NT Ever hit your parents BACK?

Oh and the infamous

"Wait till we get home"


Damn, that used to get me. I would do something bad then my dad would say that and I'd try to be good the rest of the time to try and get him happy with meso nothing would happen.
Never worked...
Originally Posted by Cubs Davinci

I remember when I was 11 my brother stole my pops car..pops hit em wit one of them wheres my money smacks..then moms gave it to him wit 2 belts..it was crucial

LOL where's my money smacks lol
I've noticed a trend while growing up though, and I was just reminded by this thread and a recent conversation I've had with floormates. Whenever meand the other minorities on the floor talked about all our stories about getting whippings from the parents, NONE of the white people on my floor understood.They thought we were all abused and scarred for life. This doesn't apply to every white person but it seems like white kids got a bigger break than some ofus minorities out here. It was hilarious though, a white floormate of mine was sad because we got whoopings while we were all laughing it off...it buildscharacter.
Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Parent - Teacher Conference Night...


Soon as the teacher started talking about all the homework I missed, I already knew my fate was sealed that night.

Men tell me about it my mom has a meeting with my teacher on monday you don't even know how pissed am I(1st meeting with my teacher like in 2yearsmen)
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

My dad used to recite eric b and rakim lyrics when he beat me

but nah i aint never even think of hittin back.
Pops got creative back then about the beating. Ol' man brought out metal wire hangers, broomsticks, plastic stick used to adjust the blinds, vacuumextension cord, shoes, bamboo sticks, lamps, and even resorted to throwing vhs tapes. Straight hardcore championship match foolery.
Originally Posted by apassionforshoes23

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Parent - Teacher Conference Night...


Soon as the teacher started talking about all the homework I missed, I already knew my fate was sealed that night.

that was the beat down I got twice per year

I remember we had to have our parents sign our failed tests... I forged every test we ever got. Parents teacher conference comes, teacher reads off my grades "0, 7, 4, 32.." and my parents are confused, so the teacher whips out the "signed tests"... once I saw that I knew I was dead. My parents didn't even say a word. The car ride home was the most shook I ever was. Once we get home, the minute I walk in, and my dad straight body slams me and goes on a rampage. Flips the entire computer desk over breaking the moniter and everything

that is ridiculous did you get better grades after that?

rofl yeah let's ignore the domestic violence issue, and psychotic behavior of a parent and focus on the Homework
at parent teacher conference. I remember signing in your name andwaiting in the hallway, as if on death row. Your mind starts trying to think about other things, such as "hmm this is how the school looks at night"and getting occasional laugh at seeing other students parents.
^^I always did that, I didnt bring any progress reports home unless they ere As. In my algebra 2 class which i failed the 1st time btw if you didnt bring yourprog report back he would take you in the hallway to let you call your parents so he could tell them what you got. I forgot to forge it once so I just calledmy sister. The dumbest thing I did was try to change my report card with a pencil and eraser. this was befor we had a all in one printer lol.
Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Parent - Teacher Conference Night...


Soon as the teacher started talking about all the homework I missed me being talkative, I already knew my fate was sealed that night.
thas y i would never tell my parents bout them conferences

but tell me about them good ole mailed in report cards, they always come on a friday. so it completely ruins my weekend, but i had the bright idea to hide itfrom them until Sunday so i could go to this party
. Well i do all that& then sunday comes & i show it to them. She sees my grades & is like why didnt you show me on Friday, then she calls pops down. Then he doesnt sayanything & proceeds to tak eme up to my room. Then he walks out & gets a thick leather belt. & i proceed to get the whoopin of a life time.

but can someone answer this, why do they always tell you to stop cryin? & then when you dont stop they say Ill give yousomething to cry about
Originally Posted by retrospect90

^^I always did that, I didnt bring any progress reports home unless they ere As. In my algebra 2 class which i failed the 1st time btw if you didnt bring your prog report back he would take you in the hallway to let you call your parents so he could tell them what you got. I forgot to forge it once so I just called my sister. The dumbest thing I did was try to change my report card with a pencil and eraser. this was befor we had a all in one printer lol.


I was lucky enough not to have the mail home report card. We had the mail in failure notices though
. Me and my boy would go on MS paint and change ourgrades and print a new report card, and camp our mail boxes (we had no keys) and try to get the letter out with coat hangers and @@%*

Man, I got stories for days about this. I was a terrible student.
Ill give you something to cry about

My dad used to be like, "I have no pity for you boy, I AINTCHA MOMMA."

that was dudes favorite line, in fact he still says it to my lil bros. My mom be babying them so much.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Parent - Teacher Conference Night...


Soon as the teacher started talking about all the homework I missed, I already knew my fate was sealed that night.

that was the beat down I got twice per year

I remember we had to have our parents sign our failed tests... I forged every test we ever got. Parents teacher conference comes, teacher reads off my grades "0, 7, 4, 32.." and my parents are confused, so the teacher whips out the "signed tests"... once I saw that I knew I was dead. My parents didn't even say a word. The car ride home was the most shook I ever was. Once we get home, the minute I walk in, and my dad straight body slams me and goes on a rampage. Flips the entire computer desk over breaking the moniter and everything
Your dad gave you the DDT
at some of your stories. but nah i never hit my parents back. by not hitting them back, they feel guilty after..
Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Parent - Teacher Conference Night...


Soon as the teacher started talking about all the homework I missed, I already knew my fate was sealed that night.

Man that used to be the quickest trip home ever I swear every light was green, and nobody said nothing my pops used to just be driving listening to some rkelly, and I was just thinking about the as whoppin that was coming, anyone ever stuff their under wear, or try and time the hits and clinch your butt cheekstogether. Classic line after parent teacher confernce " ma man that teacher lying all the black kids failing" " so everybody just lying on younow"
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

"This hurts me more than it hurts you"


If I got a dollar for every time that was said to me I'd be rich
Dad: Oh so the teacher is lying?
Me: No sir
Dad: then why is she telling me you dont do your school work?
Me: all the kids failing she be doing that to everyone:
Dad: So she is lying!?
Me: No sir

i was scared ot say the teacher was lying
im 20 yrs old, and to this day, if i ever tried to hit my pops, he'd knock me out.
and since my father has never hit me in an abusive way as a child, i wouldnt even consider hitting him.
my parents and i have a better relationship than that
Asian mom's FTL! I use to get it for doing the dumbest things (isn't that always the case?
) I remember the one time I didn't finish my dinner and man did I get it lol.
We used to live in a really old house where you have to prop the windows open with random sticks or anything hard and long like the metal strips that hold downcarpets... man.. FTL
I could never ever ever hit my parents back though, especially mom.

My dad and I have this weird mutual respect about getting into trouble cause we know that if my mom finds out that she would freak on everyone regardless ifthe other did nothing lol
My mom used to threaten my dad that if he ever put a hand on me she would beat him lol

That Dr. Phil video is really sad. You can tell the kid is a little punk and should get a good woopin' but you can also tell that he gets his attitudestraight from his mom. I didn't catch it, but I would be willing to bet that is a single-parent family.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Dad: Oh so the teacher is lying?
Me: No sir
Dad: then why is she telling me you dont do your school work?
Me: all the kids failing she be doing that to everyone:
Dad: So she is lying!?
Me: No sir

i was scared ot say the teacher was lying


that "so the teacher is lying ?" is a classic. I heard that so many times. I made the mistake of saying yes once.
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