NT... i did a paper on you !

It was actually pretty good. The first paragraph must not have copied/pasted well because it just cut off mid-sentence, and there were a couple words I thinkyou meant to delete while editing (maybe 2-3 total). I'd still imagine to be A-worthy, depending on the professor.
Breakin unwritten rules...
Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

You've broken the golden rule of NT....never mention NT outside of NT.

Shame on you.


who would write a paper about NT?

that's like telling your girl, "this GIF Crank Lucas made is so hilarious, you gotta check it out".

Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

You've broken the golden rule of NT....never mention NT outside of NT.

Shame on you.


who would write a paper about NT?

that's like telling your girl, "this GIF Crank Lucas made is so hilarious, you gotta check it out".

I bet you that's happened.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD


who would write a paper about NT?

that's like telling your girl, "this GIF Crank Lucas made is so hilarious, you gotta check it out".

I bet you that's happened.
I'm pretty sure it has, these dudes get so excited over dumb @#!#. It's like they just can't hold it in or something.
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD


who would write a paper about NT?

that's like telling your girl, "this GIF Crank Lucas made is so hilarious, you gotta check it out".

I bet you that's happened.
I'm pretty sure it has, these dudes get so excited simp over dumb @#!#. It's like they just can't hold it in or something.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

I'm pretty sure it has, these dudes get so excited simp over dumb @#!#. It's like they just can't hold it in or something.
I hope your not one of those literal people though thatthink that %#$% is serious.
Originally Posted by MaZA4eVeR14


Thanks for the B+
word, i have to do an essay similar to this one, and you already did it for me.
Good looking out
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