NT it's your time to get it off your chest now thread.

Originally Posted by RAWse

The past sucks, for the most part, but im trying to LEARN from it.

Too much money is going to MJ... SMH

I put trust in only a few cause there are a bunch of fakes out here

I need to get 100% serious about my education..

The girls I want are always the hardest to get, and most the girls I do hook up with aren't my type of wifey

I wish money would grow on trees... life would get great

Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by bigballa8716

- i like flirtin with girls who have boyfriends, in front of their boyfriends, it makes me feel good about myself lol
- i am a nice dude, but can really be an ahole sometimes
- i HATE girls who need mad attention all the time
- deep down inside i am the biggest nerd, but you wouldn't guess it due to my appearance
- i tend to dwell on the past/over think things WAY too much
The first one. . .
man that is ALL me. I do it to my boys cousins girlfriend. We hit it off the first time everyone hung out, and I wasn't subtle about it, the miners would be able to see what shenanigans I was pulling. The boyfriend is a few feet away playing beerpong, and his cuz (my boy) comes up to me and asks me to chill, I tell him "look dude, I didn't go out looking to talk to this girl, she started with me so i'm just responding. If your cousin doesn't like it then he can tell me, and i'll respect that."

He never did, so we've all hung out about 5 times, his girl now beers me when she feels my beer is getting low. And we talk on the reg

keeper. pull the robbery.
-I feel like waking up in the middle of night, drive down to the pier, and just scream my lungs out... Too much !%$% going on this past week for me, needa release some of that negative energy
Originally Posted by lostsoulswander

-this random middle school girl tried to talk to me today, hit her with the 
, but im starting to get sick of people saying that i dont look my age. When i was 14 everyone said i looked like i was 17-18, now when im actually 18 i look 15

-i daydream of everyone i care about dying. i dont know why but i just have scenarios that pop up in my head of me reaching home and getting that phone call that my mother,etc has passed

Man I feel u.....and I super hate'em...
Can't escape the pass, trying switch routes
Honestly thinking about quitting at life, selling the whip, selling every possession. going away and ask God why he abandon me.could of swore once you get on his side your enemies weapons should not prevail over you.
I can't even pee by myself.
Doing Aight in school but i know I could be doing better if I wasn't in this situation.
Twenty four and doubt if change will come. Too late for me I guess, hell aint nothing wrong pressing on though. Kids stay in school. females stay real don't let petty game captivate you.
Can't wait till next semester, I'm really going to hit the books hard.
I love making people mad. It's like a psychological disorder I have. I don't want to be around anybody. So I just say something to shut they @!% up.
For some reason ive been feeling white girls lately. I don't know whats happening. Even the flat booty no chest having ones. I just need some @!% ill be all right.
Want to go to jehovah witness kingdom hall with my uncle and disrupt service with my ignorant christianity.
I'm super nice and humble, the thing is, its my true nature. People try to counter with the same behavior, talking about, "how you doing? If theres anything I can do for you let me know." When in all actuality they couldn't care less.
I know i'm not the only one, I hate when i find a seat by myself and here come somebody wanting to sit right beside you. I'm like damn all these seats though.
My self esstem is so low I wish I could I could steal some from particular niketalkers.
Would like to engage in an original intelligent conversation with my teacher but my mind is not even seeing his.
O yeah I hate when a dude be like, "o yeah wait, I'm bout to cop this I'm bout to cop that." Negro please, you broke like me and they sure dont take bap refer bags.
I hate when a dude be like, "johan, why you ain't got no females." Straight be hurting a dude feelings. Then I look at the girls they fooling with then I immediately feel good again. I mean she could at least hide the tracks, wash her night clothes she wear every day.
I seriously need to stop acting gay. I know right
People swear im fronting, well I guess I'm going to be fake for now on.
I'm extremely sarcastic, I need to stop and grow up.
My room upstairs in my grandma house is getting to small i really need to get the hell out this here.
I'm ugly, but im going to think im cute and rich with a big dingaling. If you can believe it you can achieve it.
Sorry niketalk I got a lot on my mind I need to vent
I've been do do on so much its crazy. I helped a person out, dude do do on me damn.
Speaking on religion, I just hate the lord. I feel like he abandoned me. He could at least get a !#%!! a job.
That's it, ill save some for later. I feel a oil bit better now.
my woman has an order of protection against me even though she was the person hitting me. So im paying ALL the bills for an apartment I dont live in, she wont feed me, wash my clothes or even give me some of her hot pocket. I just lost my job and spraigned my ankle running for the bus yesterday.
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