NT, i need some help about my friend

Jan 26, 2008
one of my boys who i love*#!! and have been so close with since we were 5 is going through somethin serious. it started in the summer he would get angrysometimes and it wasnt such a big deal. but than him and our other friend started fightin and now my angry friend hates him. but the anger is getting reallybad now. the other day his away message was "knife" and than a few days later it was "gun" and today it was "is life worth livin orshould i blast myself". ik its a 2pac line but it still shook me considerin how hes been. but when i ask him about it he avoids it so idk what to do. myother friends mom is gonna talk to the angry ones mom about it. idk if those away messages are something suicidal bcuz this guy means the world to me and ineed to help him out. do u think there is anything else i can do.

- angry friend
- scary sounding away messages
- ignores when i ask what is wrong
- need help.
Coulda swore that was a Pac lyric ...

Yup it was ... but on topic.

1. Ayo on the wording of your thread.

2. Just be an ear for him when he's ready to talk because that may be all he needs. Dont ask him. Just be there ...
the line is actually a Pac line. But, this is very serious. You need to get your friend some professional counseling and just be there to support him.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by asg528

i mean tupac. thts not the important part
Actually it pretty much is, how dare you confuse the two
aight my friend could be on the verge of loosing it so shut up
Buy him ice cream.. That would "cool" him down.


Oh man, i crack MYSELF up.
wow, dudes a ruthless. one NTer flames, so the rest follow. Anyway, let it be known to those that can help like his fam and fall back.
The guys who posted nothing relevant to OP's problems, maybe someday something bad will happen to you just remember that.

as for your friend OP, do what you can to get your friend to see the big picture that he needs help. Something may have happened to him to make him snap or itcould be something biological, but try and talk to him and break him out of the confined space he's created for himself, if that doesnt work i really dontknow.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Buy him ice cream.. That would "cool" him down.


Oh man, i crack MYSELF up.
I dunno why but I cracked up at this., extremely corny goodstuff man
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

the line is actually a Pac line. But, this is very serious. You need to get your friend some professional counseling and just be there to support him.
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