NT, How much music do you have in your Itunes?

Whats the best way to organize iTunes? And is there a way to change the way the files look(like actually seeing the Artist,song,etc)??
How do you guys have so much music?
I'd never be able to listen to that much music. I've got around 2 gb of music.
I listen to just about all styles of music depending on my mood....A bunch of mixsets like BBC Essential mixes,DJ AM mixes (RIP),Fatboy Slim,DJ Tiesto,DJDrama,Daft Punk.DJ Clue,a lot of mixtapes,podcasts,Foxxhole Radio and all kinds of music...Lately I've been listening to a lot of dance stuff,the new DomKennedy mixtape,and some classic reggae...
4335 items
11.7 Days
23.38 GB

WEAK compared to some of you.

TONS compared to my friends.

I feel like I have too many BUT sometimes I feel like I don't have enough.
8476 songs, 39GB. I have a ton of music too, i dont even understand how some of you guys have double that amount?
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