^^ clearly the point there is that the main draw nt gains is from its charitable donations and it's general forum. Which you just echoed.
I see that you're really upset. Maybe you should start your own message board and rant in that general section.

No one here seems to care that much about your issue. Just saying.
I'm mad OP talking about how much the site changing but it seems your denonor still seems like that of the same age as when you joined. Grow up man.
I didn't come here for e-props. You're still on that? You tried me on dates so I corrected you. as I came to understanding that what I want out of this board is no longer here nor do I have the time makes me a hypocrite? All good meth, if that's the didactic message you want to take out of my observation. Cool. I'm not going to go back and forth with you when I already stated my now, gripes with the board. Don't try to slight me and expect me to just take it. Respect works both ways. I once respected you, that's over with. Writing me like I imagined being here... My question has been answered. Any further jabs my inbox awaits them.

Jabs?  Guy, the worst thing I said about you was that you joined in 2003.  Only somebody obsessed with join dates and seniority seriously takes that as an insult.  

Nobody said you were "lying" about being a so-called "OG," because 1) nobody cares, honestly, as we don't look down our noses at people just because they didn't SIGN UP FOR A MESSAGE BOARD early enough, and 2) there's no consensus cutoff date for being an "OG" anyway.  There's no "insult" there unless you think being an OG is some incredible badge of honor that the staff has to respect, or that, of 100,000 members, I should've remembered you even though you admittedly didn't post much.  I referenced the join date listed on your account.  How AWFUL of me.  Just read that original post and replace "2003" with "whenever you joined."  It's not that critical.

If you think I "tried you on dates" then you're obviously missing the point.  Again, I don't care whether you joined in 2003, 2000, or 2012 - you weren't the first person here.  My point is just as valid for those who signed up in 2003 as it is for those who signed up in 2005 or 2010.  

In every high school around the world, the upperclassmen always say "I swear, the freshmen get smaller and more childish every year," and they always pretend that they were never that small and childish when THEY were freshmen.  

That you claim that you don't have time to actually DO anything about the problem doesn't make you a hypocrite:  contributing to the problem by hurling petty insults about me, however, does.  

What ever happened to respect, more specifically nt'ers helping out other NT'ers.

I simply suggested that you join us as part of the solution, to be an "nt'er helping out other nt'ers," and you responded with disrespect... over your JOIN DATE.  How is that not hypocritical on your part?  
I'm not quite grasping what this lame is trying to prove with all this...
Originally Posted by Method Man

I didn't come here for e-props. You're still on that? You tried me on dates so I corrected you. as I came to understanding that what I want out of this board is no longer here nor do I have the time makes me a hypocrite? All good meth, if that's the didactic message you want to take out of my observation. Cool. I'm not going to go back and forth with you when I already stated my now, gripes with the board. Don't try to slight me and expect me to just take it. Respect works both ways. I once respected you, that's over with. Writing me like I imagined being here... My question has been answered. Any further jabs my inbox awaits them.

Jabs?  Guy, the worst thing I said about you was that you joined in 2003.  Only somebody obsessed with join dates and seniority seriously takes that as an insult.  

Nobody said you were "lying" about being a so-called "OG," because 1) nobody cares, honestly, as we don't look down our noses at people just because they didn't SIGN UP FOR A MESSAGE BOARD early enough, and 2) there's no consensus cutoff date for being an "OG" anyway.  There's no "insult" there unless you think being an OG is some incredible badge of honor that the staff has to respect, or that, of 100,000 members, I should've remembered you even though you admittedly didn't post much.  I referenced the join date listed on your account.  How AWFUL of me.  Just read that original post and replace "2003" with "whenever you joined."  It's not that critical.

If you think I "tried you on dates" then you're obviously missing the point.  Again, I don't care whether you joined in 2003, 2000, or 2012 - you weren't the first person here.  My point is just as valid for those who signed up in 2003 as it is for those who signed up in 2005 or 2010.  

In every high school around the world, the upperclassmen always say "I swear, the freshmen get smaller and more childish every year," and they always pretend that they were never that small and childish when THEY were freshmen.  

That you claim that you don't have time to actually DO anything about the problem doesn't make you a hypocrite:  contributing to the problem by hurling petty insults about me, however, does.  

What ever happened to respect, more specifically nt'ers helping out other NT'ers.

I simply suggested that you join us as part of the solution, to be an "nt'er helping out other nt'ers," and you responded with disrespect... over your JOIN DATE.  How is that not hypocritical on your part?  

This is exactly what I was thinking when I read through this thread.

OP is hecka salty.
What I don't get is, why do the more recent members feel the need to be rude to the older members? How can we thrive as a "community" if there is constant back biting? It's sad. I been here since '04 and I'm slowly losing interest because of constant trolling and snarky remarks. I can't lie, I give stupid responses time to time but it's never really mean spirited like I see most on here. I recently got called a troll in S&T and quite honestly, I got offended. It's not that big a deal, but more often than not, I want to contribute to this site and not add any foolishness. In addition to that, I think threads should be monitored more closely. The quality of the types of threads have gone down.
In addition to that, I think threads should be monitored more closely. The quality of the types of threads have gone down.

Then you have to help us.  Use the report feature to bring insults and other rule violations to the staff's attention.  

Remember, people looking for approval are going to do whatever they're encouraged to do.  If there's a better chance of getting positive feedback for making a joke at someone else's expense than there is for making constructive, helpful, and supportive comments, then which path do you expect new users to follow?  They learn how to act from the existing users.  

If someone posts something you like, express your approval.  If a user insults someone, people laugh at it even if the comment isn't directed at them.  Yet if a user offers help to someone, only the person they're helping is likely to praise them for it.  As long as that's the way we're balancing our feedback, then OBVIOUSLY more people are going to post insults because it's far and away more likely to result in positive feedback.
Originally Posted by Method Man

In addition to that, I think threads should be monitored more closely. The quality of the types of threads have gone down.

Then you have to help us.  Use the report feature to bring insults and other rule violations to the staff's attention.  

Remember, people looking for approval are going to do whatever they're encouraged to do.  If there's a better chance of getting positive feedback for making a joke at someone else's expense than there is for making constructive, helpful, and supportive comments, then which path do you expect new users to follow?  They learn how to act from the existing users.  

If someone posts something you like, express your approval.  If a user insults someone, people laugh at it even if the comment isn't directed at them.  Yet if a user offers help to someone, only the person they're helping is likely to praise them for it.  As long as that's the way we're balancing our feedback, then OBVIOUSLY more people are going to post insults because it's far and away more likely to result in positive feedback.

Duly noted
I guess it was only 200 then for two pairs only. Bad memory...my bad. I think I had 5 pairs listed at 250 but no one bit... Only double the retail cost though...
. I don't blame anyone for not trusting me. I was 16 with no bank account or PayPal, and I only accepted USPS money orders. I didnt even have an ID, so i had to get my moms to cash my MOs
I wouldn't deal with anyone like that now
My point is that you were fully prepared to fuel reselling game when it benefited you.Dude really tried to put me on blast though... Now method man knows my previous usernames and I have even less leeway now
**#* it... I was aZnjordAn, but probably nobody recognizes that name except for Meth...
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