NT help i need advice for a date. ASAP! vol. UPDATE!!!! pics inside

You need to get her in a position where you can show her your personality (no pun intended) and be able to connect with her. Make it a fun experience anddon't forget to ask her how her son is doing and how it has changed her for the better, if the situation permits. Good taste btw fam
Take her to eat then take her to the club! Don't listen to some who shake their heads at the club idea, I think it's great, because like this if youreally are on top of your game, so it seems (if you snatching a dime piece), then you can outshine some of the dudes that are in the club trying to snatch.This way it is kind of a test of your game, she came with you so if your game is straight, she might even give up just because you had the BALLS to bring herin the jungle where she knows beastswill come at her. On top of what the other dude said if you don't act jealous and %#%@ that adds up to points that shemight like because it is a strong quality. So I say take her to eat, dance with her, grind up on it and next thing you know you might not need to whip it outbecause she'll whip it out for you!!!
don't take her to a big club with hip hop music and thirsty %+! dudes everywhere, you're setting yourself up for failure...

take her to a nice, yet inexpensive piano bar, where they serve food, and have live music playing.

show her you got some class...
take her to a lounge or a jazz club.

drinks and conversations...then dance..then she be ready to go down on you...

and if you come to ask nt.. sorry homie.. you have no game.
Fashion Island > Irvine Spectrum if you wanna take her to a mall. And the beach is next door, so if you take her to Fashion Island, stop by the beach.
Don't go to the club I'm sure you got restaurants around your way with bars in them. Or just take her to Ihop.
shorty looks like a ummm- pro...and you are asking for advice on NT on where to take her for a "date" -

something aint adding up-
Originally Posted by IloveShoes

EDITTTTTT!!!!!!!!! on the date:

ARRRITE NT. for those who say i took the epic L. I did. I'm not gonna lie and front and say we had a bomb time just for some e-fame i'm gonna tell the truth. because i'm real, and that's all i want you guys to see.

So she calls me around 10:30 saying she has some paper work to finish up and she'll do her make up in the office so i can just snatch her on the way to hollywood. Come 11:00 i leave my crib and pump some gas (nh) start speeding down the 5 north freeway.

Come 11:30 i finally meet up with her and she says "hey follow me to my house so i can drop off my car"

About 11:45 we finally get there. she gets out. she's wearing this thin american apparrel body dress that makes me wanna pounce and get into best mode.
I tell her we can't make it to the club anymore because it won't be worth going to hollywood for an hr and a half. Plus the cover is $12:00

So i ask her, "you want to go to down town fullerton? (bar spot in oc)"


"bj's? (nh)"


and i was like well what do you want to do then??

she says she's gonna go inside and change into some jeans and then we'll figure it out from there. she comes out in some moo-moo print pj's and a sweater. I'm thinking hell yeah we gonna go back to my crib, have a few drinks and imma lay the hammer (word to thor).

wrong! WRONG!!! (charlie murphy).
We just ended up chillen in the back seat of her suv of her trunk. facing the street. door open and everything. so i couldn't even bust any moves. I tried to ask if she wanted to get drinks, all she says is why i wanna drink so bad. The whole night was wiggidy wack. All she did was talk about herself, about how cute she was, how dope she is working as an office manager for some wack*** business, and a few of her exes. (Loss loss loss, yes i'm salty) :rollseyes You can call me a biggidy B****. but she gave me the L before i could even take it.

Just gonna take my cookies and move on. All i got from her was a 3 second kiss (little toungue), i got to touch her lower back tattoo, and her hip bone. She was a mad tease. weaksauce. never again.

CLIFF NOTES: picked her up. went to her work. followed her. went back to her crib. she changed into pj's. we sat in her car. nothing happened. the end.

On another note, i got another girl that i would like to introduce to you guys NT.

she may not be as fine as the first one. but she's pretty cute. tell me what you guys think. i'll keep you guys updated.


don't mind the gay dude

Originally Posted by ShoeHefner5

Originally Posted by IloveShoes

EDITTTTTT!!!!!!!!! on the date:

ARRRITE NT. for those who say i took the epic L. I did. I'm not gonna lie and front and say we had a bomb time just for some e-fame i'm gonna tell the truth. because i'm real, and that's all i want you guys to see.

So she calls me around 10:30 saying she has some paper work to finish up and she'll do her make up in the office so i can just snatch her on the way to hollywood. Come 11:00 i leave my crib and pump some gas (nh) start speeding down the 5 north freeway.

Come 11:30 i finally meet up with her and she says "hey follow me to my house so i can drop off my car"

About 11:45 we finally get there. she gets out. she's wearing this thin american apparrel body dress that makes me wanna pounce and get into best mode.
I tell her we can't make it to the club anymore because it won't be worth going to hollywood for an hr and a half. Plus the cover is $12:00

So i ask her, "you want to go to down town fullerton? (bar spot in oc)"


"bj's? (nh)"


and i was like well what do you want to do then??

she says she's gonna go inside and change into some jeans and then we'll figure it out from there. she comes out in some moo-moo print pj's and a sweater. I'm thinking hell yeah we gonna go back to my crib, have a few drinks and imma lay the hammer (word to thor).

wrong! WRONG!!! (charlie murphy).
We just ended up chillen in the back seat of her suv of her trunk. facing the street. door open and everything. so i couldn't even bust any moves. I tried to ask if she wanted to get drinks, all she says is why i wanna drink so bad. The whole night was wiggidy wack. All she did was talk about herself, about how cute she was, how dope she is working as an office manager for some wack*** business, and a few of her exes. (Loss loss loss, yes i'm salty) :rollseyes You can call me a biggidy B****. but she gave me the L before i could even take it.

Just gonna take my cookies and move on. All i got from her was a 3 second kiss (little toungue), i got to touch her lower back tattoo, and her hip bone. She was a mad tease. weaksauce. never again.

CLIFF NOTES: picked her up. went to her work. followed her. went back to her crib. she changed into pj's. we sat in her car. nothing happened. the end.

On another note, i got another girl that i would like to introduce to you guys NT.

she may not be as fine as the first one. but she's pretty cute. tell me what you guys think. i'll keep you guys updated.


don't mind the gay dude


If you're talking about the second girl's pics. I fixed em on page 1.
%@$% thats a major L.. I woulda just sweet talked her and started with the kissing. If she says ewww gross blah blah then say F U, get out my car
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