NT Something Has to be Done

Originally Posted by i like shoes too

i didnt want to use adblock on this site, b/c i wanted to support. but the ads have gotten out of control and invasive
agreed - i installed adblock on my home PC b/c i just don't want to risk it anymore, the ads have not gotten better since i startedcomplaining about a few of them.. I know it's not NT admins fault technically, but we gotta do better before i feel safe allowing them to load.

I let them go on my work computer and that thing is constantly bugging out... so, i don't know, that's just what i'm seeing.
Yo I thought I was the only one with this problem. I dont mind the ads but rather that they actually talk to you........loudly
happens to me once in a while, very rarely, btw I have FF
one time i didn't have anything open at all and my computer started talking to me. scary.
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