move outand in with her because I'm just not ready for that step in the relationship and don't want the financial burden of rent, utilities, ect.

We've been together for about 5 years and she's been naggin' me to get a place with her for the past year or so.
Originally Posted by Food4Thgt

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

-I havent gotten laid or even smashed a chick since May 2008.
-Dont think I will ever be in a realtionship with a female again (no im not crossing over to dudes for you Karamos)
-I love my ex and it pains me when I think of her in a relationship wit another dude
Dont tell me you in a slump man get out there and mingle with some ladies man it ain hard...just be yourself Go to LOVE one night and bring sumthin back home..

-I need a job but the jobs that are available I dont want to do..(Do you want to be a manager at Hardees??)

More to come later..

Dont do random smashing of the broads like that but may do so in this case.

800th post
Sorry to grave dig but I'm not one to make new threads

- This past weekend I slept with my best friend of the past 4 years. We were both blacked out drunk and it probably never would have happpened otherwise. Ijust talked to her and she pretty much said she can't deal with any of this and would rather not talk for a long time, or ever.
I don't know how to take this and I am going crazy and just need to vent.
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