NT is Slumdog Millionaire really that damn good?

Sep 7, 2005
My co-worker works at Best Buy part time and he can get me practiclly anything there with his discount for dirt cheap. Undecided btw either renting it orbuying it. Is this movie that damn good to just go ahead and buy the dvd?
whats it about?
Just buy it if it's so cheap. Or rent it, then if you like it buy it.
You'll probably enjoy it as long as you go in with an open mind and dont take to heart everyone saying "Too predictable, too boring, blah blahblah"

By the way, I really enjoyed it. Top 3 movies of last year for me.
it's pretty epic as far as independent films are concerned.

Excellent storytelling and it's something that's really never been done before.

My favorite movie last year, next to TDK and the Wrestler.
iit good but I dont think 8 oscar including best picture good.

reminded me of "city of god" + "forest gump" mixed into one
just watch the movie, what's a few bucks? you are either a renter or a buyer. Rent to watch once, buy to watch over and over... that's on how youare...
It's good.

Then again I'm biased because of my heritage.

Either way you should buy it because it the economy needs stimulating.
its good but not what everyone else and oprah are trying to make it...

reminds of my coworker....dude said DID ANYONE WATCH SLAMDUNK MILLIONAIRE???

Originally Posted by Fade On You


these are the stupid f'n posts that really bother me....Explain how its overated...do you guys know how hard it is to make a movie like this? They had abudget of like 30 million dollars. They used random #%* kids from the street...instead of giving the director compliments we go out of our way to say a movieis "overated" when in fact alot of ppl like the OP still havnt seen it.
Originally Posted by TheSouthside

whats it about?
Dude is last question away from winning the big bucks. They think he's cheating, blah blah blah. So, dude that's 'bout to win tellsa story how he knows the answer, blah blah blah. It's pretty good, you should watch it.

Plus, the Frieda broad in there is pretty
Originally Posted by Curious24

Originally Posted by Fade On You


these are the stupid f'n posts that really bother me....Explain how its overated...do you guys know how hard it is to make a movie like this? They had a budget of like 30 million dollars. They used random #%* kids from the street...instead of giving the director compliments we go out of our way to say a movie is "overated" when in fact alot of ppl like the OP still havnt seen it.
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