NT If you saw this lying around...


formerly gatorad3
Dec 18, 2008
what would you do? 

AR on a cop car....what the %*%# do you think someone an ounce of common sense would do? Leave it there, fool.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

AR on a cop car....what the %*%# do you think someone an ounce of common sense would do?

Grab the AR, start the engine, and ghost ride the car while shooting the rifle in the air revolutionary style
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

AR on a cop car....what the %*%# do you think someone an ounce of common sense would do?

Grab the AR, start the engine, and ghost ride the car while shooting the rifle in the air revolutionary style

I'd an idiot and ruin my life by doing something dumb like picking it up so every time I go for a job that little blip shows up
Equip my Predator, Attack Helicopter, and Pave Low as my kill streaks then do work...
Pick it up, shoot the gas tank, walk away surrounded by fire without looking back of course
Pull out my iphone, take a pic, then post the pic on NT with the title: NT, look what I saw vol. DUMB PIGS, and I'd roll in the e-props with the occasional, "u aint about dat life OP, shoulda took it for ur own"-type comments.
I'd walk away like I didnt see it. Id be very tempted to grab it.

On second thought, I'd take a pic and complain to city officials about why this isn't safe and shouldn't just be lying around, setup or not.
i'll leave it there just because its daylight but if it was night time and i seen it it would be a different story
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