NT Confessions Thread......vol 2009 will bring better luck

-I've had a huge crush on this girl I met my freshmen year at college. I kinda always just planted the seed cause she always had a bf. Now she'ssingle, so I tried to go in, and ended up catchin feelings bad. The problem is, she doesnt feel the same way at all, but is afraid to tell me (I guess). I wentoutta town last week, and the night before I left, I went to a party at my boys house, thinking she wouldn't be there, and she's the first person I seewhen I walk through the door. She tries to duck me, and her girl tells me that shes not in the mood to talk. I let it ruin my whole trip cause I was so downabout it, and I really don't feel like talking to any other girls. This is the only girl I've really wanted to be with since I got to college, and nowI feel like all hope is lost :/
- Still feelin' a friend of mine since high school.. We connect pretty well. Too bad I'm landing safeties in the friend zone..

- I still don't really like my college.
- I'm living like there is no economic crisis.

More stuff another day.. Right now bed time.
More than half of my paychecks went to MAC cosmetics

And yes, it is a confession because my mom hates it when I waste money on unnecessary things and I hide my receipts and MAC bags
-My social-life with my homeboys took a dip this year, and it completely my fault (damn the almighty poon).
-I'm losing my drive to continue college (thank god for loans, if I didn't have to owe them after I would've been dropped out).
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Spoiler [+]
this is no confession i just found out how to make one of these spoiler things and i was testing it out

Originally Posted by Da R Entertainment

I know my marriage is done, but the wife refuses to accept it
I've thought a lot about giving up djing lately
I think the wife is only around because she doesn't have a job and has had 1 since the end of May
I'm hoping after I finish broadcasting school that I may find a gig in another state
must suck.......how long you been married?
Originally Posted by ellimaCecyoJ

More than half of my paychecks went to MAC cosmetics

And yes, it is a confession because my mom hates it when I waste money on unnecessary things and I hide my receipts and MAC bags

my girlfriend is a makeup artist there...hit me up for a hookup
WOW.. where do I begin homie.

I smashed a chick I been trying to smash since grade 10 (In my second year of college now) And I made sure i killed it she then wanted to be together but i cuther off, I feel bad.

I'm starting to notice me and my friends are not in to the same things..

My want to knock out my friend sometimes, but refrain from doing so because he means well.

I want want to be with this girl I had weak in high school but now is with this dude.. (sad thing is shes damaged goods and don't care)

I've noticed my enemy's make better friends then those I consider friends.

I love my mom more then anyone or anything on this planet(your mom is the closest thing to god u will ever have)

Haven't been in a serious relationship in about 3 years.

I have the most ridiculous standards for women.

Through my boys Gucci man mixtape out his car window because I didn't want him to play it.
2008 has been a horrible year.

I hate that my father who is a hard working man is dead flat broke with no future at all at the age of 56.
I really dislike my mom and do not love her for she has done to me and my dad.
Finally got my act together and got in my GED classes so i can head to school in nyc.
I dislike lesbians in general i cant stand them at all.
Every time i talk to a girl and she says something that gets on my nerves i freak out nd curse her out.
After alot of problems me and this one chick keep talking after so much BS.
Im ready to leave texas for good and ready to start a family in nyc and do the right thing for once.
Tired of my fam strugglin and wanting to give everyone bred once i make it.
Been making alot of cake this year but spending it on clothes,fitteds,and sneakers.

- Listened to Ne-Yo today...(part of the list)not a good look
- cant look @ Rihanna on TV
- feel like I F'ed up
- but in a way I'm happy...2 for 1 is stressful all you do is lie all day...ftl
- kinda hoping that it'll work out in the end 2-3years maybe
- but it seems to never be the right "time"
- happy this year is almost over it was good but it's ending kinda out of character
- about to redo my wardrobe almost 25years old...
- hate when I have to drop my son off @ his moms every sunday or monday
- gained 5lbs since November Holiday's ftL
- I need a haircut badly!
- My sleeping habits are becoming worse go figure
- Cowboys SUCK!
- Rams Swallow!
- Gonna smoke @ least a half on wednesday and drink a 5th ayeeeeeeee
- driving without L's again...(temporary)
- Cried A LOT this year...smh
- addicted to Musiq's "UnTiL"
- I feel odd. There's like I pain and I can't really describe it and I don't mean like "broken heart" some stuff that's in your headpain, like an actual pain.
Originally Posted by CrAzYFLiPxNyC

- I'm living like there is no economic crisis.
Me too man

But if everyone would live like that the economic crisis wouldn't be such a big deal.
At like 3PM Sunday, I found out that this one chick is back interested in me all of a sudden. Doesn't that +!!% just feel great to know sometimes? Goodtiming FTW. She bumped into my manager at this breakfast spot she works at. He got to promoting me and she was like, "Hey, I know that guy. What's hebeen up to? Tell him to call me" and all that jazz. I mean, I did already hit once... like 3 years ago
... but we been cool for a minutesince then. So I feel confident that she may be the first step in "working" my way up outta this early grave I've put myself in. I only fell outof contact w/ her because of the girl that is now my ex-girlfriend. She was on games earlier this year so I left her with a "Man, whatever...holla at me when you grow up shorty" and said #%%* it. I guess she grew up
. Yeah... awesome right? I feel like karma is offering me some replacement!*@ for all my troubles. It's like CP3 threw the lob and all I gotta do is get off my !*@ and go dunk it. We'll see what happens though...
I cant stop cheating i know its bad but my life is boring without having more than one chick...
I guess i'll contribute, I got 2 reckless driving tickets recently and have to go to court real soon and need a cheap lawyer.

- A good friend of mine has a problem with someone I really don't like and I want it to go to that next level so I can see him touched but know it couldeasily get out of hand

- I don't pursue sex and probably never will, if it happens it happens

- I'm seriously thinking about selling my car because of all the problems that keep happening but I think the worse is almost over

-I try to school some of my friends on the economy but they don't want to listen, I feel that they will realize I was right when it is too late.

- A good friend of mine puts his ALL into his gf and I hate it. We try to link up with him to do things and he always renigs....this is suppose to be my dudebut I take offense when you say your too tired and are going to go to sleep then i see your facebook update saying that your watching movies with your girl. Ifhis relationship fails I know its going to hit him extra hard and I wouldn't feel sorry for him.

- I got high for the first time about a week ago and something tells me its going to become a regular thing for me now

- I want to start working out again but I lack the motivation, probably because im not talking to anyone of interest at the moment smh

- 90% of the time im on NT im at work, when im suppose to be working but im here instead
I smoke way too much
I think I got Rilla beat. I self medicate.

The wedding terrifies me. Not the marriage part, but the ceremony. All those people, big poofy dress
I am going to trip, or cry, or both. Ugh.

um yeah I think thats about it for now
Originally Posted by Mangudai954


- A good friend of mine has a problem with someone I really don't like and I want it to go to that next level so I can see him touched but know it could easily get out of hand

damn, thats some serious stuff. dont do it, its not worth it
i'm starting to get worried about my future.
i had gone 6 months without smoking or drinking & i recently started drinking again

that said, i spend dumb amounts of money on wine & mac.
since i've stopped taking adderall my sex drive has diminished

i tend to lead guys on & i think its finally catching up with me

i need a new sn to really confess my sins...
hmmm...Ill let it out
1)played around in school for the first semester and GPA suffered because of it
(get back focused ini 09)
2)my mom and I relationship is not at its best...we stay into it and I hate it

3)I hate eveyone...people are starting to annoy me more and more everyday
4)I feel Im right all the time

5)Im too competitive but I dont see nothing wrong with it

6)outside of holidays I spoil only myself

7)outside of the main...most girls annoy me but I tolerate it only for the P...then leave em alone for the most part
8)Im really cocky...or just think highly of myself(girls dont help the situation...only contribute)
9)I wonder what the future holds for me...but don't know if Im ready for whats to come...Am I ready for 09??

10)I know I'm one of the biggest Lil wayne fanatics there is...I often find myself defending him if anyone talks down on him no $%%!(his music is the onlymusic I listen to...I literally know 95% of his songs by heart) gay??? No Im not...he just the best rapper in my eyes (even better the biggie and tupac if youask me...no I dont praise him as if hes a god neither...and Im not ridinng his $*#%...I just appreciate him lyrically
more later...maybe??
cot damn. Well, we kept forgetting the bleezie haha but its about a zip a week between 2 ppl, really depends on how often I'm alone and bored though
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