NT Confessions Volume Father I have Sinned

- I got domed up by a chick last night...only took 7 minutes
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Originally Posted by Late80s

i want to get fired so i can collect unemployment

SMFH Prime example of why I don't support welfare and unemployment benefits.
i really would get into it with you about economic policy but i wont its late and im sure you dont know half of what you think you know.
If it wasn't for unemployment I would be %$#+#@ right now, and if it wasn't for welfare my brother would of had no way of feeding my nephew after helost his job from 9/11.
Originally Posted by rcdp

-Feels like I'm wasting the prime of my life (22)
-I don't really listen to music, I just skim through it
-A lot of verses go over my head even after I hear a song like 10x
-I'm starting to not even like hip-hop
-Lost two of my best friends because of stupid stuff I tried to pull
-Only have like 2 or 3 people that I go out with regularly, and I'm usually the one who has to ask to hang out
-I'm in love with a girl who likes someone else now
-I know it'll be better for me if I try to avoid talking to her, but when I see her I just want to talk to her
-Like OP, I procrastinate so much it's ridiculous. It's gotten to the point where I'm not even able to do work unless it's last minute. Otherwise I won't feel the pressure/motivation to get it done
-I have a addiction problem. I'm addicted to getting addicted. (ciggs, alcohol, gambling, video games)
-I've gone weeks with eating cheap low quality food, so I could bet $300 on a week for sports

-I'll happily waste a day watching a full season of a show on DVD, then feel completely guilty about spending a day doing nothing. Yet the next time I catch a interesting show, I know damn well I'll waste a day watching it
-I need to be more assertive in life
-If you ever met me, you would think I had the most confidence in the world. In actuality have a low +%! self esteem
-Sometimes I wish I were my parents favorite. Even my sister knows they love her more than me
-I hate myself for knowing all these things wrong with me, yet I do nothing to fix them
-I've lost and won more playing poker in a day than some low income families make in a year
-I over analyze things to the point where I'm not able to sleep worrying too much
-I've shared more in this post than I probably have with anyone in my personal life
-There are people in my personal life who will probably read this and think I'm $*$$+# up
-I don't allow anyone to know the real me.
-I'll sometimes have a memory of a dream and not be sure if it really happened to me or not
-I think if I died today, less than 50 people would be at my funeral. And 35 of those 50 people will probably be family
-This is highly contrary to the 300+ facebook "friends"
-I only have about 5 people who will show up as incoming calls on my cell phone: Ma, sister, ex-gf (who will probably stop calling now as alluded before), and 2 friends.
-Most of the conversations with my dad will be "Hello" "Are you hungry?" "Do you want anything to eat?" "Where are you going?" "Goodbye"
-There are even some days where I'll literally say two words to him
-My parents are definitely NOT a happy couple. My sister and I are actually surprised they haven't gotten a divorce yet. I think my mom actually talks less to my dad than me.
-I'll spend time at school just to kick it with my "school friends." Sometimes, that's the only way I'll have actual interaction with other people

I went in on myself, I'm done for now

Dude you sound exactly like me... oh my god
Threads like these always remind me why I try to be a good person to everyone ... you never know what's going on in people's lives.

Wish people did the same.
That makes no sense. How do you know what I think I know?

Enlighten my simple-minded self then Edith. I'd love to have a mature, rational discussion with you. But with you insulting me right off the bat Idon't think that's a possibility. You know how to reach me though. Maybe I'll be kind and teach you a few things. I'd love to school you oneconomic policy.
-ilast year was the worst year of my life. all my confessions stem from this...

-ive murked

-a year ago i literally was stealing/robbing/slanging to eat something everyday.

-have things i didnt have a year ago my fam/job/money/food. but i still wanna go back to that life(anyone explain? gone through this)

-been in austin three months and still havnt "gone out" and dont really plan too

-im hurting to know that all my fam in cali is going through mad financial problems

-i really feel that NT helps me get through life. real talk.
- I procrastinate excessively
- If I was as determined as I am smart, i'd have straight A's
- I'm in college mainly because I don't want to disappoint my mother
- Every day I wake up and i'm never at the point I want to be in life.
- Don't have many friends, don't know why, nobody can tell me why.
- I've never been one to save a %!%, but the fact this girl gives me sex and food 6/7 days a week.....well we're good friends

- As selfish as it may sound I hate when people go down memory lane from when they were "back home", cuz I don't have any memories likethat......
- I only talk to 5 people i went to high school with (2 of em go to college w/me now)
- I don't see why I should have a girl, if i can smash girls n get food w/o commitment.
- I need to get more involved in school, yet I don't feel like I have the time or energy
ive wasted the last 5 months on 2 girls...lmao
i want a girl....
uhh i want those silver half cents
them lebron 7s
and brainwreck sb's
uhhhh i passed precal...barely
im hot
i need to be sleep
uhhh bye
- I spend way too much on video games when I should be putting it towards expenses for my new house

- I developed alot of trust issues lately. Only people I actually trust are my mother and best friends.

- Sometimes when a customer irritates me to certain point at my job, I have to literally restrain myself from snapping on them(I have a very violent mind whenI'm pissed) or else I'll beat on them till I see blood or something. Surprised I haven't been fired yet lol

- I tend to just ignore people when I don't feel like talking to them, even if they are talking to me...simply because I don't really like them enoughto do so all the time.

- I rarely act cordial when I'm on the cash register, only because I don't think most people in the area deserve it
Originally Posted by I am StewRat

i fingered a girl i barely know tonight
YNS slim

-Havent been a fan of going out to lounges/clubs/bars. But lately been wanting to go and find myself going frequently
-Want to just go hide out in a cave for a week to clear my thoughts and have some time away from the chaos of everyday life
-Been thankful at my job ever since I started in April and love making a difference for juveniles in DC
-Reached my breaking point in August 2005, been up progressing uphill ever since
-Im probably the only person on NT that DOESNT own a BMW, 46-52" HDTV, or 200 pairs of sneakers.
-I been having dreams of owning my own non-profit agency to help juvenile males in the DMV get a 2nd chance and not become statistics but Im afraid I will haveno support (except fam
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by I am StewRat

i fingered a girl i barely know tonight
YNS slim

-Havent been a fan of going out to lounges/clubs/bars. But lately been wanting to go and find myself going frequently
-Want to just go hide out in a cave for a week to clear my thoughts and have some time away from the chaos of everyday life
-Been thankful at my job ever since I started in April and love making a difference for juveniles in DC
-Reached my breaking point in August 2005, been up progressing uphill ever since
-Im probably the only person on NT that DOESNT own a BMW, 46-52" HDTV, or 200 pairs of sneakers.
-I been having dreams of owning my own non-profit agency to help juvenile males in the DMV get a 2nd chance and not become statistics but Im afraid I will have no support (except fam

Do it. Theres people everywhere trying to make strides in this direction. The longer you do the work the more you come in contact with.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

- I procrastinate excessively
- If I was as determined as I am smart, i'd have straight A's
- I'm in college mainly because I don't want to disappoint my mother
- Every day I wake up and i'm never at the point I want to be in life.
- I need to get more involved in school, yet I don't feel like I have the time or energy

Schools just been a hassle...Plus the price is going up. -I go to a really good college, but I applied to a school that isn't so great compared to thisone. -Afraid to tell my parents that I wanna transfer since they're all about UC's. (Just not for me)
Last semester this asian girl gave me that i want to sex you look, but i was to lazy to cross the street to go get her. I was walking to me car and was justlazy. Ive never forgotten about that moment, not that i havent been on females, it just seemed like what she had between her legs was going to change my life.Chick was extra bad.
Theres a lot more, maybe if i shake this laziness off, ill break off somemore Josh.
-I can relate to a lot of you in regards to the procrastination and not living up to my potential.

-I kissed and suckled the mammary gland of a video "vixen" on my bachelor party and couldn't get over her for a couple of days.

-I steal an obscene amount of money and products from my job, feel guilty and fear I will get caught, yet I can't stop.

- I really want to have sexual congress with Late80's

-She would really enjoy it.

-I am currently inebriated.

-I once ate a baby.

-I feel I am too nice.

-I've spent a ridiculous amount of money on shoes.
Originally Posted by Late80s

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Originally Posted by Late80s

i want to get fired so i can collect unemployment

SMFH Prime example of why I don't support welfare and unemployment benefits.
i really would get into it with you about economic policy but i wont its late and im sure you dont know half of what you think you know.

uh you know you know you have to pay it back once you get a job right?
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