NT school me on your city... vol. This wont end well for her

Feb 9, 2008
she says all the different racesin her town uses it so its no big deal... I think she's gonna catch her issue if they do a show in the south

My question to you all is simple. Who has a pass to use the N-word in your city?

Im live in miami,fl... There is a lot of diversity here. I'm also a college grad so I've had alot of interaction with differnt races and genders.

In miami/browardif your not blk or spanish, you dont drop N.bombs. All the g'd up white dudes don't say it when coversing. Its not that they are shook, its just a mutual understanding(street etiquette).

how does it work in you city?
She wears glasses with no frames.
And that dork has bananas on his hat.

And she's from my town too.
Trust me, people don't get away dropping N bombs around here... perhaps because she's a decent looking female some look the other way but there's no way in hell that the average person can go around dropping N bombs on International Blvd. and walk away without a beatdown/deceased. 
in ny blacks and hispanics can say it. anyone else is about to get jumped.
EDIT: she made no sense what so ever.
Another thread about this white ghetto trash V-Nasty? The only people cosigning her are these lame, soft and washed-up Cali rappers like Mistah Fab.

Sony is going to make Kreayshawn get rid of her sooner than later. V-Nasty is causing nothing but bad press for their new "artist".

Kreayshawn uses the N word as well but deflects all of it on V-Nasty. She's a sucker for that.
Originally Posted by Furrell

Sony is going to make Kreayshawn get rid of her sooner than later. V-Nasty is causing nothing but bad press for their new "artist".

Not to mention, people are asociating KS more with this than they are VNasty. God forbid, a little white girl gets put in the way of physical harm over all this.
That +@$% might fly on the west coast, green grass, tropic tree's, blue skies and bubblegum +@$%.
But don't come to the East coast acting a fool, talking that +@$%, thinking you're good.

She'd get her +@$% rocked if she came over here talking recklessly like that.
Originally Posted by Weekz

in ny blacks and hispanics can say it. anyone else is about to get jumped.
EDIT: she made no sense what so ever.
everybody says it in nyc man
heard preppy Asians to crazy Russians say it
Originally Posted by Furrell

Sony is going to make Kreayshawn get rid of her sooner than later. V-Nasty is causing nothing but bad press for their new "artist".

Not to mention, people are asociating KS more with this than they are VNasty. God forbid, a little white girl gets put in the way of physical harm over all this.
in the 9th grade I got permission to say it haha

We were having a discussion about it in math class (?) and one of the "cool" black kids stands up and says THE ONLY WHITE BOY IN THIS SCHOOL THAT HAS PERMISSION TO SAY THAT %@@! IS MY $##+@ CHRIS

I am half chilean/iranian but i look white lol

Walked around the rest of the day like

i never say it though, I have a bunch of black friends and I said it the other day and they were all like
Uhhhhhhhhhh......... I just lost some serious IQ point watching that video. To answer you op I'm from orlando ,I've seen alot and I mean ALOT of stupid !@$ white girls throw the n word around trying to fit in with black dudes, I've never seen any of them get pissed over it probably because they were donkey mashing the b!tch , I'm white and have alot of black friends and can still go to the hood and be cool with all the folk I was cool with from school , been called the n word in an endearing way many of times but there's no way that word ever came out of my mouth no matter how comfortable I feel with my brothren, like you say street edicate Seems like girls get a pass though
everyone ''hood'' says it in NYC.. personally i don't give a #$#* who uses it. you can't tell someone not to say some !%*$ if you say it your damn self. my white girls from the suburbs use it too, but just with me, 'cause they know i don't give a #$#*
Originally Posted by JIM SHADY2003

Uhhhhhhhhhh......... I just lost some serious IQ point watching that video. To answer you op I'm from orlando ,I've seen alot and I mean ALOT of stupid !@$ white girls throw the n word around trying to fit in with black dudes, I've never seen any of them get pissed over it probably because they were donkey mashing the b!tch , I'm white and have alot of black friends and can still go to the hood and be cool with all the folk I was cool with from school , been called the n word in an endearing way many of times but there's no way that word ever came out of my mouth no matter how comfortable I feel with my brothren, like you say street edicate Seems like girls get a pass though
Jim thats how it goes down here too. Thats why she threw me for a loop. Im not salty but I ponder


The N word is the new "bro" here in NYC.
Everyone uses it from all races, and not once have I seen a black person be "offended".

Its 2011 bruh.
wHo NicE as HiM wrote:
i've gotten calls from MTV, rap magazines, and about 2gbs worth of hate mail asking me why i shot this and how i felt.

on a positive note, a few college students and�professors�with urban studies courses have also asked to speak with me about
my feelings towards the video�

I respect your grind homie...
Everyone uses it. Nobody gets mad. At worst you have grown black people who don't and might ask someone who is throwing it around so flippantly to chill out.

The "logic" black people use on why we can say it and other people can't is BEYOND stupid.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

The N word is the new "bro" here in NYC.
Everyone uses it from all races, and not once have I seen a black person be "offended".

Its 2011 bruh.
Really? Because I live in NYC as well and I hear "bro" more than I hear "N_".. I dropped that word from my vocabulary some time ago and now when I hear  "N_", I realize how stupid and ignorant it sounds. 

But I guess it depends on what type of people you're around. 
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

The N word is the new "bro" here in NYC.
Everyone uses it from all races, and not once have I seen a black person be "offended".

Its 2011 bruh.
Really? Because I live in NYC as well and I hear "bro" more than I hear "N_".. I dropped that word from my vocabulary some time ago and now when I hear  "N_", I realize how stupid and ignorant it sounds. 

But I guess it depends on what type of people you're around. 
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