NT Confessions Thread......vol 2009 will bring better luck

I feel i will never get a girl
Life is over for me
So depressed i want to off myself but i have to take care of my grandma
RRRRRRRRRRReeeeeeeeeeallllyyy lonely
thing is im not a supper doopa ugly guy im alright still cant get nobody.
cry every day and im a 22 year old man.
- i got a 4.0 gpa my first marking period of senior year (high school) and a 1800 SAT score. i could get into most colleges, yet i'm considering taking thefall semester off and starting in the spring

- i almost committed suicide the week before christmas, but i thought about my grandmother, the only person in the world who i feel cares about me

- i have a warrant for my arrest in PA (didn't turn in my suspended license)

- i pushed my mother on december 13th, and i ran away from home the next day and now i'm living in NY with my grandmother. haven't spoken to my mothersince

- my uncle pissed me off, so i laid him out in the middle of the street. i also hired someone to steal his car and destroy it

- my father has never been in my life until recently. he thought he had the right to tell me what to do, and i told him he's not my father and told him tosuck my %@%%. i threw my phone at his car (his engine blew the next day)
- I have no skills in talking to girls.
- I hate fat people that think their the !$$#.
- I'm terrible at writing essays, and I feel this weakness will come back to haunt me in college.
- I'm on a 3,000 calories diet to get around 150-165 LBS. "Current weight is 145 LBS"
- I'm so scare about my future right now. Getting a job, graduating High School with a high GPA, enrolling to colleges, and family is really stressing meout right now.
- I crossed the line a few months ago. Nobody really knows about it.
- I'm starting to doubt whether I really truly loved the guy I was with for 4 years, or if I just kept him around as a security blanket. We broke uprecently and it didn't really hurt me. Didn't cry. Maybe I'm just heartless.
- I smoke too much. But I love it.
- I chose a bad time to slack off in school
- I feel like I'm waiting for something to happen but I don't know what it is. Everything is just monotonous until it comes

- I run up the stairs really weird when I'm by myself. I can't even describe it. I like spaz or something haha ok now I feel like a loser
im disgusted with myself

-lately I have'nt turned down a free meal...n i dont even like these ninjas
-recently my good friend told me he has a crush on me, so instead of keeping it 100 I've been avoiding him
-rumors have been goin around that my fren is a jump, and i havent told her, cus i feel akward
-i hate party promoters but they make up a large percentage of my social life
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by King Will

Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

-I nutted into my moms shampoo bottle.

cmon man .....not yo moms.
Obviously he's lying and just trying to get a laugh from all of you.

Im not, she got me mad one day when she took away my halo3. So i was in the shower and jerked my turkey and seen her bottle so i let it all out in there.
Bold- How old are you?

so the confession thread is back in rotation huh

- I hate fat people, really i am disgusted by them and mock them in my mind every time i cross paths with one
- After being told by a lot of chicks that they think im attractive i let that go to my head
- I look at myself in any reflective surface i come across
- I have something against jump-offs and will never have sex with one
-I feel bad cause my 3 boys and i threw a bottle and a brick at this dudes car. and the the boy that was the driver (didnt throw anything) is the only one thatgot caught up and is the one thats paying for it cause im too lazy to get a job.
-im selling weed and pills for fresh shoes.
- I got so lazy over the last 6 month I could barley get myself to read anything longer than a paragraph
- I thought I had HIV for about a year and was to afraid to get tested, It kind of started messing up my life, I got check out 3 weeks ago and came back cleanthank god.
- I worry about the future
- Im afraid HT might be dead forever smh
- i think many girls look good & have WAAAAAY too many female crushes
but i just CANT imagine myself with a girl.
- sometimes i feel more manly than some of my male friends to some degree
and i'm girly as hell.
- i'm not as a goody goody as everyone thinks.
- i wish i had somebody i can talk to about EVERYTHING.. too bad my boyfriend isnt very open about some subjects

- i have a crush on a certain NTer
i'm watching you

- i'm not living my highschool life to its full potential
made only a handful of friends, never went to any social events
and i'm graduatingnext year. silly college.
- i have a feeling that i'm so small, almost everybody i know tells me so
i hate being short.
- i'm freaking out about my road test coming up on thursday. the more i drive, the more stupid i get
i've become extremely manipulative, heartless,and nonchalante.
i don't think i want/will be in a relationship for quite some time and for that i'm grateful
i hate fake people and have slowly weeded most of them out of my life.
my parents gave me money for groceries and gas but i spent it on dunks instead, which i don't regret, but now i'm hungry.
2009 has brought me nothing but luck! and it's only getting better.
-lately I have'nt turned down a free meal...n i dont even like these ninjas
-rumors have been goin around that my fren is a jump, and i havent told her, cus i feel akward
-i hate party promoters but they make up a large percentage of my social life
. ya'll chicks be husslin!!
3. them cats are mad lame....i cant stand em...

-i just dropped one of the finest females i've dated in my life because she's a liar. I deleted her completely, her #, facebook and myspace.. it got sobad she emailed me asking how i was doing. I dont have the heart to just tell her what the deal is like i normally would. her b-days on tuesday and i aintgoing to her party next week. I know i could still hit it, but I dont want to for some reason. she's BAD but i just got mad turned off with her.
-no more Mr. Nice Guy in business. People underestimate us cuz we're young and try to get free consultation from us. I'm tired of it.
-To all my NYC NTers: We're throwing a free showase for new upcoming artists on Tuesday @ Nightingale Lounge (213 Second Avenue and 13th St. from 7-11.totally free.
-i miss one of my exes. she knows it too but i dont want a relationship because I wanna do her right this time. I'm too "out there" to settledown tho

-I play stupid with females all the time then i do me and they act like I'm in the wrong.
-Im developing a serious thing for older women. I'm making moves and I could use someone older with more game to upgrade me.
-I dont wanna be cocky. but i definitely like showing people that I'm cerebral and intelligent
I treat women like crap now, I used to be a nice guy but that got no play in 08 so now I'm a a-hole

I hate broke people, I've lost a lot of friends because they were as broke

I don't think I will ever find ms. Right

I smashed a jo while her baby was in the other room crying cause he was hungry and I didn't even stop

My mom doesn't give a spit about me or my little brother, I don't need her but I feel he does or he will end up like me a

My family puts to much pressure on me they treat me like a meal ticket and I can't handle it

The new era thread in the sneakershowcase is my new addiction

I haven't been to church in months, but I still talk to god everynight

I lead females on just to smash when they really think I like them

My boy is about to marry a jump, and that iggs the hell out of me because he is actually a good dude

My income tax money will most likely go to ralph lauren

I'l be damned if I ever let the female get the best of me again, I show these chicks no compassion
im %$#$!@ up in school right now ( 2nd semester freshman in college) considered dropping out.SMH
In desperate need of a job but they never call back so im thinkin about trafficing illegal substances

im super anti social its not that i cant make friends i just choose not to. i think people are scared im going too shoot up the school or sumthin. being thequiet kid FTL
I keep catching this one chick in my english class grilling me i dont know if she feeling me or she just like my sneaker game.

shes cute too but i dont know how to approach her

I believe in god but god dont help so i been stopped praying and goin 2 church
- I'm an opportunist
- I'm a player
- ^I'm hoppin' out the game in a minute
- I'm feelin' him but I'm tryna cool with my advances
I'm used to dudes pursuing me hardbody and now that one ain't reallysweatin' me too much it makes me wanna put in work. I mean, I think he likes me but moreless we stay beating around the bush and somethin' bout thechase is

Originally Posted by iMaPyT

-lately I have'nt turned down a free meal...n i dont even like these ninjas


Generally speaking I ain't really care anymore because it is what it is but sometimes it bothers me when dudes you're actually interested infind out and they get homotional about it

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

- I'm feelin' him but I'm tryna cool with my advances
I'm used to dudes pursuing me hardbody and now that one ain't really sweatin' me too much it makes me wanna put in work. I mean, I think he likes me but moreless we stay beating around the bush and somethin' bout the chase is
Same here, but with a woman ofcourse.
-I'm procrastinating studying for a midterm by writing this.
-I don't even talk to my two apartment-mates here in college...they never really reached out to me, but I haven't reached out to them either. It'sawkward cuz they're really good friends and I feel I'm just "there". And I'm not a person who initiates convos well so it's hard. Atthe very least, there's no problems with them at all, and considering it was from craigslist, I can't say it was that bad. But I'd still wish Imade a better effort.
-In my classes, there's a few girls I have mild interest in, but I never know what I should say. I had one opportunity when one of them sat right next tome, but I didn't say anything cuz I had no idea how to break the ice. There's another one that gave me like a million "signs" last quarter,but she's not in any of my classes this year (she will be in the future tho, cuz she's in my major).
-I don't trust strangers at all....there's just a defense mechanism within me when it comes to people I don't know or don't know very well.
-I only talk to like a few people max here in college on a regular basis, and it's usually about school-related stuff.
-I'm scared about what's next after college. After I get my engineering degree, I don't know what I'll do...if I can find a job, go to gradschool, etc. And also, who I'll still keep in touch with. It's really scary thinking about where I might be just two years from now.
-I don't understand anything in my classes right now....I have no idea what they're all about.
-I need to be less self-conscious and live for the moment rather than think of long-term goals.
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

- I'm an opportunist
- I'm a player
- ^I'm hoppin' out the game in a minute
- I'm feelin' him but I'm tryna cool with my advances
I'm used to dudes pursuing me hardbody and now that one ain't really sweatin' me too much it makes me wanna put in work. I mean, I think he likes me but moreless we stay beating around the bush and somethin' bout the chase is

Originally Posted by iMaPyT

-lately I have'nt turned down a free meal...n i dont even like these ninjas


Generally speaking I ain't really care anymore because it is what it is but sometimes it bothers me when dudes you're actually interested in find out and they get homotional about it


homotional thats a new one
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