NT school me on your city... vol. This wont end well for her

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

The N word is the new "bro" here in NYC.
Everyone uses it from all races, and not once have I seen a black person be "offended".

Its 2011 bruh.
Really? Because I live in NYC as well and I hear "bro" more than I hear "N_".. I dropped that word from my vocabulary some time ago and now when I hear  "N_", I realize how stupid and ignorant it sounds. 

But I guess it depends on what type of people you're around. 

Agreed. Even though Im from Jersey I still hear bro more than n__. I think some are really exagerrating how often it's used in public setting. A dude earlier in thread said it's out of a mutual respect thing and I agree with that too. And that whole "It's (insert year) who cares" thing is soooo tired and played. From my experience people tend to avoid confrontation (get offended). Just because someone didnt speak out on it doesnt mean theyre not offended.
i'm in sfl. hispanics seem to think they are in the in-crowd with blacks that appreciate the n-word.
actually i sorta have encountered more hispanics that aren't willing to give up the word rather than any other race.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

 I dropped that word from my vocabulary some time ago and now when I hear  "N_", I realize how stupid and ignorant it sounds. 

But I guess it depends on what type of people you're around. 

Word B. Plus there are so many other options
im from memphis....that %%+% would NOT fly down here
and like i said in the thread in music, the @%#%# sound dumb as %%*%
im hispanic and I use it...

I only hear hispanic and blacks use it, maybe cause i see nothing but blacks/hispanic 5 days out the week.
Originally Posted by ricky409

why do other races want to say it so bad, though?
Because they don't want us to have anything to ourselves!
J.k. I'm half black, But it's like they want to say it so bad because
we make it sound so cool. It's really like when you tell a little kid don't touch
a stove and they do it and once they get burned they @%**# and cry about it.

[paul mooney] everybody wanna be a !#!%$, but nobody wanna be a !#!%$ [paul mooney]
Nobody has a pass in NYC to use the n-word. They just use it anyway. For every ignorant violent black claiming they'll put hands on anyone who uses it needs to go to MSG around 3pm when ppl are coming off the train and realize they can not police that word; white, Hispanic, black, Asian. They all using it.

Different story when you're in the wrong neighborhood though.
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

i've ran across asian dudes that use the N-word amongst themselves....not as a joke either
they said "ninja" you misunderstood... and they really weren't joking
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

I'd rock that %%%*@ and ask questions later. I don't fight either but I'll make an exception.
Say what you want about her vocab but from what I understand she is about that life. You seem kinda girly so she'd prolly rock you...just sayin
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

I'd rock that %%%*@ and ask questions later. I don't fight either but I'll make an exception.
Say what you want about her vocab but from what I understand she is about that life. You seem kinda girly so she'd prolly rock you...just sayin
you right. I ain't about that life. 
  but I got some fighting cousins and my best friend a thorough bred white girl who is about that life. I'd coordinate the jumping tho. 
I wish it could go down so yall find out Capricorn is about that life.


Already plotting to get her jumped
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

I'd rock that %%%*@ and ask questions later. I don't fight either but I'll make an exception.
Say what you want about her vocab but from what I understand she is about that life. You seem kinda girly so she'd prolly rock you...just sayin
you right. I ain't about that life. 
  but I got some fighting cousins and my best friend and thorough bred white girl who is about that life. I'd coordinate the jumping tho. 
she'd probably have your whole cliq lumped
...she more hood than 90% of nt..east oakland, dirty thirties town bidness brah brah
It's all good if you from that hood, that's how it is in nyc. You can smell a fake, so it's never really big deal.
Am I suppose to be scared about where's she from? I don't like to talk about credibility because sometimes it's the ones you wouldn't expect that will put a knife to your throat and press but like come on dude. If a fight breaks out she becomes like any other threat. Dealt with and put down to the best of my ability by any means necessary and whatever actions taken that will be protect me by some degree of the law.
Originally Posted by H01YshNIK3S

Originally Posted by ricky409

why do other races want to say it so bad, though?
Because they don't want us to have anything to ourselves!
J.k. I'm half black, But it's like they want to say it so bad because
we make it sound so cool. It's really like when you tell a little kid don't touch
a stove and they do it and once they get burned they @%**# and cry about it.

[paul mooney] everybody wanna be a !#!%$, but nobody wanna be a !#!%$ [paul mooney]
if only they knew 
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