NT, could you be friends with a short person?

im 5'6

my dad is freaking 5'11. hes chinese too. thats kinda tall for an asian.

i hope i still grow, but my shoes...i never wanna grow outta them
5'8'' I am going to be honest with you guys and I never saw height as a problem. I have friends who are 5'10''-6'1'' andthey can't even bag a chick. I guess if you are short and have no game at all, then it's a lose-lose situation for you. On other hand, you are"short" but walk tall all the time, then you're good to go.
I actually like being around short people

makes me feel taller

and I dont know why sometimes I just pat them on the head
this is stupid. i cant see myself not being friends with a person if they are short or not. if i was judging someone like that, then i guess i wouldn't behappy with myself in some sort of way. hmmm i dunno, this is just one of those stupid post that i got suckered into i see. lolol but really, its not that bigof deal to me.
Originally Posted by acosta2

to the op, ...
who cares...about one of your friends heights..if they cool they cool in my book dont matter size just gotta be fresh like me can't walkaround with bummy dudes.
tall or short...

we can still chill on the boulevard, hollering at dimes.


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