NT School me on Ohio vol: is it that bad?

i've been all over ohio.  it's ok i guess.  i wouldn't wanna live there but it isn't anywhere near as bad as people make it out to be on nt.  i think i would get mad bored there though. 
i've been all over ohio.  it's ok i guess.  i wouldn't wanna live there but it isn't anywhere near as bad as people make it out to be on nt.  i think i would get mad bored there though. 
Originally Posted by Boilermaker X

The funny thing?  I'm not even from Ohio.  But it's been great to me and my family and we love Columbus. 

Originally Posted by Boilermaker X

The funny thing?  I'm not even from Ohio.  But it's been great to me and my family and we love Columbus. 

Originally Posted by Xavier

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

home of wendys, white castles, nationwide insurance, flight, football HOF, rock n roll HOF, james thurber, RL Stine, Halle Berry, Woody Harrelson, Dean Martin, Paul Newman, Martin Sheen, Molly Shannon, Ron Jeremy, Toccarra, Jerry Springer, Omarosa, Roxy Reynolds, Carmen Electra, Neil Armstrong, Harvey Firestone, Garrett Morgan, B.F. Goodrich, John D Rockerfeller, George Stienbrenner, Larry Flint, Ted Turner, most immediate "free" state for slaves, top library system in the nation, in 2009, was ranked #4 in best business cities, 7th largest economy of all US states, 5 of the top 115 colleges in the nation, best zoos in the nation, thomas edison's birthplace?

this is off the top of my HEAD, bro

thought she was from atlanta.  thats a win right there

nah, son, product of columbus public schools....went to OSU with her...

trynna get her to do a drop on my mixtape...

that C-O +@*$, sir.
Originally Posted by Xavier

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

home of wendys, white castles, nationwide insurance, flight, football HOF, rock n roll HOF, james thurber, RL Stine, Halle Berry, Woody Harrelson, Dean Martin, Paul Newman, Martin Sheen, Molly Shannon, Ron Jeremy, Toccarra, Jerry Springer, Omarosa, Roxy Reynolds, Carmen Electra, Neil Armstrong, Harvey Firestone, Garrett Morgan, B.F. Goodrich, John D Rockerfeller, George Stienbrenner, Larry Flint, Ted Turner, most immediate "free" state for slaves, top library system in the nation, in 2009, was ranked #4 in best business cities, 7th largest economy of all US states, 5 of the top 115 colleges in the nation, best zoos in the nation, thomas edison's birthplace?

this is off the top of my HEAD, bro

thought she was from atlanta.  thats a win right there

nah, son, product of columbus public schools....went to OSU with her...

trynna get her to do a drop on my mixtape...

that C-O +@*$, sir.
Originally Posted by Boilermaker X

Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul wrote:
I'm not even from OKC anyways, I'm 90 miles South on I44 in Lawton/Ft Sill

you live in Lawton, Oklahoma?!? 


typical NTer

Originally Posted by Meangene4

eNPHAN is back
. Ohio getting W's in this thread

sup, doe?

LOL @ the mayor...we talkin bout OHIO and this dude talking about the Mayor hinting to hard times....ROFL

dude, %#%+ on cleveland all you want..."they arent detroit"....at least

you're showing how limited your scope on OHIO as a WHOLE is....

is it because cleveland has an NBA team or something?

honestly, i hate everywhere in ohio that isn't columbus....thats keeping it g.

but columbus is
, aint %#%+ yall can tell me different....
Originally Posted by Boilermaker X

Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul wrote:
I'm not even from OKC anyways, I'm 90 miles South on I44 in Lawton/Ft Sill

you live in Lawton, Oklahoma?!? 


typical NTer

Originally Posted by Meangene4

eNPHAN is back
. Ohio getting W's in this thread

sup, doe?

LOL @ the mayor...we talkin bout OHIO and this dude talking about the Mayor hinting to hard times....ROFL

dude, %#%+ on cleveland all you want..."they arent detroit"....at least

you're showing how limited your scope on OHIO as a WHOLE is....

is it because cleveland has an NBA team or something?

honestly, i hate everywhere in ohio that isn't columbus....thats keeping it g.

but columbus is
, aint %#%+ yall can tell me different....
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by HatchMo

Thats the mayor of cleveland, not the governor of ohio. Sorry pal, but your trying to hard.

Where did I call him the Governor? I identified him as the Mayor of Cleveland. YOU are trying too hard.
But your first post in a thread about the STATE of Ohio....was entirely about Cleveland....and you aren't trying too hard? LOL
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by HatchMo

Thats the mayor of cleveland, not the governor of ohio. Sorry pal, but your trying to hard.

Where did I call him the Governor? I identified him as the Mayor of Cleveland. YOU are trying too hard.
But your first post in a thread about the STATE of Ohio....was entirely about Cleveland....and you aren't trying too hard? LOL
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

what is going on in here

some kid from nowhere, oklahoma, has an opinion on cleveland, but seems to be under the assumption cleveland and ohio are interchangable words...


oklahoma, tho?

Originally Posted by DunkNForce

what is going on in here

some kid from nowhere, oklahoma, has an opinion on cleveland, but seems to be under the assumption cleveland and ohio are interchangable words...


oklahoma, tho?


[h3] Brothers Fight Over Fried Chicken, One Taken to Hospital [/h3] [h4]

Where to even begin except saying this is the best tale of fried-chicken-inspired violence you'll read all day.

According to the Akron Beacon Journal, Tony, 37, and Thomas, 41, Morris were at their mother's house for a nice visit recently. Tony was in one room watching TV, Thomas was in another room doing the same.

Suddenly, Thomas claims, a piece of fried chicken was thrown "in his direction."

Tony admitted throwing the chicken, upset because "he believed his brother took a bite of the chicken and placed it back in the frying pan."

Hell yeah that's a good reason for throwing chicken! You don't go taking a bite of chicken and putting it back in the pan. That's grounds for a beating. The brother had it coming.

Anyway, back to the story.

Thomas then challenged his brother to step outside and handle their dispute "like men who argue over fried chicken handle disputes." (Just kidding. We added that last part. He just said, "like men.")

Tony then grabbed a crowbar and charged Thomas, apparently willing to take him up on his offer to settle the dispute like men. Thomas ran, apparently realizing the offer to settle the dispute like men included a crowbar, something he wanted no part of. Unfortunately, Thomas slipped on some ice, allowing Tony to catch up and crack him in the head several times, enough to open a deep cut and cause some serious damage.

Eventually, Thomas escaped to a neighbor's house.

Their mother called 911 to get police involved.

End of story? Not so fast, my friend.

You don't even know the best part yet: The mother admitted that she was the one who took the bite of the chicken and put it back.

The Morris family is likely having ham for dinner during the holidays.
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