NT Mistaken Ethnicity Thread vol.I thought you were!?

I always thought tetsujin was philipino lel

This is what Master Zik looks like FIY

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People always think I'm Hispanic. I think my great grandfather was from Spain. I'm Filipino. When I was younger I got mistaken for Chinese and Japanese. Sometimes i'll say i'm Hawaiian just to be interesting.
Recently, students thought I was Chinese or from El Salvador 

But I'm mostly confused for being hispanic. I'm a definite "mutt," but both my parents are Black. 
Noone mistakes me for anything on here :lol:

In the real world sometimes I get hispanic or some type of european country
sometimes arabs be knowing I'm moroccan :lol:
its a shame that some people feel FLATTERED that they get mistaken for somethin else..

especially black girls...

they wanna be everything under the sun BUT black...

and it seems like a bunch of people want to be Philipino, too... (spell check?)




but on the real, although i hate that role, i did get on some bad chaldean girls in hs because they thought i was half black/half arab, i told them i was black/hispanic later and they dropped me like a bad habit LMAO

although my hair is extra nappy, when i was in calc 1 and calc 2 all of the engineering Indians called me Muhammad and would come up to me speaking their language
I'm Indian. Gotten Arab, Egyptian, Latin, part African(I have really thick and curly hair, facial hair too). Probably a few others too but those are the most common.
I had originally thought both rck2sactown & whyhellothere were Asian, but they both mentioned why back they're not :lol:
people on here seem to think i'm asian.

Lol, I don't blame them. You have GG as your avy and sn.
i don't see how that's in any way indicative of my ethnicity.
It just is. It's stupid but ppl try to pick up on cues to figure out who a person is based on w/e available info there is. Same would go for a member with a black guy as their avy and posts in a certain way that'll lead ppl to one assumption instead of another.
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im full thai.. but generally pretty dark

get mistaken for an islander all the time/hawaiian/samoan/phillipino/blasian

i just go with the flow like baby ill be whatever you want me to be.. if a chick thinks you are _____, just go with it... 8) :smokin
This is my life story I'm Hispanic obvs Ecuadorian to be more exact but people never can guess also I get asked if half Asian or something lol
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