NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

Nice post Wally :smokin

Cracking this open tomorrow - Lindemans Framboise, so so so tasty!. :nthat:

this stuff is pretty tasty

securedownload-9 by FilthyRich85, on Flickr
If anyone knows where i can get my hands on this in bottle or can i would be a happy man. was drinking this while fishing in yellowstone national park. THAT WAS THE LIFE. can not find it at all in ny or ct

I'm working pt at a bar in nd and we carry this as well as trout slayer. Good stuff and we sell a lot since we get a lot of customers from Montana. I prefer new castle over this though
I've never had one, but people swear by Framboise floats. Throw a scoop of vanilla ice cream in that mug.


People around here, mainly chicks get dirty **** which is half that, half a hoegaarden
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I've never had one, but people swear by Framboise floats. Throw a scoop of vanilla ice cream in that mug.


not familiar with the float but it sounds good in theory....

definitely sounds girly |I :lol:

but I'm comfortable with my masculinity :smokin

minus whale try it...:lol:
I've never had one, but people swear by Framboise floats. Throw a scoop of vanilla ice cream in that mug.


not familiar with the float but it sounds good in theory....

definitely sounds girly |I :lol:

but I'm comfortable with my masculinity :smokin

minus whale try it...:lol:

yardhouse serves a beer float using young's double chocolate. tried it, ain't even mad.
How are the Oskar Blue brews??? Old Chub looks like a must try and prob the Dales Ale as well

I'm a fan of Oskar Blues. The stuff I've had from them is tasty. Dale's Pale Ale is a classic, I dig Mama's Little Yella Pils and Old Chub too. Need to track down some Ten Fidy.

My wife and I are moving to the Denver/Boulder area soon, and we were out there apartment hunting a couple of weeks ago, so we stopped there in Longmont. Had a look at the taproom at the brewery and ate dinner at the brewpub. They serve tons of exclusive beers that you can't get outside of those places. The ones we had (Guten Lag-errr, a Vienna-style lager; and Icey Pale White IPA) were really good.
So the framboise float....basically crack :wow:, a damn tasty dessert, perhaps even better than the beer by itself really. Although I didn't drink it out of the correct 5 oz. size tulip glass :lol:. It's not a beer than can really be chugged whatsoever, after the float and a full glass i felt a little sick, had to let the beer settle in my stomach for like 10 minutes or so before i could finish the bottle :lol: :smh: :x



Also got this in today from the east coast...thanks russ for hookin it up! :smokin Although the beer is possibly ruined from the fact that I was ridiculously busy to go down to the facility a week later to pick it up so temps were likely all over the place :lol:, still none the less i'm happy to finally be trying it, maybe tonight or tomorrow i'll open a bottle up :nthat: cheers
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So FBS.....WOW!, this was bottled back in 12/2012, and shipped across the country & exposed to various temps, yet it was quite delicious, if I had to guess I would put it at 6% ABV, even though it's 8.3%, really blends the alcohol well. Taste is incredible, just literally tastes like a silky strong cold coffee, really strong espresso flavors, and then bitterness at the end and a little bit of alcohol. lots of chocolate flavors and chocolatey aromas Damn good beer! :wow: :nthat:

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Glad you finally got it brotha! I hope it lived up to the hype! Age one if you can and compare it. After a year or two the flavors change drastically and it's a whole new experience. Let me know if you ever need anything else from around my way!
Age one if you can and compare it. After a ye

Not happening :lol:

That's like asking me to age a bottle a crack :lol: can't do it.

I'll age the other bottles for a few months, probably crack them open in July. They won't last the summer :lol: :smh
Has anyone experienced any Store-bought bottle geysers? Maybe it was an age thing but this weihenstephaner hefe had some serious issues upon cracking them open. Two ended up extremely flat. One other I lost about 75% of the beer as it shot up like a volcano. They may have been too cold. I don't know.

This past week I tried some random beers, rated both bad and good. Had some Schlitz, which wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Beats out the other "crap". But is still sorta priced too high to make it into a rotation. I still contend that shock top is better than blue moon. If there was a choice between only the two.

The local grocery store had Sierra Nevada and deschutes products on sale. I picked up some obsidian stout, which I've had one time before. And some torpedo Ipa. They shall be worth a try..

Almost everything is better on tap x 10. Had some other random drinks last night.. A New Belgium DIG, and some SN Pale Ale. Both quite thrist quenching and drinkable.

A tasting we had a few weeks back:

Quite a few light tasting beers here. The tangerine beer had a really nice tangerine finish. I would definitely buy that one again. The Rolle Bolle is made with some South American fruits/veggies, so that one was quite unique. The betty's blonde was just okay. Thirst quenching but not quite worth the money again. Sunshine wheat by NB was decent. Honker's Ale went up a bit in color vs. the others thus far. Comparing this one to the Jamaican Red was no question. The Jamaican red has a really nice malt backbone with very little hop presence. But it did it just right... The IPA, a local one, always stands out against anything I try it with. But it's fun for others to get to taste a variety. Overall, not one beer that our group hated out of this group. Some we may never try again as they were just okay. So we'll go through a few more of these as the summer months approach.
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Can't believe I forgot about Leffe lol. As strange as this may sound I've never drank Stella Artois.

Half the bars I go to don't even carry it and I never see it in stores even though it's one of our most known beers.

The most popular beer by far, and also my favorite, is Jupiler. It's a really standard beer, kinda the equivalent of your Budweiser I think, but everyone loves it.

So what kind of Belgian beers do you guys have available over there? If you ever see Lindemans I highly recommend it.

It's a woman's beer but it tastes amazing. It's kind of a fruit beer.
Got these two today.

So, I tried Lindemans as you suggested. It's pretty good, it tastes sweet and sour. 

But the Blanche de Namur, that's something else. Really smooth white beer. Very good!
Has anyone experienced any Store-bought bottle geysers? Maybe it was an age thing but this weihenstephaner hefe had some serious issues upon cracking them open. Two ended up extremely flat. One other I lost about 75% of the beer as it shot up like a volcano. They may have been too cold. I don't know.

This past week I tried some random beers, rated both bad and good. Had some Schlitz, which wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Beats out the other "crap". But is still sorta priced too high to make it into a rotation. I still contend that shock top is better than blue moon. If there was a choice between only the two.

The local grocery store had Sierra Nevada and deschutes products on sale. I picked up some obsidian stout, which I've had one time before. And some torpedo Ipa. They shall be worth a try..

Almost everything is better on tap x 10. Had some other random drinks last night.. A New Belgium DIG, and some SN Pale Ale. Both quite thrist quenching and drinkable.

A tasting we had a few weeks back:

Quite a few light tasting beers here. The tangerine beer had a really nice tangerine finish. I would definitely buy that one again. The Rolle Bolle is made with some South American fruits/veggies, so that one was quite unique. The betty's blonde was just okay. Thirst quenching but not quite worth the money again. Sunshine wheat by NB was decent. Honker's Ale went up a bit in color vs. the others thus far. Comparing this one to the Jamaican Red was no question. The Jamaican red has a really nice malt backbone with very little hop presence. But it did it just right... The IPA, a local one, always stands out against anything I try it with. But it's fun for others to get to taste a variety. Overall, not one beer that our group hated out of this group. Some we may never try again as they were just okay. So we'll go through a few more of these as the summer months approach.

Tangerine Wheat is, Left Coast makes some decent stuff

Their Great White is one of my fav white wheats
Just got home from work and buried an Anchor Steam in about 4 sips, I have the thirst and my body is ready for this weather. Bottoms up my brothers in beer. Cheers
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