NT,this kid got destroyed at school

great story.

keep it coming
This is like going to a high school party for the first time after I graduated. I feel like a chaperon.
Originally Posted by pastellove88

He made sure he stated he is in 8th grade.

thats messed up you ain't help dude. And made a thread about him getting his !%$ whopped.
i hardly know the dude
and me being in the 8th grade thatbig a deal?
wow you guys are mean, why are you making fun of an 8thgrader for his age? You were all kids once too smh
Not much of a story but took me back to memory lane when I use get in a lot mindless fights back in jhs. Never did liked jhs too.
Originally Posted by One Love

wow you guys are mean, why are you making fun of an 8thgrader for his age? You were all kids once too smh
Why you always tryna come in threads all positive and joyful?This aint San Francisco b this NT we straight savages.Btw whos the $@@@@ inyour avy?
Just checked your profile I see now.Send your pics to Geronimo so he can transfer them to me.
Originally Posted by vezon

Originally Posted by mike rocks nikes

so im in the 8th grade
stopped reading after that.
ducktales vezon, that's when you got intrigued, and were gonna ask for pics but didn't want your PO to see the post.
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