NT...how did this become acceptable? Vol. This is not a representation of my generation as a whole

Sep 10, 2009
View media item 156535
I apologize for being so...confusing? anyway...
I said "when did this become acceptable" because
a lot of NT and other people older than my generation
act like Generation Z males are so effeminate and that things
such as the picture i posted...are in fact the norm for us.
this picture is an extreme example, but my point is to say
that this is NOT the norm...and there are perfectly normal males
in my generation and that in fact...every generation had it's weirdos, effeminate types. So please...the "you hatin" "let em cook" "you on the sideline" comments can be saved because my whole problem is that older people love to point the finger like they don't make em like you anymore and we are just a new, weird breed. You in fact...aren't letting us cook. THAT is the point i'm trying to make.
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I've seen pics of this kid before. I think the best (as in worst) one is this one:

View media item 156561That camo is hiding something...

He is wearing a hoodie as pants.
Trying to bring platform shoes back :smh:. They were a short lived fad in the 70's. Don't see why they should be revived. Leave them in 1974 where they belong.
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Who cares man. Every generation has had people who dressed funny. Whatever generation you belong to isn't special. Let him cook.
I ain't even mad. Ol boy is doing him while you on the sidelines talking about him.

He won. You lost.
i'm sorry but you generation z kids are the worst dressing generation out of all the contemporary generations.
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80's babies were da last cats with some sort of resemblance of common sense.

these new jacks are SOOO thirst to make some kind name or claim for themselves it becomes a act of desperation..

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Who cares man. Every generation has had people who dressed funny. Whatever generation you belong to isn't special. Let him cook.
^ *nods* 

He's having fun with life. Life is too long, it's okay to let yourself be happy for you... as long as you're not hurting anybody. I wouldn't judge your generation just by him, if anything I commend him for not being a follower in his generation. I love ppl like him :smile: 
yeah this is getting out of hand son 
Every generation has those who take a style or trend and go to the extreme. Every generation claims the generations that follow lack originality and innovation.

Who said it was acceptable and who cares if it isn't? If this guy was in the 80s,he'd probably find a way to stand out and dress outlandishly.. Same as if it was the 90s.
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