Just finished all parts and even with the producers leaving out some key parts, I have no doubt in my mind OJ did not kill those people.
The prosecutors star witness, Mark Furhman, was a huge white supremacist and had a motive for setting up OJ.
He hated the fact a black man with huge success was married to and with white women. He believed as a police officer he was "God" and could frame black suspects because they were no good n******. I find it very hard to believe a huge racist like that would be the ONE guy to find the "bloody gloves" at the crime scene. Also why did the glove still have wet blood on it after several days of being exposed to the air? And why was a vile of OJ's blood brought in to the crime scene??? Sounds like a huge set up if you ask me.
And to further exhaust things, the blood they found on the scene had the same chemicals in it that only can be found in lab tested blood. And finally, the damn forensics guy was out there handling things with his bare hands and the police officer on the scene further contaminated the site by putting those blankets over the dead bodies.
So ya'll can miss me with all the blood talk. Thats out the window.
Oh and back to the glove. These same gloves that didn't even fit somehow flew off OJ's hand during a scuffle and OJ managed to cut himself on his finger. No other marks indicating he was in any fight at all, just one scratch on his finger... *****
LAPD being incompetent race soldiers was the main reason the jury let OJ go free. Not to mention the prosecution were outclassed and out-leagued by the defense.