NT School me on Ohio vol: is it that bad?

This dude Dwele is a natural born hater
 mad cause he live in Oklahoma
 only reason that state is relevant is from 2 accidents. One being Timothy McVeigh and the other is Seattle drafting Durant.

C'mon son. Your arguments are old. And I seen you grave digging that old thread that you made where YOU needed HELP on buying houses in Cleveland to flip 'em.

You're a hater. Your father should of aimed for the floor..
This dude Dwele is a natural born hater
 mad cause he live in Oklahoma
 only reason that state is relevant is from 2 accidents. One being Timothy McVeigh and the other is Seattle drafting Durant.

C'mon son. Your arguments are old. And I seen you grave digging that old thread that you made where YOU needed HELP on buying houses in Cleveland to flip 'em.

You're a hater. Your father should of aimed for the floor..
Originally Posted by Los Benjaminz

I moved from NYC to Ohio, because of my mom's. I live in a nice white suburbs of Columbus. Let me tell you this is the place you don't want to live, even the people that live in Ohio don't want to live here.

Columbus has some of the fakest cats i've ever met. For some reason the suburban kid's think their all that, because they have money and in the city is not any better.

People in Columbus cannot drive and highway system is so horrible. The city is not nice looking at all. The weather is crappy. Job's are crappy.

No nice diverse club's, the black club's is mad grimey might aswell get shot. Some days you gonna find yourself bored as hell, with a crappy nightlife.

The only thing good the city has it has a lot of bar's, that you can meet some drunk women. A lot of decent colleges around the state, with a lot of school spirit.

Ohio also got some of the finest snow bunnies you ever gonna get to see, especially at Ohio State.

But without Ohio State and high street, columbus will be one of the lamest city's.

This is all lies.

I dont know about that dude. i stayed there for 6 years. Columbus is a very nice city with plenty of stuff to do. And the clubs downtown is very diverse. It all depends where u go. Columbus will make you feel like your in college again. Not one day was I bored there. I can say the inner city youth is grimey . But I was int he city every day and never had a problem really except a 2 times maybe.

I agree they cant drive. Jobs are there. So i guess ti all depends on the type of person to whether or not they will like the city. I loved it personally 

All cities are the same ol boring sities once u stay there for a minute. I lived in 6 cities and traveled to more. For the most par everything is the same.. Same old thing.

City I want to settle in is Orlando
Originally Posted by Los Benjaminz

I moved from NYC to Ohio, because of my mom's. I live in a nice white suburbs of Columbus. Let me tell you this is the place you don't want to live, even the people that live in Ohio don't want to live here.

Columbus has some of the fakest cats i've ever met. For some reason the suburban kid's think their all that, because they have money and in the city is not any better.

People in Columbus cannot drive and highway system is so horrible. The city is not nice looking at all. The weather is crappy. Job's are crappy.

No nice diverse club's, the black club's is mad grimey might aswell get shot. Some days you gonna find yourself bored as hell, with a crappy nightlife.

The only thing good the city has it has a lot of bar's, that you can meet some drunk women. A lot of decent colleges around the state, with a lot of school spirit.

Ohio also got some of the finest snow bunnies you ever gonna get to see, especially at Ohio State.

But without Ohio State and high street, columbus will be one of the lamest city's.

This is all lies.

I dont know about that dude. i stayed there for 6 years. Columbus is a very nice city with plenty of stuff to do. And the clubs downtown is very diverse. It all depends where u go. Columbus will make you feel like your in college again. Not one day was I bored there. I can say the inner city youth is grimey . But I was int he city every day and never had a problem really except a 2 times maybe.

I agree they cant drive. Jobs are there. So i guess ti all depends on the type of person to whether or not they will like the city. I loved it personally 

All cities are the same ol boring sities once u stay there for a minute. I lived in 6 cities and traveled to more. For the most par everything is the same.. Same old thing.

City I want to settle in is Orlando
Originally Posted by UbUiBeMe

Originally Posted by Los Benjaminz

I moved from NYC to Ohio, because of my mom's. I live in a nice white suburbs of Columbus. Let me tell you this is the place you don't want to live, even the people that live in Ohio don't want to live here.

Columbus has some of the fakest cats i've ever met. For some reason the suburban kid's think their all that, because they have money and in the city is not any better.

People in Columbus cannot drive and highway system is so horrible. The city is not nice looking at all. The weather is crappy. Job's are crappy.

No nice diverse club's, the black club's is mad grimey might aswell get shot. Some days you gonna find yourself bored as hell, with a crappy nightlife.

The only thing good the city has it has a lot of bar's, that you can meet some drunk women. A lot of decent colleges around the state, with a lot of school spirit.

Ohio also got some of the finest snow bunnies you ever gonna get to see, especially at Ohio State.

But without Ohio State and high street, columbus will be one of the lamest city's.
Im born and raised in Columbus, and the highlighted items are blatant lies. 

How is our weather crappy when you're coming from NYC? Eff outta here. And the highways are terrible? Ok son, and btw, what suburb do you live in? I'm near Gahanna/Blacklick.

Ohio is home to some pretty reputable companies that are Fortune 500 I believe. The jobs are out there dunny, you just gotta find them. 

Go back to NYC if you aren't happy. 
 . Maybe if you got off High St. and went to Upper Arlington you would find some decent night spots. 

The bunnies at Ohio State though are 
. And they'll go too. 
^^ Dam i just responded to this.. Yep for most part all lies.. Columbus Ohio is very nbice with plenty of stuff to do and plenty of jobs. Weather was never crappy when I stayed there and theres loads of women there.
Originally Posted by UbUiBeMe

Originally Posted by Los Benjaminz

I moved from NYC to Ohio, because of my mom's. I live in a nice white suburbs of Columbus. Let me tell you this is the place you don't want to live, even the people that live in Ohio don't want to live here.

Columbus has some of the fakest cats i've ever met. For some reason the suburban kid's think their all that, because they have money and in the city is not any better.

People in Columbus cannot drive and highway system is so horrible. The city is not nice looking at all. The weather is crappy. Job's are crappy.

No nice diverse club's, the black club's is mad grimey might aswell get shot. Some days you gonna find yourself bored as hell, with a crappy nightlife.

The only thing good the city has it has a lot of bar's, that you can meet some drunk women. A lot of decent colleges around the state, with a lot of school spirit.

Ohio also got some of the finest snow bunnies you ever gonna get to see, especially at Ohio State.

But without Ohio State and high street, columbus will be one of the lamest city's.
Im born and raised in Columbus, and the highlighted items are blatant lies. 

How is our weather crappy when you're coming from NYC? Eff outta here. And the highways are terrible? Ok son, and btw, what suburb do you live in? I'm near Gahanna/Blacklick.

Ohio is home to some pretty reputable companies that are Fortune 500 I believe. The jobs are out there dunny, you just gotta find them. 

Go back to NYC if you aren't happy. 
 . Maybe if you got off High St. and went to Upper Arlington you would find some decent night spots. 

The bunnies at Ohio State though are 
. And they'll go too. 
^^ Dam i just responded to this.. Yep for most part all lies.. Columbus Ohio is very nbice with plenty of stuff to do and plenty of jobs. Weather was never crappy when I stayed there and theres loads of women there.
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Lil B is from Ohio.

I'm pretty sure Lil' B is from Cali but OK. And I'm from Hilliard. Ohio is not as bad as these people make it out to be
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Lil B is from Ohio.

I'm pretty sure Lil' B is from Cali but OK. And I'm from Hilliard. Ohio is not as bad as these people make it out to be
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

This dude Dwele is a natural born hater
 mad cause he live in Oklahoma
 only reason that state is relevant is from 2 accidents. One being Timothy McVeigh and the other is Seattle drafting Durant.

C'mon son. Your arguments are old. And I seen you grave digging that old thread that you made where YOU needed HELP on buying houses in Cleveland to flip 'em.

You're a hater. Your father should of aimed for the floor..
Oh no. He said something bad about my state. Let me go get on tv and be crying like a %+$@$ with the Mayor and business owners talking bout don't nobody go out to eat, get haircuts, and come to bars no more. How will Oklahoma life go on? I'm not even from OKC anyways, I'm 90 miles South on I44 in Lawton/Ft Sill
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

This dude Dwele is a natural born hater
 mad cause he live in Oklahoma
 only reason that state is relevant is from 2 accidents. One being Timothy McVeigh and the other is Seattle drafting Durant.

C'mon son. Your arguments are old. And I seen you grave digging that old thread that you made where YOU needed HELP on buying houses in Cleveland to flip 'em.

You're a hater. Your father should of aimed for the floor..
Oh no. He said something bad about my state. Let me go get on tv and be crying like a %+$@$ with the Mayor and business owners talking bout don't nobody go out to eat, get haircuts, and come to bars no more. How will Oklahoma life go on? I'm not even from OKC anyways, I'm 90 miles South on I44 in Lawton/Ft Sill
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

This dude Dwele is a natural born hater
 mad cause he live in Oklahoma
 only reason that state is relevant is from 2 accidents. One being Timothy McVeigh and the other is Seattle drafting Durant.

C'mon son. Your arguments are old. And I seen you grave digging that old thread that you made where YOU needed HELP on buying houses in Cleveland to flip 'em.

You're a hater. Your father should of aimed for the floor..
Oh no. He said something bad about my state. Let me go get on tv and be crying like a %+$@$ with the Mayor and business owners talking bout don't nobody go out to eat, get haircuts, and come to bars no more. How will Oklahoma life go on? I'm not even from OKC anyways, I'm 90 miles South on I44 in Lawton/Ft Sill

....oh and ftr, any allegence to some state/county/city/street/block as if it defines you is corny. and if you're of an adult mind or age with a mentality like that you need to commit that.
- WHO CARES?! Ohio, Oklahoma, NY, FLA, IL, etc. its all about who YOU are.
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

This dude Dwele is a natural born hater
 mad cause he live in Oklahoma
 only reason that state is relevant is from 2 accidents. One being Timothy McVeigh and the other is Seattle drafting Durant.

C'mon son. Your arguments are old. And I seen you grave digging that old thread that you made where YOU needed HELP on buying houses in Cleveland to flip 'em.

You're a hater. Your father should of aimed for the floor..
Oh no. He said something bad about my state. Let me go get on tv and be crying like a %+$@$ with the Mayor and business owners talking bout don't nobody go out to eat, get haircuts, and come to bars no more. How will Oklahoma life go on? I'm not even from OKC anyways, I'm 90 miles South on I44 in Lawton/Ft Sill

....oh and ftr, any allegence to some state/county/city/street/block as if it defines you is corny. and if you're of an adult mind or age with a mentality like that you need to commit that.
- WHO CARES?! Ohio, Oklahoma, NY, FLA, IL, etc. its all about who YOU are.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- WHO CARES?! Ohio, Oklahoma, NY, FLA, IL, etc. its all about who YOU are.
Thank you sir. I applaud you.

Show me some personal achievements..

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- WHO CARES?! Ohio, Oklahoma, NY, FLA, IL, etc. its all about who YOU are.
Thank you sir. I applaud you.

Show me some personal achievements..

Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul wrote:
I'm not even from OKC anyways, I'm 90 miles South on I44 in Lawton/Ft Sill

Wait a minute.  You live in Nowhere, Oklahoma and you're putting down Ohio?  You read a couple things about Cleveland and decided to pile on for the lulz when you live in Lawton, Oklahoma?!?  Do you work at the Goodrich place or the military base?  Because that's all there is!  And you want to put down an entire state you've only read about?  Child, remember yourself when you talk to adults.  And I know you're not an adult because only a child would put so much wasted effort into defending something so indefensible and hypocritical as some Okie yokel trying to tell strangers how bad it is in Ohio.  Wide spot in the road clod kicker.  Thinks a cotton field is the suburbs.  Talking about houses for $10K, son, I'll bet you all the money in my pocket right now that I could throw a ball and hit a $10K shack from the gravel that is your front yard.  Wants to lecture other people about a place that he's only seen pictures of.  Condescending because Ohio hasn't won enough championships for him - Fool, your state just got professional sports two years ago!  MAN, did I hit the nail on the head when I said this was some typical NikeTalk +%%@ with people talking authoritatively about things they don't know the first thing about.  I'm mad that I took you seriously enough to dismantle that list of BS you puked up before.  I should have recognized what I was dealing with.  At least now we all know that you aren't to be taken seriously. 
Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul wrote:
I'm not even from OKC anyways, I'm 90 miles South on I44 in Lawton/Ft Sill

Wait a minute.  You live in Nowhere, Oklahoma and you're putting down Ohio?  You read a couple things about Cleveland and decided to pile on for the lulz when you live in Lawton, Oklahoma?!?  Do you work at the Goodrich place or the military base?  Because that's all there is!  And you want to put down an entire state you've only read about?  Child, remember yourself when you talk to adults.  And I know you're not an adult because only a child would put so much wasted effort into defending something so indefensible and hypocritical as some Okie yokel trying to tell strangers how bad it is in Ohio.  Wide spot in the road clod kicker.  Thinks a cotton field is the suburbs.  Talking about houses for $10K, son, I'll bet you all the money in my pocket right now that I could throw a ball and hit a $10K shack from the gravel that is your front yard.  Wants to lecture other people about a place that he's only seen pictures of.  Condescending because Ohio hasn't won enough championships for him - Fool, your state just got professional sports two years ago!  MAN, did I hit the nail on the head when I said this was some typical NikeTalk +%%@ with people talking authoritatively about things they don't know the first thing about.  I'm mad that I took you seriously enough to dismantle that list of BS you puked up before.  I should have recognized what I was dealing with.  At least now we all know that you aren't to be taken seriously. 
Originally Posted by Boilermaker X

Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul wrote:
I'm not even from OKC anyways, I'm 90 miles South on I44 in Lawton/Ft Sill

Wait a minute.  You live in Nowhere, Oklahoma and you're putting down Ohio?  You read a couple things about Cleveland and decided to pile on for the lulz when you live in Lawton, Oklahoma?!?  Do you work at the Goodrich place or the military base?  Because that's all there is!  And you want to put down an entire state you've only read about?  Child, remember yourself when you talk to adults.  And I know you're not an adult because only a child would put so much wasted effort into defending something so indefensible and hypocritical as some Okie yokel trying to tell strangers how bad it is in Ohio.  Wide spot in the road clod kicker.  Thinks a cotton field is the suburbs.  Talking about houses for $10K, son, I'll bet you all the money in my pocket right now that I could throw a ball and hit a $10K shack from the gravel that is your front yard.  Wants to lecture other people about a place that he's only seen pictures of.  Condescending because Ohio hasn't won enough championships for him - Fool, your state just got professional sports two years ago!  MAN, did I hit the nail on the head when I said this was some typical NikeTalk +%%@ with people talking authoritatively about things they don't know the first thing about.  I'm mad that I took you seriously enough to dismantle that list of BS you puked up before.  I should have recognized what I was dealing with.  At least now we all know that you aren't to be taken seriously. 

I was going to say all that myself, but I wasn't trying to give dude the light of day...

so with that being said, OHIO FTW!!!!!

That's all folks....

Originally Posted by Boilermaker X

Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul wrote:
I'm not even from OKC anyways, I'm 90 miles South on I44 in Lawton/Ft Sill

Wait a minute.  You live in Nowhere, Oklahoma and you're putting down Ohio?  You read a couple things about Cleveland and decided to pile on for the lulz when you live in Lawton, Oklahoma?!?  Do you work at the Goodrich place or the military base?  Because that's all there is!  And you want to put down an entire state you've only read about?  Child, remember yourself when you talk to adults.  And I know you're not an adult because only a child would put so much wasted effort into defending something so indefensible and hypocritical as some Okie yokel trying to tell strangers how bad it is in Ohio.  Wide spot in the road clod kicker.  Thinks a cotton field is the suburbs.  Talking about houses for $10K, son, I'll bet you all the money in my pocket right now that I could throw a ball and hit a $10K shack from the gravel that is your front yard.  Wants to lecture other people about a place that he's only seen pictures of.  Condescending because Ohio hasn't won enough championships for him - Fool, your state just got professional sports two years ago!  MAN, did I hit the nail on the head when I said this was some typical NikeTalk +%%@ with people talking authoritatively about things they don't know the first thing about.  I'm mad that I took you seriously enough to dismantle that list of BS you puked up before.  I should have recognized what I was dealing with.  At least now we all know that you aren't to be taken seriously. 

I was going to say all that myself, but I wasn't trying to give dude the light of day...

so with that being said, OHIO FTW!!!!!

That's all folks....

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by Boilermaker X

Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul wrote:
I'm not even from OKC anyways, I'm 90 miles South on I44 in Lawton/Ft Sill

Wait a minute.  You live in Nowhere, Oklahoma and you're putting down Ohio?  You read a couple things about Cleveland and decided to pile on for the lulz when you live in Lawton, Oklahoma?!?  Do you work at the Goodrich place or the military base?  Because that's all there is!  And you want to put down an entire state you've only read about?  Child, remember yourself when you talk to adults.  And I know you're not an adult because only a child would put so much wasted effort into defending something so indefensible and hypocritical as some Okie yokel trying to tell strangers how bad it is in Ohio.  Wide spot in the road clod kicker.  Thinks a cotton field is the suburbs.  Talking about houses for $10K, son, I'll bet you all the money in my pocket right now that I could throw a ball and hit a $10K shack from the gravel that is your front yard.  Wants to lecture other people about a place that he's only seen pictures of.  Condescending because Ohio hasn't won enough championships for him - Fool, your state just got professional sports two years ago!  MAN, did I hit the nail on the head when I said this was some typical NikeTalk +%%@ with people talking authoritatively about things they don't know the first thing about.  I'm mad that I took you seriously enough to dismantle that list of BS you puked up before.  I should have recognized what I was dealing with.  At least now we all know that you aren't to be taken seriously. 

I was going to say all that myself, but I wasn't trying to give dude the light of day...

so with that being said, OHIO FTW!!!!!

That's all folks....


LMAO @ how he ROASTED him LOL!
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