NT, How much music do you have in your Itunes?

i download what i like not just every single song by that artist. if i like more than half of the album, ill buy it whole and delete outro/intro.

I got 1161, 5.60 GB
4970 songs, 27.61 GB

I thought having nearly two week's worth of music was a lot...I see people here with enough music totaling 37 days
178...I don't see why people have ridiculous amounts of music...I mean it's not like you can listen to every one a day...or so on.
Originally Posted by 10eazye

178...I don't see why people have ridiculous amounts of music...I mean it's not like you can listen to every one a day...or so on.
That makes no sense. Your logic baffles me.

but i have more in my windows media player.

...How can i get newly d/l music in myWMP, to go into my itunes.

It did when i recently d/l itunes but since then it just stays in my WMP.
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