NT OPEN YOUR EYES...*insert sarcasm*

*!$%$, you ain't got to explain ++$$
I've been robbing @@#+%$%+%#+## since the slave ships
with the same clip and the same four-five
Two point-blank, a +$$**+$%$@#$'s sure to die
That's my word, *!$%$ even try to bogart
have his mother singing "It's so hard..."
I'm slamming %$$!*! like Shaquille, ++$$ is real
When it's time to eat a meal I rob and steal
'cos Mom Duke ain't giving me ++$$
so for the bread and butter I leave %$$!*! in the gutter
Huh, word to mother, I'm dangerous
Crazier than a bag of +@$*!%@ Angel Dust
When I bust my gat @@#+%$%+%#+## take dirt naps
I'm all that and a dime sack, where the paper at?
Who is the original Biggie Smalls?
What is a Duke and Dutchess?
What started the American Revolution?
Originally Posted by IKnowRap

If a person is not a weak minded indivdual, they can take in all the "pop culture" they want and not be taken over and wisked into following the devil? correct?

I just would like to know peoples thoughts on the success rate of converting people over to following the devil through this method.

When you say "converting people over to following thedevil", I don't think that the purpose is to have listeners consciously and openly declaring that they are followers of the devil.

The purveyors of the messages have aligned themselves with dark forces to receive wealth, enlightenment and perhaps a special place in the afterlife. At leastthat's what they have been promised. It serves their egos and satisfies their greed to have more knowledge, more money and more opportunities than theaverage man or woman. The promises of being made immortal in song and video, to have millions repeating your words and to have all of your material, physicaland spiritual desires met at only the cost of declaring and glorifying the name and symbols of your master are too good for some to pass up.

The entertainers are making the conscious decision to flood their music with messages that glorify lifestyles that are not righteous. By listening to themusic, watching the videos, etc., people become desensitized to the evils (lust, violence, greed, and so on) and adapt those things into their lives, slowly,by accepting them as normal or "ok" behavior.

Each generation slips deeper into the abyss as what was once considered taboo becomes normal over time. The messengers are there to slowly rot away thefoundation of good and pervert the minds of the weak. The weak outnumber the strong so imagine this system left unchecked or unquestioned years from now.

At least, that's how I see it.
See I don't get some of the back and forth in threads like this, it's like you talk about the esoteric and symbolism ... yet ignore the meaning of someof the vernacular that is being used
For example all the discussion about leading the masses towards the "devil" ...... when the devil construct as we know it today was meant torepresent the sciences and illumination brought forward by them
Then the breaking down of a song's lyrics as if its writer sat down and authored said lyrics in the way one would write a textbook ..... While I'veknown that some the tools alluded too have been used to manipulate/control ones senses for longer than one could fathom, I don't believe it's as broadin scope as some of you guys seem too believe (i'm referring to the top, not bottom)
Out of all of these threads and discussions no one has come up with a why? You list a couple of scattered references and thoughts but lay out no plan or orderas to how to use any of this information ....... See the point of a teacher is not too force his ideas on the pupil but make the pupils path to knowledgeeasier than that of the teacher's and so far, quite the opposite has been done
In the end all I see is more spreading of fear and apathy ...... than the opposite, which threads like these supposedly "champion"
We tend to have a knee-jerk reaction when we realize that things are hidden from us and assume we are being manipulated...but it's not always the case. The ancient mystics and cults hid the knowledge that they were privy to not because they wanted to rule over people, but because they knew the power that the wisdom held. If it got into the wrong hands, there is no telling the havoc it would/could unleash. Go back and read "alternative" texts about Hitler and his fascination with the occult and ancient mystics. He knew the power it held and desperately wanted to fully grasp it...but other forces prevailed.



I see what Hitler did there
i notice Michael was brought up explaining how he sold his soul early and tried to get it back but too late.. but what im trying to figure out is that Michaelhad a great voice, stage presence, and dance moves that were far superior to this day. What would he need to sell his soul if he already had the talent? Im newto this so this is a serious question by all means
Originally Posted by blazinjkid

And for those worried that the dark, underlying forces are all that there is..."As above, so below"
My man

I remember the thread I made with the rest of the laws didn't go over so well with NT..

and I dunno but for some reason I'm like
whenever I see mentions ofsatanic/devil/lucifer etc. and stuff like that....
I don't have all the answers and don't pretend to. I only offer up what I've come to the conclusion to through reading and other forms of researchor experience.

For example all the discussion about leading the masses towards the "devil" ...... when the devil construct as we know it today was meant to represent the sciences and illumination brought forward by them

I'm not a Luciferian, so I don't know what their ultimate goal is. However it is clear that one of their goals is to have most people participate intheir own destruction. There is a high brow road to that destruction that uses sciences and philosophies to have leaders see the masses as "uselessfeeders" and unnecessary. These so called "intellects" have followers who praise their works and attempt to change the world by establishingsystems that limit human development.

There is also the low brow road to that destruction that influences people through entertainment. The entertainment influences what we consume and how webehave. It also justifies the high brow argument that the masses are useless feeders by encouraging the low brow followers to behave in a way that is seen asunproductive to the intellects.

Both the low and high brow followers see wars as necessary. Wars on drugs, wars on terrorism, wars on global problems. They are all really wars on humanity. Lucifer hates humanity. He hates that humans were given free will and found ways to use that free will against them.

Then the breaking down of a song's lyrics as if its writer sat down and authored said lyrics in the way one would write a textbook ..... While I've known that some the tools alluded too have been used to manipulate/control ones senses for longer than one could fathom, I don't believe it's as broad in scope as some of you guys seem too believe (i'm referring to the top, not bottom)

Whoever and however the lyrics are written, they are influenced by Lucifer, a dark force or whatever you want to call it. I'm not even saying that thevideos or songs are consciously made to be Luciferian, but more often then not, they promote images, symbols and lifestyles that are undeniably wicked. If aperson has let him or herself be overcome by a dark force, they will behave in a way that confirms that influence. They will write it, speak it, do it. Theymay not even be fully aware of how deeply involved in it they are.

We are surrounded by forces that are unseen. Humans are only able to pick up on what our five sense allow us to. I can't see radio waves, micro waves orultra violet light, but that doesn't mean it's not there. Dark matter or energy makes up 70% of the universe. I can't sense it, but it exist. Weare surrounded by dimensions we can not detect. Am I to believe that those dimension don't contain forces that influence what goes on in this dimension?

Do I not exist because a 2nd dimensional object can not see me?

Out of all of these threads and discussions no one has come up with a why? You list a couple of scattered references and thoughts but lay out no plan or order as to how to use any of this information ....... See the point of a teacher is not too force his ideas on the pupil but make the pupils path to knowledge easier than that of the teacher's and so far, quite the opposite has been done
In the end all I see is more spreading of fear and apathy ...... than the opposite, which threads like these supposedly "champion"

I don't know why. That's the purpose of sharing information. Those that have some information share it with others and compare notes to come to abetter understanding.

Before any action can be taken, there must be knowledge. What good would a war be against something we don't fully understand? I don't spread fear orapathy. The purpose isn't to have people cower in the corner afraid of their TVs and iPods, it's to have people analyze what they listen to and see.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

IKnowRap wrote:
If a person is not a weak minded indivdual, they can take in all the "pop culture" they want and not be taken over and wisked into following the devil? correct?

I just would like to know peoples thoughts on the success rate of converting people over to following the devil through this method.

When you say "converting people over to following the devil", I don't think that the purpose is to have listeners consciously and openly declaring that they are followers of the devil.

The purveyors of the messages have aligned themselves with dark forces to receive wealth, enlightenment and perhaps a special place in the afterlife. At least that's what they have been promised. It serves their egos and satisfies their greed to have more knowledge, more money and more opportunities than the average man or woman. The promises of being made immortal in song and video, to have millions repeating your words and to have all of your material, physical and spiritual desires met at only the cost of declaring and glorifying the name and symbols of your master are too good for some to pass up.

The entertainers are making the conscious decision to flood their music with messages that glorify lifestyles that are not righteous. By listening to the music, watching the videos, etc., people become desensitized to the evils (lust, violence, greed, and so on) and adapt those things into their lives, slowly, by accepting them as normal or "ok" behavior.

Each generation slips deeper into the abyss as what was once considered taboo becomes normal over time. The messengers are there to slowly rot away the foundation of good and pervert the minds of the weak. The weak outnumber the strong so imagine this system left unchecked or unquestioned years from now.

At least, that's how I see it.

First thanks for replying...I didnt think I would get a response

secondly you say consciously and openly follow the devil... I understand what you mean by that, but for a person to even make himself vulnerable he has to havevery little self control and no foundation in personal values, no faith and alot more to be easily influenced by an entertainment figure...even if it issubconscious imo

taking what u sayin ur pretty much sayin these entertainers have "sold there soul"...how do you know this? Knowing this information about these saidentertainers effects you how, good or bad? If u are immune to their influences all you can do is tell people about it but arent you just really wasting yourtime because this does not contribute to the betterment of a person in the "know" or does it?

Imma reference Jay-Z for all the rest of this because he is the only guy I hear this about, and Im not really a follower of Mos Def Career

but to say Jay FLOODS his music with demonic references "sounds stupid to me"...i will agree there have been times he has said some brow raisingthings but when further explored I can see the artistic value in a statement and without asking this guy personally, i leave with a different interpretation ofsaid statement and its not him "dapping off the devil"

We dont hear this talk about Lil Wayne and he is by far one of the most worldly figures in entertainment now. Jay married one woman, no kids out of wedlock,doesnt promote die hard taking of drugs or alcohol, is a role model for black businessman....i mean the list could go on and on of his positive influences andeven continued in his songs....but to label him the opposite and "on the other side" because of things the average listener wouldnt even pick upon,or statements that could be easily misinterpreted is crazy to me.

I agree that our generation is getting worse and worse in terms of righteousness but these threads send mixed messages to me....some statements call outentertainers for following the devil but then will also say that Christians jacked its whole religion from Egypt and Jesus aint what we say he is....so thenwhat?!?

I know everything cant be answered and it might not even be useful information to seek but...to go out on limbs and tell people things with no direction couldbe dangerous especially if they are easily influenced
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Seems to me that everything had already been discovered by Africans, and the Europeans were upset and came back through and just re-wrote it with their names. Discoveries in philosophy, religion, lands, chemistry, etc etc.
"You got second, in a dual meet...thats dead last"
Somehow it turned into a chest bumping contest.
Thanks for this thread Haze.

It always pissed me off so much how in school we'd learn about European history and they would completely overlook the era of the Islamic Golden Age and the Moorish empires. When Europe was in its Dark Ages, the Islamic empires in southern Europe and in the Middle East were flourishing and blossomed to incredible civilizations which contributed immensely in profound ways to society. Philosophers, engineers, poets, scientists, etc. of those civilizations are ignored in Western history. It was due to the Islamic Golden Age and the the Moorish empires that the Renaissance was able to get started since the Europeans were greatly influenced by them. If it was not for the Islamic Golden Age and its Moorish empires, we would have lost all of the ancient Greek/Egyptian books and contributions. Christian Europeans thought it was crap,unholy, a bunch of !*#**$#+ and tried to burn it all. But, it was the Moorish empires that retrieved them, saved them, preserved them,and studied them in order to expand on them. This is why to this day we have great works and literature of ancient Greek philosophers. So, not only did they expand on ancient contributions from the Greeks and Egyptians, they invented a lot of their own.

I was always so fascinated by the period of the Islamic Golden Age and its great contributions. I had maybe only 2 courses in University where the professors/course syllabus touched upon this era.

You always have to read and learn about history and what is going on in the world today beyond the surface. The truth is hidden from us because we are forced to be imprisoned and follow the system. Educating youseld is how you can awaken and become enlightened. Seek wisdom, and it will find you and free you. Like Rousseau said, "Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains."

Eggggzackly. The knowledge has been watered and twisted to fit their views.
We go to school and under go the studies of U.S. History or "World History", we are not studying
the truth of our roots but just the European outlook upon the world.
Our ancestors fought against western civilization and literally gave their lives to preserve the history
and culture that we are able to learn today with a seeking mind.

The first form of European intelligence came from the showing of a folklore
book written in 850 BC. By that time Egypt had been through 24 dynasties of civilization.
Due to generosity and migration knowledge came to be passed down and
birthed to further knowledgeable civilizations.
Which within that empowerment they made many great discoveries and went on to
prosper into powerful dynasties of their own.

Ex. Pharaoh Senworset and the founding of Athens.

Arabic scholars translated ancient Iraqi, Roman, Chinese, Indian, Persian, Greek, Byzantine, and North African works into their nativelanguage and preserved them for posterity. The Arabs built many establishments of numerous academic and public institutions tofurther that knowledge.
This all help lead to its perseverance today when this information was in the face of damnation.

"Powerful people cannot afford to educate the people that they oppress,
because once you are truly educated, you will not ask for power. You will take it."

-John Henrik Clarke

Sidenote: Yo General Johnson, http://vigilantcitizen.com/ isdef a dope site.
I ran across it one time before in similar thread.
The breakdown they do to Omarion's "Ice box" video is on point.
Originally Posted by IKnowRap

taking what u sayin ur pretty much sayin these entertainers have "sold there soul"...how do you know this? Knowing this information about these said entertainers effects you how, good or bad? If u are immune to their influences all you can do is tell people about it but arent you just really wasting your time because this does not contribute to the betterment of a person in the "know" or does it?
I'm not wasting time. This will definitely go over a lot of people's heads. Some will not want to have any part of this discussion,because to them, this isn't real. I'm fine with that. There are those though, who seek to share knowledge and exchange ideas about this. I don'tthrow pearls to swine. This is for those who have a gut feeling about what I once had a gut feeling about.

How does this info effect me? I'll put it this way. It changed my life and is continuing to change my life. Before I could read, I just saw symbols on apage. I didn't know if they went from right to left or bottom to top, but once I could read I could look at a page and make some sense of it, even if Ididn't know all the words. the more I read, the more I understood. Take that analogy and apply it to symbolism. Before I knew of the symbols, they werejust pictures or decorations. I still don't know what they all mean, but I now know they aren't there just to make things pretty. Symbols have alwayshad meaning.

but to say Jay FLOODS his music with demonic references "sounds stupid to me"...i will agree there have been times he has said some brow raising things but when further explored I can see the artistic value in a statement and without asking this guy personally, i leave with a different interpretation of said statement and its not him "dapping off the devil"

You quoted me, so you know I didn't type the words "demonic references." And to say it sounds stupid to you, sounds ignorant to me. If I was anentertainer I wouldn't write songs titled "Lucifer" or "D'evils" or write lyrics like "It's a secret society,all we ask is trust" unless there is a meaning behind it.

You acknowledge that Jay-Z is an intelligent man, right? You think he just writes these things or places symbols in his music or wears clothes with well knownoccult messages just because he's a hypebeast and wants to fit in? You really think a man as smart as he is writes lyrics with no thought of how they maybe perceived on a surface or deeper level?

That to me "sounds stupid". Don't take that as an insult, but it doesn't make much sense.

Jay married one woman, no kids out of wedlock, doesnt promote die hard taking of drugs or alcohol, is a role model for black businessman....i mean the list could go on and on of his positive influences and even continued in his songs....but to label him the opposite and "on the other side" because of things the average listener wouldnt even pick up on,or statements that could be easily misinterpreted is crazy to me.

Throughout his career, Jay-Z has sold himself as a drug dealer, a man after material wealth by any means necessary and a player. You see his wealth as apositive influence and excuse how he made that wealth. If money is your GOD then of course Jay-Z is a positive guy, but money isn't the world to me.
Ok, so iI was looking more into this stuff, and it seems to me that some of it does seem to be a reach in some of the analysis about music,movies,etc. Forexamples, sometimes I do those gestures which mean other things and it does not mean I was doing an Illuminati symbol. When it comes to the New World Order,government corruption and domination over the masses, etc., I do believe there is an agenda in order for superpowers to gain control of the world and maintaintheir goals and interests. But, I see it through a lens of a political context which explains it rather than through occult followed by a secret society. Tosay that is mostly linked to this whole occult/mysticism and devil worship can be a bit of a reach. So, in music and movies, why would the Illuminati have allthese symbols everywhere?So they can gain more energy and power from these symbols?So every director of music and movies, and songwriters just happen toincorporate demonic messages and traces in most of what they produce?

Also, as for this occult stuff, to me, it just does not seem like it works, but it is more just of a belief system. If they actually do believe in this stuff,do they believe it actually works???I was looking into the Illuminati "supposed" occult belief systems, and they did take a lot of Egyptianmythologies,symbolism to incorporate into their religious beliefs, but so much of it has been taken from Zoroastrianism. Actually, too much of it has beentaken from it.Lucifer is a Zoroastrian concept. In Judaism, they do not even believe in the devil. Christianity took the concept of the devil fromZoroastrianism. It is all this concept about two powerful polar opposites vying for good and evil, imbalance, and how balance is what keeps the world in order.Yes, Set from the Egyptian mythologies and the forces of God and evil and the dark underworld also did influence the supposed occult belief of the Illuminati,but Set did not reach the way Zoroastrianism brought the concept of the "devil". This Lucifer stuff seems so bogus to me like all other religiousstories/beliefs.

Someone mentioned Nazism and the occult. Yes, Hitler and his Third Reich regime were VERY much into it. Quite fascinating if you look into it. We studied someof it in this course in University I took called Witcraft and the Occult phenamenon. Here is an article about it:

By the way, did anyone see this "documentary" made by this Shiite Muslim called "The Arrivals"?It is 50 videos, each 10 minutes. My friendstold me there is a lot of Shiite propaganda, but that there is a lot of great stuff about Freemasonry and Illuminati and it explains it all very thoroughly. Itscared one of my friends, but I will watch it just to see what the hoopla is about with it all since everyone is telling me to watch it.Scroll down the pagefor complete list of videos. Here is a link to it:

(Ok, I am about to watch "The Arrivals" documentary. I will give my feedback on it once I am done watching it)
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by IKnowRap

taking what u sayin ur pretty much sayin these entertainers have "sold there soul"...how do you know this? Knowing this information about these said entertainers effects you how, good or bad? If u are immune to their influences all you can do is tell people about it but arent you just really wasting your time because this does not contribute to the betterment of a person in the "know" or does it?
I'm not wasting time. This will definitely go over a lot of people's heads. Some will not want to have any part of this discussion, because to them, this isn't real. I'm fine with that. There are those though, who seek to share knowledge and exchange ideas about this. I don't throw pearls to swine. This is for those who have a gut feeling about what I once had a gut feeling about.

How does this info effect me? I'll put it this way. It changed my life and is continuing to change my life. Before I could read, I just saw symbols on a page. I didn't know if they went from right to left or bottom to top, but once I could read I could look at a page and make some sense of it, even if I didn't know all the words. the more I read, the more I understood. Take that analogy and apply it to symbolism. Before I knew of the symbols, they were just pictures or decorations. I still don't know what they all mean, but I now know they aren't there just to make things pretty. Symbols have always had meaning.

but to say Jay FLOODS his music with demonic references "sounds stupid to me"...i will agree there have been times he has said some brow raising things but when further explored I can see the artistic value in a statement and without asking this guy personally, i leave with a different interpretation of said statement and its not him "dapping off the devil"

You quoted me, so you know I didn't type the words "demonic references." And to say it sounds stupid to you, sounds ignorant to me. If I was an entertainer I wouldn't write songs titled "Lucifer" or "D'evils" or write lyrics like "It's a secret society, all we ask is trust" unless there is a meaning behind it.

You acknowledge that Jay-Z is an intelligent man, right? You think he just writes these things or places symbols in his music or wears clothes with well known occult messages just because he's a hypebeast and wants to fit in? You really think a man as smart as he is writes lyrics with no thought of how they may be perceived on a surface or deeper level?

That to me "sounds stupid". Don't take that as an insult, but it doesn't make much sense.

Jay married one woman, no kids out of wedlock, doesnt promote die hard taking of drugs or alcohol, is a role model for black businessman....i mean the list could go on and on of his positive influences and even continued in his songs....but to label him the opposite and "on the other side" because of things the average listener wouldnt even pick up on,or statements that could be easily misinterpreted is crazy to me.

Throughout his career, Jay-Z has sold himself as a drug dealer, a man after material wealth by any means necessary and a player. You see his wealth as a positive influence and excuse how he made that wealth. If money is your GOD then of course Jay-Z is a positive guy, but money isn't the world to me.

Great points...but IF he is doing this...why are you guys the only ones able to call him out on it? also shouldnt it be easier for people that want to followevil to pick up on these things?

As much as I like rap music im not about to give up my religon or beliefs for whatever the hell Jay-Z is doing....and yes he rapped about all the ills ofsociety and got rich off it but look at the man now, this present day Jay-Z is not telling, sayin pimp or sell rocks is he?

Lucifer and the D'evils...were stories, were they not? Lucifer dealt with the emotions of seeking revenge on the people that killed ya potna....thats areal emotion... people deal with that, and its not right thats the devil "lord I gotta get these devils out my life...."....is it wrong for somebodyto speak on that? the same way with D'evils...thats a story of people really caught up in the drug game and lost....can he not be artistic? why does ithave to be taken literal?

I dont excuse the dude for how he made his money nor do I condem him either...cuz at the end of the day, I cant save his soul nor bring him down cuz I willnever meet him....im not knocking you for going for this knowledge but for everything to be so hidden how can it be that effective for the good or bad
Originally Posted by General Johnson

For example all the discussion about leading the masses towards the "devil" ...... when the devil construct as we know it today was meant to represent the sciences and illumination brought forward by them

I'm not a Luciferian, so I don't know what their ultimate goal is.
While I'm not going to get deep into the religious context of the "devil or "Lucifer" .. Your first statement doesn't stopyou from stringing together ... ubjects that has advanced mental knowledge, and yet at the same time has done its best to decipher spiritual knowledge or thespiritual relm ..... While the opposite can be said by that organization which touts science as being in bed with the devil ........ Which makes your stance inthis thread puzzling since as far as I know about symbolism and the esoteric, the problem lies not in its use but the purpose of its use ....... whetherit's too benifit the masses or control/manipulate and even those two categories are both too broad and narrow at the same time

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Then the breaking down of a song's lyrics as if its writer sat down and authored said lyrics in the way one would write a textbook ..... While I've known that some the tools alluded too have been used to manipulate/control ones senses for longer than one could fathom, I don't believe it's as broad in scope as some of you guys seem too believe (i'm referring to the top, not bottom)

Whoever and however the lyrics are written, they are influenced by Lucifer, a dark force or whatever you want to call it.

See here lies my second problem, only inferring from the information you provided so far ....... The negative forms of emotions are influenced byLucifer ....... To me that makes absolutely no sense at all ..........
Either way the reason why I brought up lyrics is because I have written songs that I don't see as being dark, and are simply meant to express a certaindichotomy of emotions, that others have seen as alot darker than i've originally intending it too be ....... or certain words are used for a specificsymbolism but aren't meant to represent something as deeply sinister ....... as some here or sites like Vigilant citizens seem to believe is prevalent inpop culture

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Out of all of these threads and discussions no one has come up with a why? You list a couple of scattered references and thoughts but lay out no plan or order as to how to use any of this information ....... See the point of a teacher is not too force his ideas on the pupil but make the pupils path to knowledge easier than that of the teacher's and so far, quite the opposite has been done
In the end all I see is more spreading of fear and apathy ...... than the opposite, which threads like these supposedly "champion"

I don't know why. That's the purpose of sharing information. Those that have some information share it with others and compare notes to come to a better understanding.

Before any action can be taken, there must be knowledge. What good would a war be against something we don't fully understand? I don't spread fear or apathy. The purpose isn't to have people cower in the corner afraid of their TVs and iPods, it's to have people analyze what they listen to and see.

This last part was geared toward Huey P and GTEK and my point being that ........ over and over again these threads come up yet ...... in my eyesinformation is hardly ever shared ............ instead things that are obvious to me and some not so much is pointed out with no real information as how tolearn about this on a beginners level ...... instead when one asks for information, sources, other factories of knowledge ..... what is offered is the same asacademic chin checking ....... whereas when I needed the equivalent too a Dumbies guide to __________ if anything is given out at all, its similar to handingme a calculus III textbook whereas I'm asking for how too simply multiply within the parenteses ...... Either way I'm past that problem and have foundsome solutions too my gaps in knowledge ........... yet no real tangible sources of knowledge is being provided ...... At this point I would think or believethat most of us are past the point of figuring out that there are others that see what we see or are on the same thread of thought
Mos uses the boogieman to promote how contradictory this ***% we call life really is.

To boogie is to dance

When jazz was first getting popular it was associated with the 'devils music'...as was dancing.

Mos essentialy flips the connotation thats been bestowed on BLACKNESS.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Mos uses the boogieman to promote how contradictory this ***% we call life really is.

To boogie is to dance

When jazz was first getting popular it was associated with the 'devils music'...as was dancing.

Mos essentialy flips the connotation thats been bestowed on BLACKNESS.
Much like how in the story of the Fall of Man, the snake which was used as a symbol of sovereignty, royalty, deity and divine authority in Egyptis taken and re-presented as temptation and deceit.

Sticking with the Bible for a second, the story tells us that God gave Man the liberty to name all the birds and animals. So a symbol has as much meaning asyou desire to give it and in many cases can mean two complete opposites. A dog can be man's best friend or woman's worst enemy.

Ultimately all this information is useless because we are chasing the knowledge of how others define the world. We will never get to the bottom of it becauseit is infinite, the deeper we dig the deeper the hole.

However, the attitude of looking past the surface has got to be worth something,

"Powerful people cannot afford to educate the people that they oppress,
because once you are truly educated, you will not ask for power. You will take it."
Ok, so I am already on Part 2 of "The Arrivals" documentary, and it just seems like so much rehashed religious and miscontrued Illuminati/Freemasonrypropaganda. Now I am starting to think that a lot of this info given out about the Illuminati/Freemasonry having to do with the anti-christ, and devilworshipping is coming from the extremist religious followers. Basically, they are trying to feed all this to people about how there is this powerful secretsociety, who is unleashing evil into this world to gain control and power and through devil worship and satanic rituals. To me, this is no different than alsoreligious brainwashing bantering trying to install fear into people in order to promote their religions as the righteous ones which will save you from the"devil" and that they will save you before the anti-christ comes, and what better target to pick than saying that Freemasonry and the Illuminatiembodies all this?

I am not religious, or do not ascribe to a religion, so all this Lucifer,Satan talk to me is all just stories made up as myths or allegories to be kind of ametaphor to try to comprehend or explain reality and the real world's presence of good and evil. Despite how I do not think the beliefs are real, I dobelieve that maybe some powerful entertainers/elite/politicians DO believe in this stuff and follow it just like some normal/non-celebrity people out there do.
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