NT Let us write the Man Law Book

Never try to spark someone in front of a female. Some dudes feel that embarrassing a dude in front of a female makes them look better, wrong, it has the inverse effect.
Never try to spark someone in front of a female. Some dudes feel that embarrassing a dude in front of a female makes them look better, wrong, it has the inverse effect.
[h3]Gregism Top 10: Real Man[/h3]People always talk about what it means to be a "REAL MAN."  Well folks - I'm here to set the record straight so that if there is ever a question as to what a real man is, you can simply refer to this Top 10 list!  FYI: ALL lists should start from the worst and end at 1! (that is a pet peeve of mine)

10.  Real men have old %$% DRAWLS!  If you don't have at least one pair of underwear is hanging by a thread, on its last legs, faded and discolored, then you're not a real man.  Your wife or girlfriend may have asked you why you still have these.  She may have even thrown them in the trash and you've stubbornly picked them up and washed them to wear again.  Kudos to you if this happens to be your favorite pair.

9.  Real men DO NOT wear TONGUE RINGS!  If you wear a tongue ring, you're a $+*.  Simple as that.  You may like females or whatever, or you may be using it as bait to get chicks, but you're still gay ["not that there's anything wrong with that"] for having one.  #whataloser

8.  Real men like SPORTS!  If you don't like at least 1 sport, you're not a real man.  I don't care if it's football, baseball, water polo, spork fighting, karate, it doesn't matter.  Cheerleading does not count! (unless you are masturbating to it)

7.  Real men EAT!  Real men eat food.  You better be finishing your plate and your girlfriend's plate too.  Only time you shouldn't finish your plate is if you have cancer or something, if it's your second plate, or if the food is nasty.  To be clear, real men CAN eat salads, however, it shall not be your first resort by any means.  The only time you should be eating a salad is if it's free, or if you have eaten so much meat that you need to cleanse your system.. like if u were the champion of a hot dog eating contest the day before and washed it down with a milkshake.

6.  Real men like BEER!  You're still a real man if you don't drink, but if you do drink, you better be havin some beer up in your system.  Put some hair on your nuts, nucca!

5.  Real men TAKE CARE OF THEIR KIDS!  Even though you hate your baby momma, please be a factor in  your kid's life.  The last thing I need is that little bastard growing up to rob me in 10 years (credit to Chris Rock, but it's true)

4.  Real men suck at LYING!  Everyone has told a fib or so in their day, and sometimes you have to lie to keep the greater good.  But real men suck at lying.  In fact, if you are skilled at lying you are not... actually, give me your number, dawg, you need to share your secret!

3.  Real men like EXTREME WOMEN!    Men like all women, but real men are most attracted to women that are either easy as hell, or hard as hell to get.  You can't tell me the most attractive woman isn't that girl who you have been eyeing for a minute and her fine, stuck up %$% won't give u the time of day.  You also can't tell me that a woman who has had 1 too many stumbles out of the bar and can barely walk in heels doesn't turn u on.  Don't lie.. (because u suck at that; see #4)!

2. Real men have FACIAL HAIR!  You need to have a mustache or something.  If you can't grow a mustache, you better have a Rick Ross, some Elvis sideburns, a 5 o clock shadow, or something.  Don't bring your smooth face %$% around me if you are cleanly shaven. Face lookin like a baby's bottom.  Exception to blond guys and redheads, cause sometimes their facial hair just looks weird.

1.  and finally, Real men like BREASTS! If you don't like boobs, you're not a real man; simple as that.  Hell, women like boobs!  Even gay guys like boobs!  I'm sure if they did a study, they would find that animals and plants like boobs too! ( . )( . )

So with that said, I'm pretty sure nothing on this list is remotely disputable, so it shall be treated like the gospel.  The next time someone comes talking to you about a "real man," just send them here!

[h3]Gregism Top 10: Real Man[/h3]People always talk about what it means to be a "REAL MAN."  Well folks - I'm here to set the record straight so that if there is ever a question as to what a real man is, you can simply refer to this Top 10 list!  FYI: ALL lists should start from the worst and end at 1! (that is a pet peeve of mine)

10.  Real men have old %$% DRAWLS!  If you don't have at least one pair of underwear is hanging by a thread, on its last legs, faded and discolored, then you're not a real man.  Your wife or girlfriend may have asked you why you still have these.  She may have even thrown them in the trash and you've stubbornly picked them up and washed them to wear again.  Kudos to you if this happens to be your favorite pair.

9.  Real men DO NOT wear TONGUE RINGS!  If you wear a tongue ring, you're a $+*.  Simple as that.  You may like females or whatever, or you may be using it as bait to get chicks, but you're still gay ["not that there's anything wrong with that"] for having one.  #whataloser

8.  Real men like SPORTS!  If you don't like at least 1 sport, you're not a real man.  I don't care if it's football, baseball, water polo, spork fighting, karate, it doesn't matter.  Cheerleading does not count! (unless you are masturbating to it)

7.  Real men EAT!  Real men eat food.  You better be finishing your plate and your girlfriend's plate too.  Only time you shouldn't finish your plate is if you have cancer or something, if it's your second plate, or if the food is nasty.  To be clear, real men CAN eat salads, however, it shall not be your first resort by any means.  The only time you should be eating a salad is if it's free, or if you have eaten so much meat that you need to cleanse your system.. like if u were the champion of a hot dog eating contest the day before and washed it down with a milkshake.

6.  Real men like BEER!  You're still a real man if you don't drink, but if you do drink, you better be havin some beer up in your system.  Put some hair on your nuts, nucca!

5.  Real men TAKE CARE OF THEIR KIDS!  Even though you hate your baby momma, please be a factor in  your kid's life.  The last thing I need is that little bastard growing up to rob me in 10 years (credit to Chris Rock, but it's true)

4.  Real men suck at LYING!  Everyone has told a fib or so in their day, and sometimes you have to lie to keep the greater good.  But real men suck at lying.  In fact, if you are skilled at lying you are not... actually, give me your number, dawg, you need to share your secret!

3.  Real men like EXTREME WOMEN!    Men like all women, but real men are most attracted to women that are either easy as hell, or hard as hell to get.  You can't tell me the most attractive woman isn't that girl who you have been eyeing for a minute and her fine, stuck up %$% won't give u the time of day.  You also can't tell me that a woman who has had 1 too many stumbles out of the bar and can barely walk in heels doesn't turn u on.  Don't lie.. (because u suck at that; see #4)!

2. Real men have FACIAL HAIR!  You need to have a mustache or something.  If you can't grow a mustache, you better have a Rick Ross, some Elvis sideburns, a 5 o clock shadow, or something.  Don't bring your smooth face %$% around me if you are cleanly shaven. Face lookin like a baby's bottom.  Exception to blond guys and redheads, cause sometimes their facial hair just looks weird.

1.  and finally, Real men like BREASTS! If you don't like boobs, you're not a real man; simple as that.  Hell, women like boobs!  Even gay guys like boobs!  I'm sure if they did a study, they would find that animals and plants like boobs too! ( . )( . )

So with that said, I'm pretty sure nothing on this list is remotely disputable, so it shall be treated like the gospel.  The next time someone comes talking to you about a "real man," just send them here!

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

[h3]Gregism Top 10: Real Man [/h3]2. Real men have FACIAL HAIR!  You need to have a mustache or something.  If you can't grow a mustache, you better have a Rick Ross, some Elvis sideburns, a 5 o clock shadow, or something.  Don't bring your smooth face %$% around me if you are cleanly shaven. Face lookin like a baby's bottom.  Exception to blond guys and redheads, cause sometimes their facial hair just looks weird.

   My face is naked FTL

I'm not a man
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

[h3]Gregism Top 10: Real Man [/h3]2. Real men have FACIAL HAIR!  You need to have a mustache or something.  If you can't grow a mustache, you better have a Rick Ross, some Elvis sideburns, a 5 o clock shadow, or something.  Don't bring your smooth face %$% around me if you are cleanly shaven. Face lookin like a baby's bottom.  Exception to blond guys and redheads, cause sometimes their facial hair just looks weird.

   My face is naked FTL

I'm not a man
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