NT We going to Mars

Dec 16, 2004

"Water has been found on Mars by NASA's Curiosity rover.

The first scoop of soil analysed by Curiosity in its laboratory revealed that fine materials on the surface of the planet contain several percent water by weight.

The sample also released significant carbon dioxide, oxygen, and sulphur compounds.

Laurie Leshin, from America’s prestigious Rensselaer Polytechnic said: “One of the most exciting results from this very first solid sample ingested by Curiosity is the high percentage of water in the soil.

"About 2% of soil on the surface is made up of water... which is very exciting.”

"Dr Leshin added: “This is the first solid sample that we’ve analysed with the instruments on Curiosity.

“It’s the very first scoop of stuff that’s been fed into the analytical suite.

“Although this is only the beginning of the story, what we’ve learned is substantial.

"We now know there should be abundant, easily accessible water.

"People sent to Mars could scoop up soil anywhere on the surface, heat it and obtain water.”

I get the weird feeling that this will lead to something REALLY bad. I don't know what it is.
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I'm calling duck tales on just finding water. >D

We're going to go. Stumble upon multiple races living there that have been watching us from their outpost for thousands of years and they're not going to take kindly to our habitual line stepping.

We get some flames smacked out of us in an interplanetary war. Our father race comes out of a wormhole to help their helpless children and then things get super interesting when they show us a galaxy full of earth like planets that have been teraformed. Their planets are to them what cities are to us. They also have planet/galaxy cloaking technology.

Pepper your Angus.
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We should've already been terraforming that red *****.

I'm ready to go!
I'm calling duck tales on just finding water. >D

We're going to go. Stumble upon multiple races living there that have been watching us from their outpost for thousands of years and they're not going to take kindly to our habitual line stepping.

We get some flames smacked out of us in an interplanetary war. Our father race comes out of a wormhole to help their helpless children and then things get super interesting when they show us a galaxy full of earth like planets that have been teraformed. Their planets are to them what cities are to us. They also have planet/galaxy cloaking technology.

Pepper your Angus.
Pretty much. Ready to try some intergalactic trees.
We going to find something we don't like soon man ....

Imagen us finding a foreign robot in Earth, we will assume there's an Aline life somewhere - I assume that no one will think is friendly .... 

We going to start getting beamed up .... lOl 
"I'm goin on vacay to see my folks on Mars, see u in 3 years"

With this comes colonization, and that, warp speed :nerd:
Slapping the fire out of anyone that tells me life didn't once exist on that planet.

Where there is water, there is/was life.
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