NT, could you be friends with a short person?

why do people boast and brag about their height?

i am little over 6', so i'm not short, but i don't get dudes' fascination with being tall. congrats, you are extremely proud of something youhad nothing to do with (just like shorter people had no control over).

anything under 5'9" is considered short, so why people raising the bar to 6 foot is beyond me.

of all things, boasting about height is very lame.
One of my close friends Bryan is 5'3 from 4th grade....i chuckled a bit,but ya its not a problem we like brothers.
I'm 5'11.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

You heightist
Originally Posted by Mw2889

Like you said...Napoleon Complex.

You have to be dunking or at least getting rim to be friends with me.
5'6. check. check.

i also just severly sprained my ankle and I'm on crutches. coming down from the height you jump when im this short is not poppin.
i dont care how fast my ankle heals im not playing ball for like 2 months. ihope it heals in a week. also how many blocks can most people walk on crutches? seriously cause i could barely do two long blocks.
As long as you are taller than most girls in doesn't matter.

I'm 5'11 but trying to squeeze out that last inch
If it's a girl, it doesn't matter. But for the most part, I hang out with guys that are around my height, I don't know too many short people forsome reason. It wouldn't bother me though, if anything they just make me look taller.
Nothing wrong with having short friends. I'm 6'0" but I hang with a couple dudes that are like 5'2" and 5'3". They may be short,but they're still Cool people.
i dont have really short friends but i got a boy thats in a wheelchair. it doesnt bother me and if anything he raises the swag of the group. every girl loveshim he gets so many lap dances when we go to the club.
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

why care about a dude's height? If he cool with me, I could care less whether he's 5'0'' or 7'0''.

I'm 5'5 my best friend is 6'4, hasn't caused us to lose any swagg when we chill, and I feel like I still pull chicks so that aint a problemeither
heights like age; it's just a number. my man o.z. was 5'6" & was mad crazy when we were growing up. and my dude shortforks was like5'4" and always had the honeys!
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