NT: I have a school problem vol. POSSIBLE RELIGOUS FREEDOM TAKEN????

^its people like that that ruined it for my generation
nah nah...my school openly embraced my muslim faith...

but you need to take legal action my dude
Originally Posted by Nawth21

You can take it up with administration and it is messed up that they did that, but it's not a rights violation as they're still allowing you to practice and it's an excused absence. And you're not entitled to the exemption, it's just an incentive to do well so thats not like a rights violation either. But, I think it's still wrong to change the rules like that so I would definately complain to administration. And the PTA, do they have PTAs in High School?? lol some organization anyways

I was coming in to say this very thing. It does suck but you aren't really being punished because of your religion. Exemptions are a generally aprivilege. I would speak to them about the rule change, if you have anything in writing then that is better for your case. In the future you should def getthe rules in writing so this doesn't happen again.
Good luck.
^i know im not being punished but im not given the same opportunities as other students are, the prayer that i go to is mandatory for us so i cant skip nomatter the situation. i met all the qualifications for the exemptions being that friday prayer would not count towards it. what is the likelihood i can getthis changed before finals i plan on making a ruckus.
there is not supposed to be any religion in school. the whole christmas break slippery slope thing. they obviously wont legitimately penalize you due toreligion because that would be a pr nightmare and the aclu would have flights booked, but you have to look at this from a reasonably sane point of view.missing two class periods at a public school due to prayer isnt reasonable.
you chose the school.
and you chose your religion.

imo I understand that you dont b.s. and are working hard if you have 97's. You're not being discriminated against because of your religion. I think itmay be more biased if they allowed it because of your religion because all the non-muslims should have an issue on why they cant miss more than 3 days. Thequalifications are 3 absents even if they are excused it counts right? So I'm guessing even if you got ill and was sick for 3 days you still wouldn'tbe exempt from the final and that is just the rule. Besides you are getting 97s you're gonna ace that final.

Your only, and reasonable fight is that they changed it a week before finals which is b.s.
Originally Posted by Kobe BACK

threaten to sue the school and they will get scared and u win

word .. act like you're gonna make a huge deal about it
i'd act like i was gonna bring the media into it
lol @ everyone not seeing what's logically going to happen here: (edit: actually, Dirty has the right idea)

assuming that this is a public school in the US, you are correct that they should not be counting those excused absences any differently than anyone else andthat they should not be changing policy midway through the year.And I think we can establish that a religious absence is an excused absence, it isn't*nothing*.

However, the problem is you are going to argue against a voluntary policy the school put into place. Unless this is a district wide, and district-endorsedpolicy, there is no reason they cannot change it as often as they like for whatever reason. Chances are if you throw a big fit and protest it they will simplycancel the policy school-wide to avoid the fuss...not to mention you should be taking your finals anyway and any kind of authority above the school will arguethat. Now, if you go in quietly and state your case in a way that doesn't make the principal or anyone else look stupid, then you have a chance.

If you quietly and respectfully ask them to change the policy and they don't, then you definately have a case for discrimination and should call them out.Of course religion is voluntary in the school's eyes. But the main thing is making a huge fuss about it will not get you what you want.
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