NT it's your time to get it off your chest now thread.

- I'm 17 and I don't have a cell phone. People act like eat babies when I say that.
- I feel like my girlfriend hinders my personal growth at times.
- I have a beard , and i hate when people ask me if im muslim (like only muslims grow out their beards)
- always on NT and today was the first time time i logged in in months to post something
Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality


I just finished Medial school and im a Registered Phlebotomy Technician 

last week I had an interview that went well company called me in to do some more hand on stuff 

its the next week they call me on Monday I returned the phone call later now they are acting like they dont know why

or who called me im just trying to figure out did I get the job or not cut the bull$#!# already dont you see im trying to

go the right path in my life I can easily get some product and get on the block and become a statistic why is this $#!@ so hard


yea I feel u, it seems like when u choose to right n honest path things are always harder n slower for you even when you do eveeything rite smh, hope da best for u fam
-i simped hard to get back my ex
-she clowned me and i still wanted her back
-i said the meanest thing possible to her after she OD and don't regret it
-I told her i wish i never met her at all and meant it
-its obvious i'm not over her or it
@ me
-i'm ashamed at falling for an immature younger girl ... and i'm ashamed at my actions due to rejection

-i am thankful for my closest friends and family
-i rarely sleep
-my friend offered to clean my apt top to bottom b/c i let it go to +@$ after i broke up w/ shorty.
-swag i have no more
- the girl I want goes to school 8 hours away 

- the girl Im smashin now acts like she is my girl and wants to be around me 24/7
- i dont care about 90% of the people in my life and wouldnt care if they dropped off the Earth
- i wouldnt cry at my parents funeral
- i hate that people try to look down on me because I dont believe in  God
Originally Posted by DMV is RNB

*I hate talking on the phone.  People will call me incessantly and 95% of the time, I'll ignore it and hit them back afterwards if it's important.  
*I've always been a "rock" for the people in my life...everyone (friends and family) always turns to me for everything.  Since it genuinely makes me happy to see those around me happy, I am always there to help.  But I'm incapable of letting others all the way in with my own life because I recognize that I'm different. And I don't think they could handle a day in my shoes, so why bother.  I can handle it myself.

*Marijuana is a beautiful thing if used properly, and I can't stand when people who are ignorant to its use...make stupid comments about it.  Ever since I moved to Los Angeles for my career, I've been smoking and it truly has helped me to awaken my inner self and ascend the ladder of consciousness, so to speak.  

*I do NOT like the establishment of church at all.  I have a very strong and powerful personal relationship with God, and I feel that church and the majority of the people 

inside it could only do damage to it.  

*I am not patriotic what so ever.  The pledge of allegiance hasn't crossed my lips in close to 10 years.  I still want the absolute best for all of the people who live here, and I'm extremely passionate about the wellbeing of everyone who inhibits the country...I just don't have the slightest bit of pride for "America" as an establishment.

*I am great with people and get along with pretty much every person I encounter.  But deep down, I'm pretty shy and somehow I'm just really adept at hiding that.  

*I always used to fear I would be alone for the rest of my life, but I no longer feel that way.  Or rather... I no longer care to waste energy on such a negative thought.  

*I enjoy solitude...because of it, I've truly grown to understand and appreciate myself over the past 2 years; and I've never been happier.

*I have a problem with the people in my generation because most seemingly just don't care about ANYTHING of importance these days.  They have no standards, no sense of responsibility.  Men don't wanna be men and women don't wanna be women...I guess it's just too much work for people to be responsible and to hold themselves accountable for their actions. 

*I've overcome so much in my life that at this point, I truly believe I can accomplish any and everything.  I don't feel invincible...I just believe I'm capable of anything I put my mind to and after so many hardships throughout my childhood until now...I believe that I deserve more than that.  I feel that I deserve the best.  Which is why I won't ever rest...because I now realize that I can always become better than I was the day before.  There is always room to improve.

*Living in Hollywood has caused me to truly hate the music industry (entertainment really) as a whole, which could be a problem because I'm involved in it 
.  But over the past 2 years, I've just been studying and observing what goes on, and I'm using all of my experiences and learning from them so that I can effectively do it differently.  I'm gonna bring change to this game...I promise. I love music too much for it's integrity to be completely lost due to the "game."  It helped to save my life...so I owe it one.   
Nice post.
*I always used to fear I would be alone for the rest of my life, but I no longer feel that way.  Or rather... I no longer care to waste energy on such a negative thought.  

I honestly just started to feel this way this year. Even when I tried lying to myself about it, and tell myself I'm just young and irrationally overreacting, I still didn't believe it. Like you said, I simply see no point in doing so.

*I have a problem with the people in my generation because most seemingly just don't care about ANYTHING of importance these days.  They have no standards, no sense of responsibility.  Men don't wanna be men and women don't wanna be women...I guess it's just too much work for people to be responsible and to hold themselves accountable for their actions. 

Tell me about it. People take it as though I'm being egocentric whenever I mention this. Others believe it has something to do with race. I don't care whether they look like me or not, some don't make the slightest effort to make some improvement in their lives. That's why it pisses me off when others try to make excuses for people like them.

*I enjoy solitude...because of it, I've truly grown to understand and appreciate myself over the past 2 years; and I've never been happier.

I'd say this has helped me as well. I can't say I'm at an all-time high when it comes to happiness, but the things preventing me from feeling that way are completely out of my control, so I'm not too concerned.
Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality


I just finished Medial school and im a Registered Phlebotomy Technician 

last week I had an interview that went well company called me in to do some more hand on stuff 

its the next week they call me on Monday I returned the phone call later now they are acting like they dont know why

or who called me im just trying to figure out did I get the job or not cut the bull$#!# already dont you see im trying to

go the right path in my life I can easily get some product and get on the block and become a statistic why is this $#!@ so hard


yea I feel u, it seems like when u choose to right n honest path things are always harder n slower for you even when you do eveeything rite smh, hope da best for u fam

thanks fam im not going to let it stop me that $#!@ is just annoying 
I'm a kind person and i feel people want to take advantage of that fact at every turn
I'm attracted to FOB Asian chix with the hello kitty stuff
I'm 22 and can't grow facial hair
when i tell people I'm 22 and never had a girl friend people assume I'm gay
girls think I'm attractive yet i have no girl friend
Sometimes i feel like my life's a movie just constantly switching roles and demeanor
I once watched a whole gay porn movie to see if my **** would go hard- to be honest i didn't find it all that bad -i couldn't get hard on
If a gay dude ever came onto me and i was drunk I'd do it just for the experience
white people always reference how unblack i am by labeling me an Oreo{black on the outside white on the inside}- this %*+% makes want to kill someone- and yet I've never been called this by any black person/minority
Originally Posted by third

I'm a kind person and i feel people want to take advantage of that fact at every turn
I'm attracted to FOB Asian chix with the hello kitty stuff
I'm 22 and can't grow facial hair
when i tell people I'm 22 and never had a girl friend people assume I'm gay
girls think I'm attractive yet i have no girl friend
Sometimes i feel like my life's a movie just constantly switching roles and demeanor
I once watched a whole gay porn movie to see if my **** would go hard- to be honest i didn't find it all that bad -i couldn't get hard on
If a gay dude ever came onto me and i was drunk I'd do it just for the experience
white people always reference how unblack i am by labeling me an Oreo{black on the outside white on the inside}- this %*+% makes want to kill someone- and yet I've never been called this by any black person/minority
Wow man..
Originally Posted by third

I'm a kind person and i feel people want to take advantage of that fact at every turn
I'm attracted to FOB Asian chix with the hello kitty stuff
I'm 22 and can't grow facial hair
when i tell people I'm 22 and never had a girl friend people assume I'm gay
girls think I'm attractive yet i have no girl friend
Sometimes i feel like my life's a movie just constantly switching roles and demeanor
I once watched a whole gay porn movie to see if my **** would go hard- to be honest i didn't find it all that bad -i couldn't get hard on
If a gay dude ever came onto me and i was drunk I'd do it just for the experience
white people always reference how unblack i am by labeling me an Oreo{black on the outside white on the inside}- this %*+% makes want to kill someone- and yet I've never been called this by any black person/minority
Wow man..
Originally Posted by DatRealBalla12

Originally Posted by third

I'm a kind person and i feel people want to take advantage of that fact at every turn
I'm attracted to FOB Asian chix with the hello kitty stuff
I'm 22 and can't grow facial hair
when i tell people I'm 22 and never had a girl friend people assume I'm gay
girls think I'm attractive yet i have no girl friend
Sometimes i feel like my life's a movie just constantly switching roles and demeanor
I once watched a whole gay porn movie to see if my **** would go hard- to be honest i didn't find it all that bad -i couldn't get hard on
If a gay dude ever came onto me and i was drunk I'd do it just for the experience
white people always reference how unblack i am by labeling me an Oreo{black on the outside white on the inside}- this %*+% makes want to kill someone- and yet I've never been called this by any black person/minority
Wow man..

*instead gucci mane breaking news gif.N*% you gay. You just in denial.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by jdi23

Me and my girl just broke up 3 hrs ago and i don't even care. I know its gonna hit me later on though. Damn
Hang in there man!

You will realize it is for the best man.

Thanks man! It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for her punk @#$ brothers and her family. Putting thoughts in her head that I was playing her.  I always treated them with respect doing things for her mother and all that.  I knew that they didn't really like me and she would always call me talking about they stressing her about me.  I don't even know why they don't like me.  We just decided to end it before it continued to hurt her. F$## her family though. I still want her.
Originally Posted by jthagreat

I'm currently single wit the thought of one day getting back wit my ex...i dont like having sex with tho. Could you marry the "one you love" but not enjoy the sex?
I ask myself the same thing.

I'm flatout racist, toward EVERYBODY. I talk %+*% on my own people if it's warranted. No, i'm not on some self-hate Uncle Ruckus nonsense, I come from the school of thought that you call it how you see it.

When you get down to it, my friends do NOT know much about me. They know what is necessary, but nothing more. On the flip side, I know so much about them and if I were the type of person to get  mad easily at friends I could ruin almost all of their lives.

According to everybody I give the absolute BEST advice, but I feel too good to take my own words into consideration when i'm in any sort of predicament.

I'm a FIRM believer that ALL stereotypes come from a real place. While they may be overblown, when you dissect it you can't really debate where they originate from.

I don't care for religion, at all. I was raised in a Catholic household and we regularly went to church, when as a little kid you would see me with the other kids on the front steps hanging out playing ninja turtles and the like. Now that i'm older, I see this religion for the farse it really is and I have zero desire to teach the same nonsense to my kids. I went to a viewing last night, and hearing everyone recite the rosary and prayers in unison felt cryptic, I felt just as I remembered feeling 15-18 years ago wanting to go outside and play. I looked to my side and see my parents participating in said rosary and prayers, and I genuinely felt sorry for them as they always leave all hope and goodwill "in gods hands"

Nothing makes me feel more boss than a good outfit and a fresh shower. hundred thousand trillion

I still think about random ex GFs randomly.

There's this girl who I had a thing with five years back, but she was still stuck on her ex. She now has a little kid, and is done with that ex. We still talk, and is the only girl who I would consider starting something with who has a kid, but the timing isn't right. But I know it's possible, as she does.

I feel like i'm getting absolutely NOWHERE here, I want to just get up and leave. Midwest, Texas, Washington. Somewhere where I know nobody so I can strictly focus on getting my life in order.

I love where i'm from, where i'm at, but I feel it's time to grow up and struggle, go through the same pains my parents did when they came to this country on their own and made the successes they made thanks to nobody. I want that, but don't know how to get out of here.
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