NT, could you be friends with a short person?

Nov 15, 2007
I don't know, I just feel so weird chilling with a dude who is 5'4 and under. Mad of them got Napolean complexes and they are just so tiny! I justwanna pat them on the heads sometime. Plus at parties I feel they bring down a crew's swagger. How all my boys walk in at least 5'8 and you theirchilling being all 5'3 and %*@$. And to all my short people who have beef with me now, Grow Up!
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

i feel bad for grown men who arent 6 ft+
I'm 6 feet, but what's wrong with being 5'10". As long as u have a bit of height over most girls ur fine.

But yeah...NT has some short dudes, so expect a lot of responses.

(would rather be 6ft+ tho

keep ya head up all my 5'7 & under brethern, i feel for u

much harder to nab some hot taller chick.
Sounds a lot like the Tyra's one show where there was a set of girls and a dark skin girl.
Dude goes up to the group and saids .. "you girls would be straight if you lose to dark skin girl"

Do you see any similarities?
Yeah i also dont like people who have pink hair, brings down my crews swag. Come on now grow up
Like you said...Napoleon Complex.

You have to be dunking or at least getting rim to be friends with me.
Being 6'4" ftw...although being friends with a petite dude would throw all types of dap angles off...
I don't wanna be chilling with duke in the locker room talking to dude with my meat all in his face.
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