NT MEMBERS! stop donating money to help NT staff.

and vol. 2 begins... Seriously thou, as much as i hate authority figures, they wouldnt be around if everyone acted civalized. Just sayin...
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni


NT needs restructure. From SOME of its members to SOME of its administration/moderation.

There are some stupid #%+#%#% members, and there are some stupid #%+#%#% mods/admins.

im not perfect, so i wont point fingers, because i have no right to say who's a #%+#%#% and who's not, but there are members who know they do dumb !!#%, and there are people in power here on this site that know they have done dumb !!#%.

i have nothing against anyone though. i know that if dude sent me pm's like that, i just wouldnt associate myself with NT. or if i still wanted to be on NT, i'd holla at someone who started the site/runs the whole show. cause, Jrose sounds like he goes on power trips at times. that's not to say he isn't right at other times, but those PM's are no bueno
Yall just prolonging this for no reason.

There will be no changes. You know if they wanted to they could just ban everybody they didn't like at this point.

Yall think NT should be like America's idealistic constitution but just like American society it's not.
Wow... Although this is getting locked quick i must say that i agree with OP NT is a part of who i am im constantly joking around NT style (YNS,explaining that lawyers arent what they are all cracked up to be, etc.) and hes right i want someone who is professional running the board, cause this is terrible..

and on a different note......

I have yet to get a warning or PM from a mod. Maybe you should just be careful what you post.
February 5, 2010, Black History Month, the day the cry of the e-people beckoned to take down a racist e-tyrant.
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