NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

Got to sample a few barrel aged stouts this past weekend.

Firestone Walker XVI Anniversary

Alesmith BA Speedway Stout

Port Brewing Older Viscosity

The Bruery Mrs.Stoutfire

Firestone Walker's XVI anniversary is an eight beer barrel aged blend. Every barrel aged beer I've tried from FW has been amazing.

Speedway Stout is an awesome beer as is and the barrel aged version adds a nice balance of bourbon and vanilla to the coffee and roasted flavors.

Older Viscosity has imo the perfect blend of bourbon, vanilla and chocolate flavors. It's very similar to Old Rasputin XV.

Mrs. Stoutfire was by far the smokiest beer I've tried. I like smokey beers but it took a few sips to warm up to it. Solid beer overall.

I've gotta say barrel aged stouts have become my favorite style of beer. The downside is the price tho. Some sell for over $1 an oz. For that reason they're more like special occasion beers.
Someone posted Bootleggers?? My man :smokin

I live 3 miles from there, need to hit it wayyyy more often.

Ive been to Bootleggers, but the Bruery is wayyyy better.

Got to sample a few barrel aged stouts this past weekend.

Firestone Walker XVI Anniversary
Alesmith BA Speedway Stout
Port Brewing Older Viscosity
The Bruery Mrs.Stoutfire

Firestone Walker's XVI anniversary is an eight beer barrel aged blend. Every barrel aged beer I've tried from FW has been amazing.

Speedway Stout is an awesome beer as is and the barrel aged version adds a nice balance of bourbon and vanilla to the coffee and roasted flavors.

Older Viscosity has imo the perfect blend of bourbon, vanilla and chocolate flavors. It's very similar to Old Rasputin XV.

Mrs. Stoutfire was by far the smokiest beer I've tried. I like smokey beers but it took a few sips to warm up to it. Solid beer overall.

I've gotta say barrel aged stouts have become my favorite style of beer. The downside is the price tho. Some sell for over $1 an oz. For that reason they're more like special occasion beers.

i'm there with you. BBA stouts are amazing, but only in small spurts.
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Just ran over to my favorite restaurant in Kansas City, Julian, as the owner/chef Celina Tio unveiled a new version of her Julian NBB Love sour from New Belgium on Tuesday night.

She told me this morning there was miraculously still some left, so I ran over on my lunch break...damn near chugged a glass of it and headed back to the office.

It was absolutely amazing and I wish they would bottle it and sell it like they do La Folie and Le Terroir.

Yesterday's Happy Hour: Tried Saranac Blueberry Blonde and Leinenkugel Summer Shandy.

Have to love a lemon flavor to enjoy the Summer Shandy. My friend compared it to drinking Chlorox.
Here's that spreadsheet I created

It's locked for editing, but you should be able to copy and paste it into your own spreadsheet for future editing. Let me know if that works.

For me personally, sometimes it's nice to know which beer has the better value. Most breweries make a jump in price right around the 7.3% mark. So your 8% beers are priced a bit higher than the 7.2%s and below. So there is definitely a butter zone where true value can be had. I don't have many beers listed, but so far Torpedo Extra IPA has the best value. Just 50 cents for 1 "standard" beer. Nothing really comes close. Your standard draft beer at my breweries are anywhere from $1.50 to $2.00 a standard beer. Bud light on draft at any town restaurant for $4.25 ends up being nearly 5 times that of a 30 pack bud light.

It's definitely common sense, but it also gives me a good visual on where deals can be had. One example I do constantly is when I am approaching my 3 beer limit at a local brewery. The next beer has to matter. Does a 20 ounce 5% beer for $5 pack a better punch than a 16 ounce 8% beer for $6.50, one of those specialty seasonals that they charge more for? The results are basically even.

Sometimes however, there are breweries out there who are undercharging you and big time values can be had. Sometimes it's the store that has a double IPA or strong belgium and doesn't even know it when they put them on sale.
Ive been to Bootleggers, but the Bruery is wayyyy better.
i'm there with you. BBA stouts are amazing, but only in small spurts.

I like both a lot. Ur in OC?

SD but I have a friend that goes to a school in Fullerton (not CSUF) and make visits every couple of weeks

Just ran over to my favorite restaurant in Kansas City, Julian, as the owner/chef Celina Tio unveiled a new version of her Julian NBB Love sour from New Belgium on Tuesday night.

She told me this morning there was miraculously still some left, so I ran over on my lunch break...damn near chugged a glass of it and headed back to the office.

It was absolutely amazing and I wish they would bottle it and sell it like they do La Folie and Le Terroir.


That reminds me, I still have La Folie 2012 in storage.....
Stone RIS, pretty superb and delicious beer. Strong roast and coffee flavors are present in the aroma and tasting, the flavors of the beer are really complex. Definitely a beer that has to be sipped, especially at 10.6% ABV :lol:.

I don't forsee myself venturing into other russian imperials, but I can understand the appeal of them very well. I think I prefer a normal Stout in general, but this is worth trying at least once :nthat:

Where in the Bridge is that?

Kendall Square, bascially where Broadway and Hampshire meet, sort of tucked in the back. Across from WestBridge restaurant. They got an outdoor patio and they brew their beer on site. You should check it out


Poison of choice for some Sunday BBQ:


the Bengali IPA is solid as well.

Based Mod

It was solid. Nothing very special about it besides the art on the label. I payed 7+ some change for it so no complaints haha.

Great white tried to blend coriander and lemony citrus. The taste was a bit conflicting. Orange would have been the way to go. I'd recommend this one if you like lemon/citrus aftertaste.

Still, one of my favorites. Great summer beer, refreshing, easy to drink, and pairs well with any kind of grilled food.

I bought this a bottle a few months ago and never got around it. Pretty excited tho had a few people rave about it so will see.

This came in a few days ago. 

(sorry bout the bad pics)

Need to find an Enjoy By. Still have never tried it.

BTW, Ruination 10 is making a come back :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

i gotta try Enjoy By as well. still haven't seen it in stores.

trying to get another Heady Topper re-up lol...:pimp:
Just fell in love with a beer named Abbey.

Belgian pilsner malt, candi syrup, and Belgian yeast.

Another one was a Belgian strong golden ale tripel.

Both are hitting the perfect sweet note right about now when watered down 'lagers' don;t quite quench the thirst, and IPAs become a bit of a challenge in 100 degree heat. The Belgians have hit that perfect stride for me. For me, it's like alcoholic coca cola. It was the smoothest, sweetest, least tasting of a 8.5% beer I have ever had. Scary stuff :D

Now I gotta go beer shopping and find similar styles that I have not tried, They were both similar to Delirium Tremens

Is there anything like Rochefort 10 Trappist Ale that isn't quite a Dark ale with the strong raisin flavor. I;m right there in the golden/pale realm for my belgian beers..

Looking at their inventory I can choose the following... Anyone got any recommendations?

Westmalle Dubbel Trappist Ale
Orval Trappist Ale
Maredsous Tripel
Tripel Karmeliet
Affligem Tripel
Petrus Golden Tripel
St Feuillien Tripel

Damn all these beer genres.. I'm finding a new LIKE almost monthly

Random PSA
Oh and...
Abita Purple Haze > Abita Strawberry..

The strawberry flavor just seems very forced and doesn't come off as pleasant. Purple haze is a bit tastier. But what can you expect out of a 4.2% fruit style beer? I'd personally jump up to an apricot ale by Pyramid if you had to go with a fruit beer for a family member. if not Purple haze is a bit above average fruit style beer.. Leinenkugel really pushes the sweetness. Here the raspberries are a bit tart.
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Just fell in love with a beer named Abbey.

As for me, I hit up the beer distributor just now to pick out some Father's Day gifts for my stepdad and grandfather.  Of course I had to buy something for myself while I was at it.

For them:

For me:
^ I had the worst experience with omengang a couple years back. It literally tasted like old leather shoes lol.

The abbey is a local breweries around my way. It appears to be a first run "limited/seasonal". $6 up charge on the growler fill was killer. But so far it's been worth it all the way. The alcohol is so well hidden.

Cheers to all the fathers out there
Went to tasty & son's in Portland with my homey. Had a fried pork chop with a spinach and a fried egg on top. A little over cooked but still good. They had a drink called the walk of shame


Then we headed to the widmer brewery and had some samplers
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^ I had the worst experience with omengang a couple years back. It literally tasted like old leather shoes lol.
Funny you mention this. I decided to try a few of Ommegang's beers in a mix n' match 6 pack. I had Hennepin (saison), Three Philosophers (belgian quad), and Rare Vos (amber ale). I liked Rare Vos but didn't care for the other two at all. Maybe I had some bad bottles.

Most recently had this.
Legit setup. are each of those kegs 5 gallons each? I definitely need to get away from the cheap picnic taps that hang on the side of kegs

I tried this watching the O's game a few days ago, pretty strong but I enjoyed it. Can one of you gents recommend me a good beer too try with my young pallet? I'm use to the regular mainstream beers, bud light, busch, etc. Thanks in advance :pimp:
Saw 2 things that made me do a double take... $100 for a case of Founders Devil Dancer, never seen them sell it by the case... $95 for a 3 liter of New Holland Dargons Milk...
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