NT Let's Talk Horror Movies.....

haven't seen a good horror movie in forever
Originally Posted by akf0dy7

Rosemarys Baby was pretty good. its from the 1960s though. i highly recommend it.
check out Polanski's earlier film "Repulsion"
30 Days of Night
All the Boys love Mary Lane
House of 1000 corpses
Final Destination 4
The Collector
The Mailtons
Trick 'r Treat

Were all downloaded last night, now I'm gonna start watching them. Anything else you guys recommend?
Originally Posted by onlyjays9P

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

The Shining
Faces of Death

Faces of death is real bro, those people are really dying.
Not all of it was real.

Apone says FOD's more notorious moments -- about 40% of the film -- were the result of creative low-budget wizardry. "We totally tried to preserve the reality of it," he says. "All of us who worked on it were very close friends, and we just loved the fact that people thought it was real."
i did like "The Gravedancers"
I didn't catch that one.

I saw Perkins' 14, which was interesting. I assume Rest Stop wasn't a Horrorfest film; that was the one on Sy-Fy I was particularly talking about. Sobad.

There was another one that I can't remember.

I've always been meaning to catch up on all of the Horrorfest films. The only ones I have ever seen before very recently are The Deaths of Ian Stone andCrazy Eights, which I thought were both pretty abysmal.
Originally Posted by toine2983

I'm looking forward to the new Final Destination movie.

That series has some of the most graffic deaths I've ever seen in a movie.

whens this coming out?
Saw series is one of my favs
Originally Posted by jordanpheen

Originally Posted by toine2983

I'm looking forward to the new Final Destination movie.

That series has some of the most graffic deaths I've ever seen in a movie.

whens this coming out?
Saw series is one of my favs

like back in July I think.
Im gonna have to watch the Saw series soon with 6 coming out this month.

Also looking forward to Nightmare on Elm Streets remake in April.
I saw Paranormal Activity Yesterday night.

It scared the !%!* out of me. No joke, one of the freakiest movies I've ever seen. It left me shaking.
Great mention of "The Gate" on the previous page.

That was such a good movie for its time. One of the first 'scary' movies I caught as a kid.
Went to my lil spot to try and get The Desent and they didn't have it..
Maaaan was I pissed, that's like 1 of the greatest Horror films of all time.

Come to think, the creatures from this movie and Pandorum look the same:lol:
Saw the new Freddy trailer at zombieland..doesnt look really scary, but i still would like to see a new take on the character..
Originally Posted by Ridgemont Fly

Watched Trick r Treat last night. This movie was so dope.
co sign i wish it was longer, it went by so quick. definitely worthy of multiple viewings.

i watched "Grace" a few weeks back and i forgot to comment on it. i remember seeing the short film at Fango Con a few years back and i liked it. welli guess they made it into a full length feature and what a disappointment, the director had something but the execution was wrong. it was very slow(which idont mind) but there is no payoff at the end. i would go into more detail but i dont want to spoil anything for anyone that might want to see it.

http://www.youtube.com/v/qSgWSkNmO2g&hl=en&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/qSgWSkNmO2g&hl=en&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/qSgWSkNmO2g&hl=en&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/qSgWSkNmO2g&hl=en&fs=1& http://www.youtube.com/v/qSgWSkNmO2g&hl=en&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/qSgWSkNmO2g&hl=en&fs=1&
Originally Posted by Ridgemont Fly

Watched Trick r Treat last night. This movie was so dope.

Gonna Watch Antichrist tonight.

let us know how that is been wantin to watch but been lazy
I thought Trick R' Treat was kind of boring

I only watched about an hour of Antichrist, and so far I thought it was boring too. I didn't need to see Dafoe's penis though. I'll be finishing ittonight too.
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

I thought Trick R' Treat was kind of boring

I only watched about an hour of Antichrist, and so far I thought it was boring too. I didn't need to see Dafoe's penis though. I'll be finishing it tonight too.

Make sure to check back here and tell me how it is. I've got it sitting here in my hard drive waiting to be viewed.
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