NT, Let Me School Yall On How To Treat your Girl.

hahahha omg this thread .. please dont ever send a female over 12 that load of crap
I swear some of y'all live in a fairytale world. Reality is that treating a girl like that will lead to much more heart break and you may never have a longlasting, meaningful relationship.

That @!@@ gets old after about a week.

Show her you, the person whom your parents raised. If y'all don't click, go your separate ways.
Originally Posted by 0renthalJames

That super nice guy stuff maybe will work when the girl is 33, is tired of being smutted out and mistreated by others, and they see their biological clock winding down at a fast rate. I'm not saying be an over the top a-hole, or that you can't be nice, but dating females is like a huge game and you can win depending on how you play it. People made the saying "nice guys finish last" for a reason. Even if you do everything right in the relationship...a girl can still dump you cause she was, "bored"

-The Juice

"nice guys finish last because they put their woman first."
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

I swear some of y'all live in a fairytale world. Reality is that treating a girl like that will lead to much more heart break and you may never have a longlasting, meaningful relationship.

That @!@@ gets old after about a week.

Show her you, the person whom your parents raised. If y'all don't click, go your separate ways.

and thats real
arent you the dude who made a thread about your friend getting bussed down by an older cat? THIS IS WHY!1 delete this nonsense, signup at sosuave and salvage the rest of your good years
Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

Tumblr is so corny at times. Nobody means any of that. They do it for the notes and the gullible girls who think it's cute.

OP is the senior in high school who was disgusted by his homegirl grinding on guys at a school dance. Yeah...I'm going to take advice from this guy.
Originally Posted by Phen0m

arent you the dude who made a thread about your friend getting bussed down by an older cat? THIS IS WHY!1 delete this nonsense, signup at sosuave and salvage the rest of your good years
do tell
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

I'll be the one to remove myself from the "cool guys" table
.. Real life isn't like a movie, how in any way does that deal with treating your gf/bf in a special way? I met a gorgeous Colombian woman a few weeks ago and not only was she about 23 or 24 and married, but her interaction with her husband was just  
  from what I've picked up between the two of them.. stuff like that doesn't only exist in the movies, You've never seen older couples enjoying their time together? That's foreign to you? 
.. Furthermore, it amazes me that the only thing, or the only feeling you received from OP's post was that of being "clingy" and "corny".. A chick never showed you affection before?
 Grow up, kid.

Grow up? Kids acted like that in middle school

No, I never said there was anything wrong with treating your significant other in a special way, in fact I think that's cool. But there's a difference between treating someone specially and giving up your dignity gassing up your significant other. There's treating someone like you love them, then there's going too far and just coming off as desperate and lame.

That text saying "I can't believe I thought I loved you?"... what the hell is that going to do? You think sending that to anyone is going to work out well? It makes the sender sound like a chump who can't let things go. It's not even asking for a relationship back, it's just being bitter.

That paragraph saying "I wish I wasn't a nice guy"? That's not even asking for the girl to be your chick, it's just a paragraph complaining about how people will walk all over you when you let them do that to you. If you think nice guys finish last and it happens to you, either change up your persona or deal with it. Don't complain because others won't change for you.

That paragraph from Anonymous, dude sounding like a total scrub being a doormat for his girl... so you're going to leave your boys cause they don't get alone with your chick? You going to admit defeat every time your girl argues with you? Okay then.

I'm with you in that I think it's cool when people who love each other act like they do... but these examples aren't it. These are corny and shameful. There are other ways to show love than to complain and make up scenarios where you're getting stepped on by your significant other.
"I will not let schooling get in the way of my education" especially in this case. And tumblr??? Really? You gonna post stuff from a blog that consist of 90% female users?
Most women will view you as a living, breathing feeling of their own and not a human being composed of much more complex th---wait why am I even typing up one of these responses ?



Too many dudes out here making girls their lead characters in their life story when he's only an extra in hers'..
props OP. This is a thread that NT needed badly. This whole treat women like scum and the will love you attitude is sad. Real MEN know to to treat a woman properly. Get that "simp" bs outta here. I am currently talking to one girl I met two weeks ago in my summer school class, she is 19 and has a one year old son but I'm willing to look over that because she makes me happy. If she needs gas money, I got it. Doesn't have enough to pay her cell phone bill, I got it. Why? Because that's what real MEN do when they truly love a woman. Grow up kids.
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