NT, I need your help

Jan 2, 2011
So I recently moved to my dorm in NYC.  An apartment building type of thing, everything's good.  The problem is my building is wack as hell.  Like... no one in this building is fun or has a desire to have fun.  So I go to the other building to have fun/chill with people/go out.  My roomate is my dude, I got no problem with him and we both get along pretty well.  
NT I need your help trying to come up with a legit excuse as to why I need to change dorms.  They say they normally don't allow room changes based off of convenience, but this dorm is DEATH and pretty much the only way out is a legit excuse.

Hook me up.

inB4 "deal with it" and "didntread.gif"


-Moved to NYC

-Roomate is cool as hell

-Building sucks

-For fun, must go to other building

-need legit reason for why I need to leave
Tell em you don't get along with your roommate. I know hes cool, but isn't that a good excuse?
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

I mean it is, but I'd prefer not to leave him. We were trying to leave together.


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