NT Grammar PSA: Worst =/= worse.

Grammar Police FTW. I hate poor English. A pet peeve of mine is when people try to spell ridiculous, and end up spelling rediculous.
Originally Posted by dland24

Grammar Police FTW. I hate poor English. A pet peeve of mine is when people try to spell ridiculous, and end up spelling rediculous.

this one took me awhile too, grammar just never came easy to me. i can spell tho.
I try my best to type right for others to read and correct what i write before posting. I don't mind if i threw a few slang words here and there. Althoughit is annoying that people write really bad to the point it is not comprehensible, but NT shouldn't be an english school now...
^ I know what you mean. The guilty individuals then throws out "
" at the guys that try to correct them. I think it's a fair assumption thatmost of the members in here are from North America and that English was their first language. If so, what's wrong with speaking/writing in proper English?

How about run-on sentences? I've seen a few bad cases of that in here as well. The improper use of "their/they're/there" bugs me as well...
I am amused.

But "would of" and "should of" etc are the ones that really piss me off. If you have the space and time to write "would of" whycan't you just type out would've?

I don;t mind typo s.
Some people just think too fast for the way they type, and don't bother to proofread. I can tolerate that.

But then again, I suppose that, since most of NT really probably isn't learning in school due to the amount of posts between the hours of 8-3, these typesof mistakes are to be expected...
^ precisely. i don't care whether you properly punctuate or forget to capitalize or leave out a few letters. what bothers me is when people use words inthe wrong context, or don't know how to properly use words (would of/have, worst/worse mines/ mine's, there/they're/their etc.. )
i remember when nters were inline for the dmp release or any other kind of hype release and they were posting from their SK and @$%@..

" yo man theres 20 people online right now " " im at niketown, #4 online "

unless your standing on each others heads.. then your inline ..

Grammar =/= Spelling

One that irks me is "than" and "then."

then (adv): "I went to the store then I went home."
than (conj): "Katy is more attractive than Becky."
I NEVER confuse to,too,two,there,they're,their,worse,worst,hole,whole, or any other homophones. I hate it with a passion actually.
Yall dudes spend 2 much time obsessing over %*@% like this...long as you dont obfuscate the meaning with however you choose 2 relay your ideas, itswhatever...you dont get paid or a grade 4 good grammar and syntax on a message board. Dudes in here spellcheckin 4 stimulus checks...get a hobby...
"i wore my max orange 1's yesterday to school and man the crease up so easy i mess up get these i should of got the portland 6 rings"

an example of how the people type in the jb forum
Originally Posted by potus2028

Yall dudes spend 2 much time obsessing over %*@% like this...long as you dont obfuscate the meaning with however you choose 2 relay your ideas, its whatever...you dont get paid or a grade 4 good grammar and syntax on a message board. Dudes in here spellcheckin 4 stimulus checks...get a hobby...
To me, it kind of shows a persons level of intelligence. If you were taught proper english, why not type in it? If you were not, then that's aproblem. Slang or shortening words is fine (example: instead of though, you type tho). But other stuff is just annoying (example: I'm gonna go their and try too scoop 2 packs)
Originally Posted by bboy1827

Honestly people create the meanings of words. Given time all language is basically slang. I'm actually not that bad at grammar, not great but not bad and I know more rules that aren't in use and no one here would care about id est, that which = what. ;= conjunction it replaces "therefore" "leads to" "and" and a whole laundry list of other conjunctions. "Per Se" means "of itself" but people use it horribly. I have been taking Latin for the last three semesters and have two semesters left, and trust when I tell me you no one...NO ONE not even teachers follow all the rules so no need to trip. For example in that last sentence I left out a lot of relative and reflexive pronouns, turns out you don't really need them they are just there for convention.One time I used the proper "that" for a restricted clause in a sentence and my English teacher told me that I should have used "by which" which isn't wrong because that is the way people speak; in writing it is something different. That is when I stop tripping about grammar.
On NT, we communicate by writing/typing. I know there are a lot of people on here who type as they speak, with their cot damns, etc., but we arewriting here. There should be an adherence to proper grammar because in the real world, it matters. The world isgoing to be a sad place if people keep becoming less and less intelligent, word to Idiocracy.
so if thats the case we cant type..

U MAD? You're mad?
pics? pictures?
smh? shake my head?
Originally Posted by kidUFC

so if thats the case we cant type..

U MAD? You're mad?
pics? pictures?
smh? shake my head?
You're mad? = You are mad?

Are you mad?

As for the other abbreviations, pics, smh, etc., that is not really a problem. But if someone is going to take the time to type out a response that takes upmore than two lines, they should take the time to type a little more legibly.
Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

Worst = bad or ill in the highest, greatest, or most extreme degree. (Ex. Kwame Brown was the worst draft pick ever.)
Worse = bad or ill in a greater or higher degree. (Ex. I think Michael Olowakandi was worse.)

There's a difference. I don't understand how you people can mix them up. They don't even sound right when used improperly.


- i dont get how people mix this up so much as well.
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