NT, introduce me to a new drink

Originally Posted by remix

soft drinks? if it taste good i dont give sshhhh how "girly" it is.....not tryin to look hard when i drink...smh
I understand what you're saying and all, but that isn't manly to me. I don't have it in me to order a Hennessey/Apple Juice for example.
Hennessey is meant to be drank alone. Fruity drinks TO ME are like you're really hesitant to get that full effect of the liquor so you mask it with something
fruity. The only time I would ever consider drinking a fruity drink is on a beach somewhere/yacht/Las Vegas strip with a broad.

Originally Posted by remix

soft drinks? if it taste good i dont give sshhhh how "girly" it is.....not tryin to look hard when i drink...smh
I understand what you're saying and all, but that isn't manly to me. I don't have it in me to order a Hennessey/Apple Juice for example.
Hennessey is meant to be drank alone. Fruity drinks TO ME are like you're really hesitant to get that full effect of the liquor so you mask it with something
fruity. The only time I would ever consider drinking a fruity drink is on a beach somewhere/yacht/Las Vegas strip with a broad.

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

bunch of fruity drinks being posted
 gotta crawl before you walk.

i think the abundance of fruity drinks posted is representative of the average age of NTers.  I know i didn't start off drinking whiskey neat or on the rocks right from the get go.  hell, I remember freshman year in college when one of our boy's older sister turned us on to Parrot Bay Rum.  We thought that stuff was amazing.  Tastes great and you can get a buzz?!?!?!?!  Nowadays I cant mess with anything sweet/fruity in my booze or else it messes with my system real bad (not to mention I don't want to be ordering girly drinks)

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

bunch of fruity drinks being posted
 gotta crawl before you walk.

i think the abundance of fruity drinks posted is representative of the average age of NTers.  I know i didn't start off drinking whiskey neat or on the rocks right from the get go.  hell, I remember freshman year in college when one of our boy's older sister turned us on to Parrot Bay Rum.  We thought that stuff was amazing.  Tastes great and you can get a buzz?!?!?!?!  Nowadays I cant mess with anything sweet/fruity in my booze or else it messes with my system real bad (not to mention I don't want to be ordering girly drinks)

yup, back when i was 16 there was no telling me malibu wasn't the best drink out.
yup, back when i was 16 there was no telling me malibu wasn't the best drink out.
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