NT Mistaken Ethnicity Thread vol.I thought you were!?

How is MNR clearly not Hispanic though? His first name gives it away imo.
I'm black but within that community, I use to get mistaken for Haitian for some reason from Haitians (now if you live in BK that can be taken as an insult growing up but I was never that offended). I usually consider myself American but some catch the TnT roots.
Oh and cuz of my name ppl (who are aware) think I'm Nigerian.
How is MNR clearly not Hispanic though? His first name gives it away imo.

I'm black but within that community, I use to get mistaken for Haitian for some reason from Haitians (now if you live in BK that can be taken as an insult growing up but I was never that offended). I usually consider myself American but some catch the TnT roots.

Oh and cuz of my name ppl (who are aware) think I'm Nigerian.

:lol: :wow: Damn just looking through this thread, takes me back to the last one like this or the PYP and posts were blowing my mind. So many NTers I would've swore were black were white and many I thought were white were Asian or something else I aint expect. Had to step back from NT, it was overwhelming.

And it happens again with illoquent aka DSK. I would've swore he was black. It been a minute so I probably already went through this revelation with him and just got my mind blown again cuz I forgot
How is MNR clearly not Hispanic though? His first name gives it away imo.

I'm black but within that community, I use to get mistaken for Haitian for some reason from Haitians (now if you live in BK that can be taken as an insult growing up but I was never that offended). I usually consider myself American but some catch the TnT roots.

Oh and cuz of my name ppl (who are aware) think I'm Nigerian.
Nah, you probably won't guess it either. Starts with an A though
That's close to my older brother's name but no that aint it.
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Damn just looking through this thread, takes me back to the last one like this or the PYP and posts were blowing my mind. So many NTers I would've swore were black were white and many I thought were white were Asian or something else I aint expect. Had to step back from NT, it was overwhelming.
And it happens again with illoquent aka DSK. I would've swore he was black. It been a minute so I probably already went through this revelation with him and just got my mind blown again cuz I forgot
Nah, you probably won't guess it either. Starts with an A though
That's close to my older brother's name but no that aint it.
I'm Mexican
Middle Eastern when I have a beard. As well as Egyptian, Filipino and Hawaiian.
hi, I'm black. theres a white woman somewhere down the line in my family, hence my light skin and white man hands.

people on the internets think I'm white, though. then they see the dreads and repeated use of the N word.
:lol: :wow: Damn just looking through this thread, takes me back to the last one like this or the PYP and posts were blowing my mind. So many NTers I would've swore were black were white and many I thought were white were Asian or something else I aint expect. Had to step back from NT, it was overwhelming.

And it happens again with illoquent aka DSK. I would've swore he was black. It been a minute so I probably already went through this revelation with him and just got my mind blown again cuz I forgot

Nah, you probably won't guess it either. Starts with an A though

That's close to my older brother's name but no that aint it.
adeyemi :nthat:
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I'm black/Spanish but everyone OTHER than black folks don't know what the hell I am.

I get white a lot.

Nobody ever guesses Spanish... And nobody ever guesses Black either.

I kind of like it though. For the most part it allows people to not jump to conclusions but it also exposes total racists right away.

Grew up in a Hispanic neighborhood and I guess that would be the majority of people I kick it with. There's always that friend of a friend that claims "I don't like black people" then my friend Informs them I'm black and them they refuse to believe I'm black which is quickly followed by "you're the only black person I get along with." I just give em the -___ -
My parents are from Chile and Iran..

I look 100% white, people usually :wow: when they find out what I am

Gets good responses :lol:
Im Colombian but people think I'm middle eastern...

The Arab diaspora in Colombia refers to the Arab immigrants and their offspring in the Republic of Colombia. Most of the Middle Easterners came from Syria, Lebanon and Palestine escaping from the repression of the Ottoman Empire and financial hardships.[2]
Most of the Syrian-Lebanese established in the Caribbean Region of Colombia in the towns of Santa Marta, Lorica, Fundación, Aracataca, Ayapel, Calamar, Ciénaga, Cereté, Montería and Barranquilla near the basin of the Magdalena River. It later expanded to other cities and by 1945 there were Middle Easterners moving inland like Ocaña, Cúcuta, Barrancabermeja, Ibagué, Girardot, Honda, Tunja, Villavicencio, Pereira, Soatá, Neiva, Buga, Chaparral and Chinácota. The four major hubs of Middle Eastern population were present in Barranquilla, Cartagena, Bogotá and Cali. Most arrived as members of the Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic churches, but the majority became Roman Catholic. The number of immigrants entering the country vary from 5,000 to 10,000 in 1945. Some of these immigrants were Christian-Lebanese and others were members of Islam.[2]
I mostly get Hispanic or Italian. I've gotten Middle-Eastern a couple times in college from White Southern People and Middle Eastern chicks.

I'm Portuguese/Spanish, not to be confused with Latino 9which so many people do).
Guess I am middle eastern then...

Time to do some research on my family tree....

Gotten: Dominican/samoan/asian/or mixed in general

PRob down the line in my family we have other mixtures besides sub saharan african, but I just consider myself black until I can confirm my actual heritage.
filipino and a little japanese

gotten mexican, vietnamese, puerto rican, cambodian, laos, honduran
I'm lighskinned af and everyone always thinks i'm mixed.....

has it's advantages/disadvantages

I have no NT popularity....and both White/Black people love Mike Jackson so not much an issue here
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my dad is from india and my mother is black and a quarter seminole. i get mistaken for being ethiopian/eritrean all the time.
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