NT, Do You Pay Everything On First Date? Vol: Am I Cheap?

Originally Posted by cguy610

DC, do you go out?  Do you go to parties/clubs?  If you go to a strip club what do you pay, $10 cover and $20 a lap dance?  Do you ever pay a cover charge when you go to regular parties? 

Plus, you technically are spending $25 on you and $25 on her, if you pay for a $50 date.    

You are treating her because she's someone that you may be able to build with in the future. 
1. Living in DC, you have access to something called Guest Lists where you practically NEVER have to pay for clubs. Not sure if it is like that in other cities.

2. I don't believe in strip clubs. Have been, didn't dish out any of my hard earned $ to those sluts. Why should I?

3. LOL @ I am treating her because she's someone that you may be able to build with in the future.  You can really tell this from the first date? If so, ok. You got it dude. I don't even know how to respond to that one.
Originally Posted by SShanique

I know that, but still I don't want to get stuck with a scrub.  I decided that I was going to do a test.  If the guy lets me pay, then I won't bother with him anymore.  The other two guys I went out with didn't let me pay.  I won't do this test on the Italian guy I like, if we go out.  I've seen him pay for enough people before, and he even kind of scolded me once for almost letting his friend pay for himself.  He seems like a genuinely generous and nice guy, so I won't test him.

Now that I think about it, on that date with my ex, he ordered water at first.  Then when I ordered water, he changed his drink to a sweet tea.  He probably was broke from the start if he could only afford a drink for both of us.  Well, actually, he wasn't broke, because he asked me out at the end of the date for the very next day.  He was just cheap, and he would rather spend other people's money than his own.
So if a dude let's you pay and the date was the best first date you have EVER been on, you still won't talk to him? I cam calling you out because I know this is some bull.

I could see if you had NUMEROUS examples of men that let women pay are the scum of the earth, but you don't. I try to give you the benefit of the doubt but I am starting to see what everyone is saying about you.

You just need some experience though

If you and I went out, you will pay for your own half of the bill. Simple as that. I don't put off bills on anyone either. I don't know what to say
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by SShanique

I think the guy should pay for everything on the first date.

With my ex, I made the mistake of paying for my meal and leaving the tip, which he thought was a big tip, because it was more than $2 that he normally leaves. I paid for my own, because I didn't want him to expect anything afterward, if you catch my drift. After that he was hooked. Turns out, he was a mooch and leach, and he was like that throughout the entire relationship. It was so horrible to see him constantly taking money from his wheelchair-bound 80-something year-old grandmother and his godmother in the oldfolks home and talking about his mother's life insurance policy.

From now on, if I hear of a guy who let the girl pay for the first date, I'm going to think it says something about him, because what I witnessed was ridiculous!
Explain WHY you think a man should pay for everything please.

And what does it say about a man if he "lets" a woman pay on date 1? Please don't tell me you are going to use that ONE isolated situation as an example of how men that let women pay on date 1 are. You can't seriously do that.

Logical explanation please

I'm just not trying to get into a relationship with a man like that.  It was a bad experience being with someone like that, always trying put off bills and stuff on me, using me and other people for their money, getting mad at the one time my dad did not give him money.  This is the same guy I talked about in your thread about men raised without fathers.

I know all men are not like that, but some are.  I will not waste my time on men who are like that, and I should have broken up with this guy way earlier than I did.  I feel like one of Booker T's suckas!
Originally Posted by LarryIndiana219

Depends on the girl, the date, whether I feel like it, and whether I can afford it.. but for the most part, no. Am I against it? Of course not. If I want her time, I'll pay for it initially, but there's gotta be something in it for me. It doesn't have to be sex... initially. It can just be some QT....initially. But QT costs way less than sex; she better know that. QT costs the same as 3 gallons of gas and a dvd. I won't overdraft my account just to kick it, +@#%# you crazy....

Originally Posted by JayeLove

I think guys should pay on the first date, after that, it could be split or she pays or take turns, thats always fair.


Especially if you're the one who asked her out on the town.
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

Ask girls for money on the first date and see how many accept your second date.
Has worked MANY times so what are you trying to get at again?

Like I said, most first dates are FREE events for me.

Events that aren't, I tell them before we even go out that I don't believe in paying for her since I don't know her. Hasn't hurt me yet. So again, what are you trying to get at?

Stop being so scared to challenge tradition man. It is ok if you make a woman earn her worth.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

If they offer, accept. Point blank.
...or tell them get the tip.

i think you can tell a lot about a person with how they tip

Females are horrible tippers.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

If they offer, accept. Point blank.
...or tell them get the tip.

i think you can tell a lot about a person with how they tip
Females are horrible tippers.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Nah.. my last date, I picked up the tab ($45), shorty put down for the tip ($20).[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Depends on the female.[/color]
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

If they offer, accept. Point blank.
...or tell them get the tip.

i think you can tell a lot about a person with how they tip
Females are horrible tippers.
My girl is an overly generous tipper..... so much so that I often tell her when I think it's too much.
Oh so now everybody dating generous tippers?
Anything to prove me wrong huh?

I laugh at my girl when she tips people. I always add on to whatever she leaves when shes not looking.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by SShanique

I know that, but still I don't want to get stuck with a scrub.  I decided that I was going to do a test.  If the guy lets me pay, then I won't bother with him anymore.  The other two guys I went out with didn't let me pay.  I won't do this test on the Italian guy I like, if we go out.  I've seen him pay for enough people before, and he even kind of scolded me once for almost letting his friend pay for himself.  He seems like a genuinely generous and nice guy, so I won't test him.

Now that I think about it, on that date with my ex, he ordered water at first.  Then when I ordered water, he changed his drink to a sweet tea.  He probably was broke from the start if he could only afford a drink for both of us.  Well, actually, he wasn't broke, because he asked me out at the end of the date for the very next day.  He was just cheap, and he would rather spend other people's money than his own.
So if a dude let's you pay and the date was the best first date you have EVER been on, you still won't talk to him? I cam calling you out because I know this is some bull.

I could see if you had NUMEROUS examples of men that let women pay are the scum of the earth, but you don't. I try to give you the benefit of the doubt but I am starting to see what everyone is saying about you.

You just need some experience though

If you and I went out, you will pay for your own half of the bill. Simple as that. I don't put off bills on anyone either. I don't know what to say

Truth be told, I've only been on 2 first dates.  It was dinner and going home.  I don't see how anything like that could qualify as the best first date ever.  All that happens is I get some background information on the guy.  Nothing spectacular, and if the guy is acting a fool already, I would rather not go out with him again.  I also have to say that I had leftovers, and the guy wanted to take them home.  So, not only did I pay for my own food and the tip, he wanted to take the food I paid for home so that he could finish it.  He also did that throughout the relationship, after we were broken up, and he would also take his male friends' leftovers home to eat it.

At first I didn't know any better.  I didn't listen to my dad when he told me about this guy for having his 80-something year old grandmother buy tires for his car.  Then later, his aunt warned me about him.  It was after that that I began to see for myself what they were talking about.  I know at the beginning of the relationship he was wanting me to pay his bills.  He even signed me up for a cellphone plan with him behind my back, and that plan cut what he was normally paying in half.  I get the phone, and when the bill came I had to pay the entire thing, because according to him he had no money and his mom thought I should pay.  You're not going to change my mind about this.  Maybe I will miss out on some good guys with this philosphy, but I also weed out the cheap users.
Having said that, I don't know any FOOL who would ask a Juris Doctor out to dinner and expect her to pay for everything.
Originally Posted by Diego

Oh so now everybody dating generous tippers?
Anything to prove me wrong huh?

I laugh at my girl when she tips people. I always add on to whatever she leaves when shes not looking.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I didn't say that.. Just saying that not ALL females are bad tippers.[/color]
Having said that, I don't know any FOOL who would ask a Juris Doctor out to dinner and expect her to pay for everything.
I respect your go hardness...from a distance.

*goes back to the shadows and waits*
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

What can you tell about a person by how they tip dirty?

Besides telling....how they tip
usually...how generous they are in nature...

Originally Posted by SShanique

Atfirst I didn't know any better.  I didn't listen to my dad when he toldme about this guy for having his 80-something year old grandmother buytires for his car.  Then later, his aunt warned me about him.  It wasafter that that I began to see for myself what they were talkingabout.  I know at the beginning of the relationship he was wanting meto pay his bills.  He even signed me up for a cellphone plan with himbehind my back, and that plan cut what he was normally paying in half. I get the phone, and when the bill came I had to pay the entire thing,because according to him he had no money and his mom thought I shouldpay.
and yet some NTers want their daughters to be as innocent and naive as you.

From what I've read you've got a lot of catching up to do when it comes to reading people...let alone the intentions of the opposite sex.
Sounds like you need to get your head out of the those books and start really living life.

Regarding your dating philosophy... so long as you know that you're missing out...so be it.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

If they offer, accept. Point blank.
...or tell them get the tip.

i think you can tell a lot about a person with how they tip
maybe it's just me...but if they are not paying for their meal and just tipping, then i would expect them to tip more than if they were paying for both. i agree that you can tell a lot about a person by how they tip, but don't think this is the appropriate situation to put them to that 'test'.


I tip 20% or more unless the service was very bad.

I had some butthole customers last night who left me $2 on $65. They were being rude and condescending the whole time, too. It was 4 women and one man. The lady who paid initially left me 0 on the credit card slip, and then the lone guy persuaded her to leave me something. Women can be so catty.
Originally Posted by SShanique

I tip 20% or more unless the service was very bad.

I had some butthole customers last night who left me $2 on $65. They were being rude and condescending the whole time, too. It was 4 women and one man. The lady who paid initially left me 0 on the credit card slip, and then the lone guy persuaded her to leave me something. Women can be so catty.

She was probably intimidated because of your vibrant and sexual personality. 
Like an experienced woman that always knows what she wants.


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