NT, Do You Pay Everything On First Date? Vol: Am I Cheap?

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

i remember i took a girl to chili's one night and when the tab came, she immediately reached for her purse. before that, i was gonna split 50/50 but once i saw that she was willing to pay for her half, i paid for it all.

U were hustled 
Originally Posted by PaidNHalf

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

i remember i took a girl to chili's one night and when the tab came, she immediately reached for her purse. before that, i was gonna split 50/50 but once i saw that she was willing to pay for her half, i paid for it all.

U were hustled 
Right. Man women KNOW if they "offer" to pay the dude won't let them. Stop mistaking this for them being generous
I don't take her nowhere expensive till she gives it up (usually after a date or two).
I think the guy should pay for everything on the first date.

With my ex, I made the mistake of paying for my meal and leaving the tip, which he thought was a big tip, because it was more than $2 that he normally leaves. I paid for my own, because I didn't want him to expect anything afterward, if you catch my drift. After that he was hooked. Turns out, he was a mooch and leach, and he was like that throughout the entire relationship. It was so horrible to see him constantly taking money from his wheelchair-bound 80-something year-old grandmother and his godmother in the oldfolks home and talking about his mother's life insurance policy.

From now on, if I hear of a guy who let the girl pay for the first date, I'm going to think it says something about him, because what I witnessed was ridiculous!
i usually pay for the first date but come second third date I think she should at least kick out for one of em. Chivalry is dead!!
Originally Posted by SShanique

I think the guy should pay for everything on the first date.

With my ex, I made the mistake of paying for my meal and leaving the tip, which he thought was a big tip, because it was more than $2 that he normally leaves. I paid for my own, because I didn't want him to expect anything afterward, if you catch my drift. After that he was hooked. Turns out, he was a mooch and leach, and he was like that throughout the entire relationship. It was so horrible to see him constantly taking money from his wheelchair-bound 80-something year-old grandmother and his godmother in the oldfolks home and talking about his mother's life insurance policy.

From now on, if I hear of a guy who let the girl pay for the first date, I'm going to think it says something about him, because what I witnessed was ridiculous!
1 person is usually not representative of a whole population.
you'll learn that when you grow up in the dating scene
Originally Posted by SShanique

I think the guy should pay for everything on the first date.

With my ex, I made the mistake of paying for my meal and leaving the tip, which he thought was a big tip, because it was more than $2 that he normally leaves. I paid for my own, because I didn't want him to expect anything afterward, if you catch my drift. After that he was hooked. Turns out, he was a mooch and leach, and he was like that throughout the entire relationship. It was so horrible to see him constantly taking money from his wheelchair-bound 80-something year-old grandmother and his godmother in the oldfolks home and talking about his mother's life insurance policy.

From now on, if I hear of a guy who let the girl pay for the first date, I'm going to think it says something about him, because what I witnessed was ridiculous!
Explain WHY you think a man should pay for everything please.

And what does it say about a man if he "lets" a woman pay on date 1? Please don't tell me you are going to use that ONE isolated situation as an example of how men that let women pay on date 1 are. You can't seriously do that.

Logical explanation please
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by PaidNHalf

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

i remember i took a girl to chili's one night and when the tab came, she immediately reached for her purse. before that, i was gonna split 50/50 but once i saw that she was willing to pay for her half, i paid for it all.

U were hustled 
Right. Man women KNOW if they "offer" to pay the dude won't let them. Stop mistaking this for them being generous
What if a woman wants to actually pitch in? Here you are speaking for women like you got ovaries.
this isn't me being cheap but we usually split down the middle for a while. i been with my girl for two and a half years and we still split dates. we are both in college tho.

realistically tho i like the fact that she helps pay, and to me if girl doesn't even offer to help on the first date thats not a good sign. not saying that you have to pay but at least offer to pay so i know youre interested in me and not just the food and what not
I am not saying that ALL women are being fake. But I do believe most of them "offer" for the sake of APPEARING to not be a mooch. I am telling dudes to NOT take them "offering" as serious as they are. Some are saying, "Oh she is a keeper. She ain't selfish." How many times as humans do we offer assistance KNOWING the person we are offering won't accept it. Women know this and they take advantage of it.

So as I said, DUDES stop taking these women serious when they "offer" to pay. If they offer, accept. Point blank.
I don't know about other women, but me personally I don't do the whole fake reaching for the purse act.

I honestly never have..if I say im going to pay im GOING to pay.

Now my opinion on the guy paying: I feel like it makes a good impression for the first date..ya know it's kind of like traditional and gentlemen-like I suppose.

Now I'm not saying a guy has to pay for the first date or every single date from that day forward..that's not whatsup in this day and time..but the very first date
usually is taken care of by the guy (especially if he is impressed/interested in the girl).
^ But my question is this. They BOTH might be interested in each other, so why is it up to HIM to pay for BOTH parties? Is this simply because of some ambiguous tradition?
%!%% is the point in me offering if I know you're not gonna let me pay? If we go out again it's ALL on me. It dosnt say anything about the type of person I am if I do or don't offer.
^Respect, Mouse. As for me, I am leaving this thread and never coming back.

And DC, if you really care about your health and blood pressure, maybe you should follow suit.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I agree, that is why I say don't go out to dinner with them. But if you DO, what exactly is wrong with each person paying for their own portion? Because I make a woman pay for her own means I am treating her like a "jumpoff"?

I agree with the last portion. Just be honest about your intentions.
Basically, if it's a first date and you are the one that asked her out.  I mean, if spending $20-$30 is too much for you, you probably shouldn't date or go anywhere for that matter. 

I mean, personally, I sometimes end up spending anwhere from $20-50 when I go out to party.  So I wouldn't mind spending even $50, if I think she is worth it and if she has earned a real date.  I still believe in the principle that she needs to have earned a dinner and not that she should get dinner right off the bat just because. 

Originally Posted by cguy610

Basically, if it's a first date and you are the one that asked her out.  I mean, if spending $20-$30 is too much for you, you probably shouldn't date or go anywhere for that matter. 

I mean, personally, I sometimes end up spending anwhere from $20-50 when I go out to party.  So I wouldn't mind spending even $50, if I think she is worth it and if she has earned a real date.  I still believe in the principle that she needs to have earned a dinner and not that she should get dinner right off the bat just because.  
See this is what I don't get.

Why is it that if I don't want to spend $20-$50. (
@ the thought of spending $50 on some girl on date 1); means it is TOO MUCH for me and I shouldn't go out with her? Where is the logic in that? I am going OUT to learn about this person. She is coming out to learn about me. We are BOTH getting something out of this.

Why am EYE expected to pay? Why is it a one sided affair? Why am I TREATING her? Why am I putting myself in a position to REWARD her for coming out somewhere with me? That is how I view it. You pay people for SERVICES. If both of you are collectively doing something, why is one person footing the bill?

That is the thing. You can't possibly think a woman is WORTH it on date one to spend $50 on her. You don't KNOW her. So how and why would you jsut practically THROW $ away? I don't get it. I value my $ too much
That is the thing. You can't possibly think a woman is WORTH it on dateone to spend $50 on her. You don't KNOW her. So how and why would youjsut practically THROW $ away? I don't get it. I value my $ too much
Whoever hurt you on that first date...needs to get dealt with for the pain they caused. Post the info duke.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

That is the thing. You can't possibly think a woman is WORTH it on dateone to spend $50 on her. You don't KNOW her. So how and why would youjsut practically THROW $ away? I don't get it. I value my $ too much
Whoever hurt you on that first date...needs to get dealt with for the pain they caused. Post the info duke.

Why does me having this attitude have to mean someone hurt me? I am sick of so many of you saying this.
. I am not hurt or a recovering ex lover or anything of the sorts. I guess this is what happens when you challenge traditional thoughts. People automatically believe it is because you have been hurt.

So for the first and last time, there is NO STORY.

I don't know YOU (first date) so you aren't WORTH my $'s; yet. It is the principle of it. Why is that such a bad thing?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by cguy610

Basically, if it's a first date and you are the one that asked her out.  I mean, if spending $20-$30 is too much for you, you probably shouldn't date or go anywhere for that matter. 

I mean, personally, I sometimes end up spending anwhere from $20-50 when I go out to party.  So I wouldn't mind spending even $50, if I think she is worth it and if she has earned a real date.  I still believe in the principle that she needs to have earned a dinner and not that she should get dinner right off the bat just because.  
See this is what I don't get.

Why is it that if I don't want to spend $20-$50. (
@ the thought of spending $50 on some girl on date 1); means it is TOO MUCH for me and I shouldn't go out with her? Where is the logic in that? I am going OUT to learn about this person. She is coming out to learn about me. We are BOTH getting something out of this.

Why am EYE expected to pay? Why is it a one sided affair? Why am I TREATING her? Why am I putting myself in a position to REWARD her for coming out somewhere with me? That is how I view it. You pay people for SERVICES. If both of you are collectively doing something, why is one person footing the bill?

That is the thing. You can't possibly think a woman is WORTH it on date one to spend $50 on her. You don't KNOW her. So how and why would you jsut practically THROW $ away? I don't get it. I value my $ too much

DC, do you go out?  Do you go to parties/clubs?  If you go to a strip club what do you pay, $10 cover and $20 a lap dance?  Do you ever pay a cover charge when you go to regular parties? 

Plus, you technically are spending $25 on you and $25 on her, if you pay for a $50 date.    

You are treating her because she's someone that you may be able to build with in the future. 
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by SShanique

I think the guy should pay for everything on the first date.

With my ex, I made the mistake of paying for my meal and leaving the tip, which he thought was a big tip, because it was more than $2 that he normally leaves. I paid for my own, because I didn't want him to expect anything afterward, if you catch my drift. After that he was hooked. Turns out, he was a mooch and leach, and he was like that throughout the entire relationship. It was so horrible to see him constantly taking money from his wheelchair-bound 80-something year-old grandmother and his godmother in the oldfolks home and talking about his mother's life insurance policy.

From now on, if I hear of a guy who let the girl pay for the first date, I'm going to think it says something about him, because what I witnessed was ridiculous!
1 person is usually not representative of a whole population.
you'll learn that when you grow up in the dating scene

I know that, but still I don't want to get stuck with a scrub.  I decided that I was going to do a test.  If the guy lets me pay, then I won't bother with him anymore.  The other two guys I went out with didn't let me pay.  I won't do this test on the Italian guy I like, if we go out.  I've seen him pay for enough people before, and he even kind of scolded me once for almost letting his friend pay for himself.  He seems like a genuinely generous and nice guy, so I won't test him.

Now that I think about it, on that date with my ex, he ordered water at first.  Then when I ordered water, he changed his drink to a sweet tea.  He probably was broke from the start if he could only afford a drink for both of us.  Well, actually, he wasn't broke, because he asked me out at the end of the date for the very next day.  He was just cheap, and he would rather spend other people's money than his own.
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

Paying a 30$ meal shouldn't be that serious. If it hurts your pockets then you shouldn't be dating.
So let me get this right. Because I don't think I SHOULD have to pay $30 for a meal means it is hurting my pockets? So the only time someone doesn't want to pay for something means it is going to hurt their pockets? THe logic of some of you dudes is mind-boggling
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