Originally Posted by dbbabd

NT man I just need a place to vent. Ok so this girl i been talking to ( not official bf/gf but just about) we spend most of our time together and i treated her so good. I feed her, we slept together 6/7 days
had sex, jusst everything together . I was basically her only friend on this campus and she even told me she loved me first. We had been carrying this on for about 3/4 months. So fast foward to this weekend. She goes to another college to visit her best friend from back home and its my girls bday. I dont trip but long story short she came back to my room the next night after she got dropped off by her bestfriend, we lay in bed and cuddle and talk about her bday weekend. The next morning i wake up and see a damn hickey on her neck. I played it cool and said "what the hell is that on your neck", she says "oh ntn (with a lil crappy grin)". I had soo much work due in less than an hour so i let her leave without scolding her for the hickey. So i wrote her on FB while in class sayin " yo its over, you doin ya thing and not worried about me obviously". and we had a argument over FB. 2 hours later her status is. " ShaWty sAy hE waNna Be mY oFFicAl [boY]..hAHa yEa u S0 SpEciAl boY". Man NT i dont know what to think. She does like to play games to make me mad and think other things but i am done with her. But i just feel so played that she would put that as her status. This is just a Vent post. Why cant woment appreciate a good man, then all of them complain about how we dogs. Its over for these collge females now. NO MORE TRICKN AND NO MORE TREATIN.....just str8 beatin.

Well, it seems like you didn't lose much. So +, for smashing those. And PICS.
Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Well Air Her %*# Out Then!

Nah. Just dead it. Never talk to her again. I don't know if you completely got "played" cause she isn't really your girl, but what she didcertainly was wack/whorish.

Ultimately you just found out she's a skeez. Think of it this way, better sooner than later. Don't get mentally hung up on a girl that's clearlynot worth your time/effort anyways. You took an L but small l is lot better than a big L, just keep it movin'.
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

Well, it seems like you didn't lose much. So +, for smashing those. And PICS.
  • money
  • food
  • time caking
  • umad-ness
its all relative, but that sounds like quite a bit to give up or get for just a jump off. im quite positive that if any man on here does the things he is speaking of frequently his bun count will increase exponentially
Originally Posted by nbirn2103

Don't play games, they will only dig you further in. Don't stoop to her level or else you will drive yourself nuts trying to get back at her.

Just put her on ignore and don't play facebook games. You are more mature than that and if you're not pretend to be. No need sweating over this broad.

i'm quoting this because every person who creates topics like these need to rehearse these lines. also, if you're dating a girl or with a girl rightnow and you're kinda soft (nh), pay attention now so you don't end up like homeslice over there
thats why if you ain't official yet, you gotta keep at least another chick or 2 or 3 on the side... seriously.
my mans said no trickin, no treatin, just beatins

Take the L...yall fall into plenty more drunken bunns while in college.
the one with a big catchers mit and it says feelings across it...i had it saved but my hard drive broke and now i have nothing on my computer...
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by dbbabd

NT man I just need a place to vent. Ok so this girl i been talking to ( not official bf/gf but just about) we spend most of our time together and i treated her so good. I feed her, we slept together 6/7 days
, had sex, jusst everything together . I was basically her only friend on this campus and she even told me she loved me first. We had been carrying this on for about 3/4 months. So fast foward to this weekend. She goes to another college to visit her best friend from back home and its my girls bday. I dont trip but long story short she came back to my room the next night after she got dropped off by her bestfriend, we lay in bed and cuddle and talk about her bday weekend. The next morning i wake up and see a damn hickey on her neck. I played it cool and said "what the hell is that on your neck", she says "oh ntn (with a lil crappy grin)". I had soo much work due in less than an hour so i let her leave without scolding her for the hickey. So i wrote her on FB while in class sayin " yo its over, you doin ya thing and not worried about me obviously". and we had a argument over FB. 2 hours later her status is. " ShaWty sAy hE waNna Be mY oFFicAl [boY]..hAHa yEa u S0 SpEciAl boY". Man NT i dont know what to think. She does like to play games to make me mad and think other things but i am done with her. But i just feel so played that she would put that as her status. This is just a Vent post. Why cant woment appreciate a good man, then all of them complain about how we dogs. Its over for these collge females now. NO MORE TRICKN AND NO MORE TREATIN.....just str8 beatin.

What are you her grandfather?
And she's not even your official girl, if you were so worried about her you would've been made that official.
Stop crying.
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