NT put me onto a new TV series

The Shield > the wire?

By far the best show out. Season 1 just finished. You can catch all 13 episodes on Starz on Demand.
How To Make It In America

Friend put me on this show about a week ago, I checked the first episode out and ended up watching all eight Season 1 episodes in a row because i have no life.
Parks and Rec is coming on strong this season.  But ditto on Freaks and Geeks, one of the best EVER
.  Seriously, look into it.
Californication is one of the best written shows on television
Bored to Death is so witty and clever and Ted Danson is the *#!+@+@ man
Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

Party Down

This.  It's funny as hell about a catering company and the parties they cater.  It's only on the second season so you could catch up pretty quick. I 
 off some of the ++$! that goes on on that show
Mad Men
How to Make It In America
The Wire
True Blood
Weeds- just got put on to this show, watched all 5 seasons o netflix in the last 2 weeks...

Veronica Mars- this was my favorite show when it came out for some reason

Prison Break- best show ever imo (tied with dexter)

you should get netflix, if you dont have it already, mad shows to watch instantly from your 360 or ps3... or now even the wii... i sound like a netflix promoter lol it really is great though
Just finished season 2 of Chuck and
it's complete crack

I'm also looking for a new series to watch.
Preferably something like Chuck or Prison Break
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

you can watch tv shows on the internet for free though.....
obviously this is what im going to do..

i guess i should gave said this in the first post..

i have seen every episode of

the sopranos
the office
the big bang theory
how i met your mother
two and a half men
30 rock

that show spartacus looks good.. worth watching?
Comedies: Parks & Recreation, Modern Family, The Office, South Park, Ugly Americans, Arrested Development, Ricky Gervais Show
Dramas: Lost, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Chuck, Entourage, How to Make It in America, Friday Night Lights
Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

By far the best show out. Season 1 just finished. You can catch all 13 episodes on Starz on Demand.

is this really good? i've seen the first mins of the first episode and i was like

i'm looking for that action similar to prison break.
Curb Your Enthusiasm is really good.

I cant believe people are recommending Prison Break. I tried to get into it and the acting was just so dry.
Posted to view spoiler once I get off work...

And I've heard the first episode of Spartucus is pretty slow but it picks up and I've heard great things about it.
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