NT should i just off my self

Originally Posted by Fade On You

Is this gonna be a topic every 3 days? Give me a break.

i was about to say when did nt become suicide hotline. if you have to ask if you should kill yourself or not you already lost. in any event sorry about yourmom and i hope you get yourself together
first of all, the title of this thread is just OC, suicide should never be an option
.. just shows how weak you really are
.. i have no respect and willNEVER show any remorse for anyone who decides to "off" themself.. but man, i cant say i feel your pain, cause i dont know what thats like, but damn,you have 2 kids...? you gotta be strong for them man, being strong for them will help you be stronger for yourself.. dont make like harder for your kids causeyou cant handle it.. your life will get better, it will be hard at first, no question but it all gets better eventually.. and the greedy part, of course thatswhat it is, nobody wants to let someone they love go.. its human..

be strong man, itll get better!
Nah son, don't do that. Keep Going. what's up with the depression on NT lately, i might have to stop coming here.
Most important thing right now is spending time with moms...

everything else has to go to the backburner.... JOB situation is tough in these times.. sometimes u gotta back pedal in order to move forward
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by 916kings

Originally Posted by HAZE323

my life sucks

-mom has cancer she looks like she doesnt want to fight anymore(she told me the pain was too much)
-wife witch i have 2 kids with wants to leave
-i have not been able to get a job for over a year

what should i do? do i even have it bad?am i greedy cuz i want my mom to keep fighting ?

Come on man...you shouldnt even think about offing yourself.

It will get better.

I do think about my kids......the problem with her leaving is i would never see my kids again
You can fight for them.

In reality he can but at the end of the day it's her decision. The man is contemplating suicide I think he is doing this for attention though.

no its not...he can take her to court if necessary...
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Do it for your kids man.
keep your head up. everyones got problems. just face life and stay strong. God's always there for you too first and foremost
let ya moms go, it's gonna be hard but she's prolly just fighting for you. let her go and be at peace.

and stay strong it's not gonna be easy but things will get better. plus for the kids...
If you dont read anything else in this post, please read this.

What you need to realize is that there's more to life than physical assets. The situation with your mother and your two children should have taught yousomething in itself. Think about how you feel now that your mother is close to leaving this earth. How would you like it for your TWO children to feel thatpain at such a young age? It's not cool man. You need to connect with yourself man, because you seem really out of touch by way of this economy andphysical things that make you feel like you're worth something. Re-evaluate and find what makes you a human. Trust me, it's not how much moneyyou're making or what you own. People have this confused and it's the way that !+*%'s set up in this day.

You seem spiritually broken, and harming things physical wont do anything for you spiritually. Think about that man.. There's a difference between yourphysical being and spiritual being. But you will affect A LOT of people spiritually. The fact that you're even thinking about killing yourself isnegatively affecting people in your surroundings. Including us. Positive thoughts man. It goes a long way. And I know a lot of this stuff sounds cliche ormaybe even like a bunch of bull, but take what I just said literally and you can feel the love that some people have for other people, and it changes a lot. Just clear your mind of negative thoughts and try to make the best of of bad situations and eventually, you'll see a difference. I'm hoping for thebest with you.

Edit: I think the fact that your mom is tired and feeling like she cant go on anymore is having a big impact on your mind frame. But what you have to realizeis that her situation is nowhere near the same as yours. She has bad health. That's a COMPLETELY different scenario! She's not discussing suicide. She's just tired man. Assuming you have good physical health, you have to make the best of your life, and I bet you can start feeling better by doingpositive things for your children. They'll never forget what you do for them.
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