NT official Spring Summer Body TRANSFORMATION challenge March 1-June 1

you're looking pretty big in the pics.
i want to get down close to 12% or wherever my abs are clearly visible as a personal goal. from there i'll try to clean bulk and make adjustments as i go along. if i start getting too much fat, maybe cut for a month at most and keep it moving. that's the plan at least. i think it's important for me to be realistic about my goals and i don't really go through a huge struggle at mealtimes.
Yea most of the fake nattys look tiny with shirts on
I was watching some LOA and POG vids from Germany and Chris Lavado or whatever doesn't look like he's ever picked up a weight lol

CJ physique is damn near perfect for a natural though now that he is lean.
Just cormpleted my first week of round 2 with T25. I really didn't change my diet the first round just cut portions, but I want to change my eating along with cutting portions and stll feel satisfied when I leave the table, plus have the fuel to get through the workouts.

So far 12 pounds loss, gained 2 inches around the chest and lats lost 3 inches in the waist.

What are some things that you guys ate eating through the week?
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How are you guys making cardio enjoyable? Don't say music because that damn sure isn't it. I'd rather lift weights for 4 hours than do 40 minutes of cardio.
Did my weekly weigh in this morning, down to 220 
. Down 10lbs from my starting weight. 
How are you guys making cardio enjoyable? Don't say music because that damn sure isn't it. I'd rather lift weights for 4 hours than do 40 minutes of cardio.
I always tried to find something challenging so I felt like I was competing against myself. Like doing Wind Sprints on a football field instead just running a mile for instance. Insanity is pretty cool to cause you can track your progess vs previous workouts.
I hear Stone Cold doing ads for that in his podcast. I'm not sure I'm sold on yoga though.

Its a little different from regular yoga in that it incorporates isokinetics into the program. If you listen to what DDP preaches and engage all your muscles and create resistance while doing the stretches, it'll get your heart beating fast and lead to a pretty good cardio workout and you also get all the benefits of doing yoga as well (good postworkout stretch, better balance and flexibility). So check it out if you have time.
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guysssssss i need help.. 5'9.. 180 love handles that need to go asap.. i go to the gym i just need some type of cardio regiment to speed the process up... and other exercises to burn this belly fat. I know its all about eating but for the most part i dont eat unhealthy. i rarely drink soda and i might eat fried food once a month.. i also know i have to count calories which is the hardest thing to do especially always on the go.. please any help would be appreciated .
How are you guys making cardio enjoyable? Don't say music because that damn sure isn't it. I'd rather lift weights for 4 hours than do 40 minutes of cardio.
When I didn't like cardio I used to always run to try to beat my time. I would shoot for 3 miles under 23 mins, 4 under 30, and 5 under 40. Now I'm at a point where I can do 3 miles and still get a good workout in. However, I sprained my right wrist pretty bad 2 weeks ago so all I've been doing lately is mainly legs and cardio. I've found running around campus, trails, and the city to be very enjoyable. That feeling of being in control and constantly changing my routes, running in whatever direction and changing the course as I go is very liberating.  
How are you guys making cardio enjoyable? Don't say music because that damn sure isn't it. I'd rather lift weights for 4 hours than do 40 minutes of cardio.
When I didn't like cardio I used to always run to try to beat my time. I would shoot for 3 miles under 23 mins, 4 under 30, and 5 under 40. Now I'm at a point where I can do 3 miles and still get a good workout in. However, I sprained my right wrist pretty bad 2 weeks ago so all I've been doing lately is mainly legs and cardio. I've found running around campus, trails, and the city to be very enjoyable. That feeling of being in control and constantly changing my routes, running in whatever direction and changing the course as I go is very liberating.  

All of this.

But I also must add, running with a friend or anyone.

I remember when I first started running, I didn't like it, then my girl started running with me. We would talk, sprint at random sidewalks and just jogging.

Before we know it, we would run 3-4 miles. :smokin

Then my legs got used to it, and now I can run 3 miles consistently.
But do ya'll really believe CJ is natural?

Im just saying Im not sure.
I do. Nothing about him screams fake natty, no 3D delts or anything. Also when he cuts down you can tell he's natural because his skin isn't all grainy.
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