NT help i need advice for a date. ASAP! vol. UPDATE!!!! pics inside

"Don't bring your girl around me, true player for real..."

No but honestly, YOU got a date with a woman who looks like that and you are so inexperienced you have to ask NT where to take her? First off, I am not surehow you pulled that beauty, but I would say given these questions you have probably lost before you stared.

I mean, I have pulled girls this fine, but I damn sure had a plan on where to take them before I asked them out. Best of luck though! I wouldn't even avoidthe club personally... If you are funn/charming enough and willing to dance, you have a good chance there. The key comes down to how you play off the men whowill be hollering at her. Laugh it off and act unaffected? You are in. Get wierd, uptight and jealous? Sorry.
"Don't bring your girl around me, true player for real..."

No but honestly, YOU got a date with a woman who looks like that and you are so inexperienced you have to ask NT where to take her? First off, I am not surehow you pulled that beauty, but I would say given these questions you have probably lost before you stared.

I mean, I have pulled girls this fine, but I damn sure had a plan on where to take them before I asked them out. Best of luck though! I wouldn't even avoidthe club personally... If you are funn/charming enough and willing to dance, you have a good chance there. The key comes down to how you play off the men whowill be hollering at her. Laugh it off and act unaffected? You are in. Get wierd, uptight and jealous? Sorry.


She's sexy!
Originally Posted by Knivesdesu

"Don't bring your girl around me, true player for real..."

No but honestly, YOU got a date with a woman who looks like that and you are so inexperienced you have to ask NT where to take her? First off, I am not sure how you pulled that beauty, but I would say given these questions you have probably lost before you stared.

I mean, I have pulled girls this fine, but I damn sure had a plan on where to take them before I asked them out. Best of luck though! I wouldn't even avoid the club personally... If you are funn/charming enough and willing to dance, you have a good chance there. The key comes down to how you play off the men who will be hollering at her. Laugh it off and act unaffected? You are in. Get wierd, uptight and jealous? Sorry.
Originally Posted by Knivesdesu

"Don't bring your girl around me, true player for real..."

No but honestly, YOU got a date with a woman who looks like that and you are so inexperienced you have to ask NT where to take her? First off, I am not sure how you pulled that beauty, but I would say given these questions you have probably lost before you stared.

I mean, I have pulled girls this fine, but I damn sure had a plan on where to take them before I asked them out. Best of luck though! I wouldn't even avoid the club personally... If you are funn/charming enough and willing to dance, you have a good chance there. The key comes down to how you play off the men who will be hollering at her. Laugh it off and act unaffected? You are in. Get wierd, uptight and jealous? Sorry.

out of everyone. i'm listening to you. thank you. =)
My fast advice is take her someone where active. where you can interact with each other. So something like Movies or Dinner is lame. Bowling, Dancing, iceskating are good spots to always take a girl.
If you both suck at it is fun. If you suck at it its embarrassing but you'll score points less shes has a bad persona in general.
Main thing is go out there and have fun. First Days are all about having interactive fun.
Yo..... we will be needing that update afterward sir


okay okay.... was a 3rd picture really necessary.... now you just teasin us fam

Just playin
Knivesdesu speaks some knowledge

lol def hit up irvine spectrum. that spot is sickk for dates this time of year.

Never take a girl to a club, movie or any type of scenerio where the attention is off of you and most importantly...HER!

I've taken girl to comedy shows and that usually works pretty well. These days I just bring them to the apartment we chill, we talk we smoke, we order init's beautiful. Oh and don't give me any of that you need to impress girls on the first date, thats non sense be yourself.
Originally Posted by IloveShoes

I'm from orange county. california.

alright guys so. i've eliminated the club. and i'm not really a good bowler. sooooooo.... any other ideas? quick i have 15 minutes! ahhhh

I woulda went t the club, its all about isolatiom & drinks, club on a tuesday niht would have been money. OC huh? Mt as ll lide me the # if you don'tget it crackin...

Should of had dinner at your place and made it a blockbuster night..

Damn she fine as +$%$ though you got pull
i know i might be late but next time youre unsure of what to do or where to take her hit her with
"why dont you put on your prettiest/sexiest outfit and we can go according to how youre dressed"

but me personally id try to get her over the crib if not,i like bars or goin somewhere to eat. bowlin is coo too
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