NT MEMBERS! stop donating money to help NT staff.

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Also Meth said he is taking care of the issue. I have talked with him through PM. But he said, he can not trully believe those pms because he said they could be "edited" on purpose to make Jrose look bad.

-The Juice
them PM's aint edited. I gave Meth my personal account password so he can verify it himself.

IVE never hit my 50 post in a day limit before.. and i did today on this dayof "reveloution"


Originally Posted by Luong1209

NTer: JRose5 needs to be suspended or banned ASAP
JRose5: You want me banned? Fine, I just banned myself for two weeks

I remember that.

Who's going to be the JJ of this thread and go out with a bang?
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames


-The Juice

i would not be ok w/ that... He should be "relieved" from his Mod duties
Forwarded Private Message:
From: Method Man.niketalk
Sent:January 3, 2010, 11:39 pm

That's funny. I think your argument's about as consistent as yourcurrent "persona." You start off claiming we run the place like acountryclub to imply that we're snobs, then you claim you're too high classfor a trashy forum like NikeTalk.

Given your attitude, you'll have to excuse that I wasn't chomping atthe bit to reinstate you. I'm disappointed that your idea ofintelligenceapparently entails creating topics about pornstar parties, tellingpeople to "shut the ____ up" and posting pictures of cartoon charactersduringpetty arguments.

For everyone supposedly supporting you in private, I saw plenty ofcelebrating on the board when you were banned. I suppose you believethose people are"adolescent losers" and not "OG Users" regardless of join date.Evaluate how you're behaving on the forums before throwing stones atothers.


From: Kakashi.niketalk
To:Method Man.niketalk
Sent:January 3, 2010, 8:11 pm

seriously? this is a sneaker forum...not a country club.

i get banned for difference of opinion, because a couple trolls word was against mines.

you didn't even investigate the matter. you just approved o dirty's antics.

30 days for a new account? weeks to reinstate a ban?

ok dude, you obviously don't that WE the users make this forum...so if you wanna sit on your

false preception of a thrown with a "god-like" entitlement thats cool. just take a long hard look at

the "general's" post quality.

a bunch of rampant middle school dropouts with 10 user accounts making %**@$@@$ threads.

NIKETALK IS NOT what it used to be. it's just ghetto and trashy now, guys pretending to females...

LOL, yet i get banned for having intelligence. I"VE GOT OVER 20 PM'S FROM OG USERS (5+

years) saying i shouldn't have gotten banned and dirty was wrong and i"ve one of the few users that

contribute with originality.

so if that's what you guys prefer, then maybe this is a place i shouldn't be...you guys are like 25-30

years old letting maybe 10-15 adolescent losers turn something great into the ghetto of the

forumsphere.at this point even if i were reinstated, this banning has given me time to reflect and i

litterally lol'd and realized niketalk is a real waste of time %@%, am i really putting this much

effort into a failing dwindling forum.
From another NT member.

-The Juice
Idk what yall were doin when I hit
My 100th post, but I really enjoy
This place. Equality amongst everyone
Needs to be established asap.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

You know Mods are watching and waiting for the perfect time to turn on the e-hoses and e-dogs in here.

tell them to bring it onnnnnnnnn!!!

we will not e-stand for this e-crap anymore 

we are going to take over NT and get some changes around here

@ people saying "its just the internet" if someone said this to you in real life, you'd be mad

whether it be the internet or in real life, people are people and should be treated as such

an injustice anywhere is an injustice...anywhere

Viva La Revolución!
Unless we dethrown those ruling over the empire we shall NEVAR be FREE!!!! REVOLUTION!!!!!
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

I never gave to charity.
Do the mods get to write this stuff off on their taxes?
That's probably the funniest thing I've read in this thread for the sheer fact that it makes no sense. You probably don't know what "writing stuff off" even means.

For anyone reading with any real sense, I really feel that having Method Man look into these things is the right thing to do. 

Doing what you're doing here with the ridiculous "revolution" and "injustice" talk looks more like sour grapes than anything, because let's face it:  if it were really that bad, you'd leave.  And I know you guys don't want to stop visiting the forum because of any of this. Likening these events, while I agree are unfortunate, to true "injustices" is IMO overly dramatic and really insulting to true injustices in the world. I mean, "stop donating money"? We don't even see the money.  You're really just hurting the people we're donating the money to, and I think it's safe to say that those aren't the people you guys are trying to hurt. I don't want to dis-empower any of  you from making complaints about the staff, because that is something you are more than entitled to. 

If only you could channel such energy to things that are more meaningful. 
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