NT, How Was Your Day?

It was cool. However at work I was talking to this lady and she was telling me how she was gonna have a bad day, so I asked why only for her to open her bag and show me her pads
didn't do much, just went to the gym tonight and had this huge fart I was pinching for like 20 minutes while I was talking to this little cutie on the treadmill and now my stomach hurts, I think it was from all the clenching
Boring. Still looking for work. Going through some really !*#%%$ up emotions right now.

But I'm still here.
worked a 12hr shift,
got of work at 6am
went to bed at 8am...
son woke me up 10:30am
still awake at work dont get off til 6am again.....
my day was a long one and it' still going...but after a year being deployed ya boy is finally back stateside 4 hours from home...i don'tsee anything topping this one for a while...
Originally Posted by vctry20

didn't do much, just went to the gym tonight and had this huge fart I was pinching for like 20 minutes while I was talking to this little cutie on the treadmill and now my stomach hurts, I think it was from all the clenching

"I can help you fix that"
woke up
worked out
seen my grama
talked to my girl
ate some smoked salmon
talked to my girl some more
bout to sleep, it was good.
woke up, realized I didn't do homework that was due Sunday, driving on the freeway and ending up getting a stupid deep rock chip on the windshield (damn mobile home transferring truck), on top of that I had to take a crap, got to my place and my roommate ends up scratching my tv with his xbox controller.

I was pissed for half of the day. Ended up being alright.
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