NT OPEN YOUR EYES...*insert sarcasm*

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Did you buy it a your schools bookstore because I can't find it in any oft the local chain stores.^

Yeah I got a bunch of it from my textbook. I'm actually having the same problem finding it. I'd try Amazon.
Just cause you dont understand him it dont mean that he nice it just means you dont understand all the bulll *!@@ he writes
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I don't necessarily believe most of this *%%+, but I believe there is some merit in a lot of it. I just don't believe in dismissing *%%+. I don't really believe in an illuminati per-say but I think there is a reason that things happen or are constured the way they are.

feel the same way
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I don't necessarily believe most of this *%%+, but I believe there is some merit in a lot of it. I just don't believe in dismissing *%%+. I don't really believe in an illuminati per-say but I think there is a reason that things happen or are constured the way they are.

feel the same way
Now I think you got to go look at the money... Some of the way I think is based on how the money transfered. Germany was in major debt when itfought WW2. You got to look at the history of world economics. There where people saying in the 1800s that the world markets were giving these powers theirstrength. People in high places... Ima find some of the quotes...
I liked where this was going until the last page or two. Seems like speculation and some reaching. No disrespect to ya'll of course.
So is all this basically about installing fear into people for power? How does one become part of a secret society?
You guys will believe anything you want to believe. All you need is a youtube video and a wiki article.
Originally Posted by LuckyP90

You guys will believe anything you want to believe. All you need is a youtube video and a wiki article.
Originally Posted by LuckyP90

You guys will believe anything you want to believe. All you need is a youtube video and a wiki article.

No-one is telling you to believe anything. Don't just look over what's placed in front of you though.

Or better yet...

I want you to explain Rihanna's - Russian Roulette for us. Go ahead sir. You have the table.
How about we all just pick up some books and read some real, thorough knowledge. That's what I'm about to go do.. I have two that I need to finish,then it's on to the next.
Dante could possibly be refering to Dante's Divine Comedy ,Dantes Inferno 9 circles of hell
Baphomet= are in conjunction with hiding things and being secretive
he also uses "Bey " in the songs which is Moorish , so who know what he is trying to say but there is something in there .
Mos could be getting Played like a puppet and not know it
Nice thread, I like the part about California. I read one time that California was name after an Indian. Well now I know.

My research right now is looking into our social security #. Did you know that ss card is a Trust? I'll write more if you guys want to hear.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

How about we all just pick up some books and read some real, thorough knowledge. That's what I'm about to go do.. I have two that I need to finish, then it's on to the next.

Im with you on that, currently reading Stolen Legacy.
Originally Posted by Black Racer X

ATLien Seeko wrote:
How about we all just pick up some books and read some real, thorough knowledge. That's what I'm about to go do.. I have two that I need to finish, then it's on to the next.

Im with you on that, currently reading Stolen Legacy.

Cool. I'm still on the same two books that I've been reading since forever.. I'm a terribly slow reader, but I get it in and comprehend though.I'll get better with time.

Currently reading The Sirius Mystery and Behold a Pale Horse. There's a couple books about crystals that my dad left behind that I needto pick up, and I'll take any recommendations that anyone here has.
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

And you know, Hypebeast? That whole selling one's soul thing and getting into the occult is no joke. Robert Johnson, the legendary blues musician supposedly sold his soul to the devil, but died at a young age in return.
Funny you mentioned this. I took a music class for a history elective called "Roots of Rock and Soul" and we learned a little about thisguy. Reportedly, he used to always be hanging around with another popular blues player (I think Son House) and then he just disappeared for a while, without atrace. When he returned, for some reason he was an amazing guitarist. Many of his songs also had themes about selling his soul and what not as well.
As for the guy who asked why MJ would sell his soul when he already had all the talent he could want? Consider this: Michael Jackson of the Jackson 5/Jacksons was already a star, but by the time he finally dropped his first successful LP, he became a superstar. How many child stars do you know can just make a smooth transition into a stellar, let alone decent career?

I kinda agree, unfortunately. He was the ultimate puppet. As he made more positive music/ started rebelling against the higher powers, his careerstarted taking a turn for the worse.

Think about Thriller. That song/video is about the undead/evil sprits/demons/creatures coming out of the darkness. With that video, he was one of the firstblack artists to get play on MTV and really opened the door the most for black entertainers. MTV was the biggest television outlet for music artists and theirpopularity was boosted ...

My mind is just flooded with ideas of how pop culture/his career mayhave been masterminded.
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Mos uses the boogieman to promote how contradictory this ***% we call life really is.

To boogie is to dance

When jazz was first getting popular it was associated with the 'devils music'...as was dancing.

Mos essentialy flips the connotation thats been bestowed on BLACKNESS.
Thank you.

That's the thing with this whole conspiracy theory/masonic movement; Everyone is in on it.

When examining specific examples under a microscope, it makes so much sense (regardless of lack of evidence other than incentive).

When looked at as a whole, I feel like the theories look like nothing more than ramblings produced from heightened paranoia.

There are some good discussions here though, actually I found the Africans going to America thing interesting, because I had heard of Muslims discoveringAmerica, but never really looked at any evidence.

Apparently from some un-sourced articles on some sites I see that they say Muslim West Africans reached the Gulf of Mexico around 1312, and used theMississippi River for exploring the interior.

Haze, when do your sources have Africans reaching the Americas?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Mos uses the boogieman to promote how contradictory this ***% we call life really is.

To boogie is to dance

When jazz was first getting popular it was associated with the 'devils music'...as was dancing.

Mos essentialy flips the connotation thats been bestowed on BLACKNESS.

One of the best posts in here. I think you hit it on the head. Props.
Originally Posted by heyson

So is all this basically about installing fear into people for power? How does one become part of a secret society?

I'd assume power or money to become part of a secret society. More money though, because money = power these days.

My goal is to get my *!@ up in one of these secret societies to see what the deal is. Maybe come back here and blow it all up by telling you we ain't eviland *@!%, even though you wouldnt believe me. "Oh he just lying to us. He's covering up so he keeps the true works a secret."

And y'all would be right
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